Saturday, December 22, 2007


I visited Brentwood and found on Wilshire many things my family owned and were a part of, Wadsworth theater. W. LA hospital is there bad and people were around me still trying to kill someone at the hospital. I also went through in the spirit many things under the overpass regarding the military. Many units, 7th tactical squadron I think Tony was a part of before he passed in the Air Force, he worked on f-15, 16 jets as mechanic. This patch looks like a Wombat, small quick gopher like animal with claws. They wanted to make it into a mental health place all the bldg's at first, when I visited by bike, 5 police cruisers were there, now they had a sign out saying they want it to be a park??? NOT!!!! They gave this bad to VA because the government was a part of it. I also saw a patch for 52 lost WWII subs, researched that in the spirit, and VA police, and VA police for '84 olympics which UCLA was a part. I walked along Wilshire and many bldg's were made, Dante, Chinese Rest., Brentwood Place, Chevron was a big one. Also the Christmas tree place tried to play me with music. Beal bank. Tinder Box; this was interesting because he had a whole bunch of SMOKE in the spirit? Well what do you mean? He used the sooke bad to hurt people in the spirit; this is a very high technique I hand not scene used. (note on the TV fake Nancy Reagan tried something I believe, display is bull in Thousand, Nancy used to know my Mom, My parents have a Ranch near the Reagan Ranch. Again I have not scene it, however the men say there are 4k bones on it!!! Sound familiar.(3 Reagans alive made.) Power line upgrade on TV is bull, won't work, waste of money. Jeopardy, Pat Sayjack, not!impersonated. I also walked on San Vincent up to the point where Sotheby's. It's all made. More importantly I was able to visit some BIG people who tried some big stuff in the spirit and win with God and the Men's help. Donald Kauffman library. Small mall, dry cleaner, art shop near front runner, Palermo's?, Hamlet, Japanese Rest., Chanakuh???!!! Today I also went to Brentwood to try to receive my mail and many things played out as well with Barrington Mall, Hand wash place, Gas station, apartments across the street. People at the gas station, Bucket list, Getty, many cars made along Sunset and 405. Several high cars, Mercedes, Ferrari. The person around the post office was very high, several older people made from back then, '70-'73. The day before I visited another gas station close to Getty, and several people made. Black Cadillac '57, BMW 750, Mercedes sl500. The Cad had so much in it I'm suprised it didn't just start burning right then and there; I pray it will. The guy that owned the gas station helped children, if they saw a small car in the spirit, he gave them the small car. Many people messed with this guy before he got it, I made them that day. I slept near there and worked on some things with the weather, national, and a some other people were made. There were 2 ladies at the end, black sc430.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Daily UCLA,

Went to Federal bldg and a whole bunch played out, people were waiting to mess with me so I wouldn't get my real ID or my old one. Also some high up people within the government that used to mess with people big time in this area. The Mob! sent some people from the street and its so good they actually said this is shit; and helped me some then played me some and tried to school some. I also found out more about the cemetary and people who got around UCLA. LAPD usually sends some bad my way and then they get made schooled since they were apart of this back then. The Mob infiltrated the Federal bldg and the property is made, many are!. My father owned part of UCLA, by the W. LA Hospital there are several bldg's that are made from then. That day I was able to borrow a bike and rode around; I found my fathers bldg's on Wilshire just West 405; brentwood had one police cruiser; later though at old brentwood police station and theater; 5 cruisers!!!! LA unified has buses there? They also fenced it off wrong. UCLA still uses the baseball diamond there. I also recently made the Billy Wilder/ Hammer museum, he passed early and is impersonated; they are supposed to give now as I have gotten through all the 220k film archives big!!! Also the park behind the federal bldg itself. I caught the regional library dumping newspapers from China from '93, Branch davidian time frame; China had some big stuff in the paper then. I made the Geffen theater many times; yesterday an older person was made that knew what happened at the Geffen and said it, silver/white beard/mustache, #UXM769 CA plate, short white van RV with gray tarp over it; he stole a left bike off me; and tried to school. Sometimes someone leaves a bike for me to borrow, he lied and said it was his; not! no bike rack! I told him I was undercover CIA! Light blue performance 418 mtn bike. AdmittedOprah is totally made, Oprah 20!!! There have been that many Oprah's, how about that!!! The Oprah's and I am sure Dr. Phil will destify that she is that bad killed approx. 10,000 around Harpo in the last approx. 10 yrs... Now you hearing me! I will give you two examples where she tried to kill me. She sent someone big here to school me and also was trying to school me several times directly from T.V.. On the beach near the Golden Bull Rest. in Santa Monica, Ca she has a huge spider and attacked me and lost; you see I finished a 6 foot police spider demon in Kirkland one night to save the officer there and he still betrayed me; I saw this clearly. That night there was another high person around that fought at San Simeon; he had a mask of very high spirit, like a baseball catchers mask that he used while fighting in the spirit; I finished this one as well. Sweeney Todd another fake Johnny Depp; so many; Carribean 1st movie is out of the country, another 2nd movie, different movie was out diff. guy; now this one. I closed on his poster many times; CIA is commanded to get this one; piece of cake. Still no money, Joe and Sam have not gotten to me. The city council keeps flying people/skull from around the world to mess with me.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

J. Paul Getty

I walked around today. Some major people in town were made before I was even awake. What I found out is that my family and I knew Getty before I was kidnapped in '70, we had dinner at the villa. Later he was rushed at his home and got it. He was put at the museum for a long while and later it was built over the property. The stone and the machine were good. The people and person who cut the stone were bad and put something high on the edge of the stone because he cut it wrong. I saw that the stone cutting machine clearly went good. There were several people made around the Getty murder and cover up today. Staff. The museum had many things put in it that were made and cleared. The state should have given in regard to the Getty estate to me ADM and I would/will continue to help via the Getty museum. I went thru the construction and design, tram, music, artwork, via computer in a big way. Many other people tried to get somewhere with what was there for a long time and no success; the computer was playing them very high, so even with help they got no where. Getty had done things occasionally in a bad way when someone was bugging him, overall Getty was good and I will stand by it, I believe his spirit believes more in God than ever. He spent a lot of money on statues that were to have helped him get somewhere good and it didn't really work; I cleared many of these as well. In the paper the Endrangatta from Italy kidnapped Getty's grandson before he passed. My father passed in '73, Hughes in '78 in Costa Rico. There is someone playing him that looks like him a little bit and looks all of 30? Age would be 65 or so. He used to drive an old car with suitcase like box on the back and he put something big, bad in there to get someone as needed, point is Getty did it bad some of the times. (lady in video, bald guy designer, older gentleman that looked like him some very end of video, another person red marker over plans, Saudi guy as well in video, note Gulf, Getty, Exxon, stolen, mobile merged, and all others made) Many people were supposed to find out what happened, name, find something quickly there that was lost & stolen. The fact is that time is over. The Getty was played thru today all present, past exhibits as well. I wonder how many people in the Getty got it for his whole family line to be dead and gone? Getty was messed with big in an interview by the camera itself, another near an oil derilict, because he didn't get to it regarding a particular spot near the person in the video that got, so Getty got it big that day. His villas was also low on the hill, not the highest spot. Getty I know its ADM and its true that many people of high power, wealth, and influence knew me and my family, its difficult knowing there dead, and realizing there are few left, the one that are are in trouble. I also disappointed in how many people conspired against people that are and were good, and that each day I have won, a certain amount of things have to be told to me straight and proof as well; photos, papers, paintings etc.... I have to focus on the most important things I have made, Hotel, Estate, Time Mirror, UCLA, Pepperdine, Malibu, Thousand Oaks, Honda, Toyota, Getty, Brentwood theater, land under the US bank building is a special place where my father had a building!!!! So many people as well like the trustees, AC lyles, Dr. No, Andrew Benton, Jeff Jennings, Altman, Bratton, Baca, Arnie's have made this clear. Ironically I was friends with the real Bratton and Baca as a young person before I was kidnapped. Another thing I need to make clear is that they were a part of that night 3/27/73, Rikki was even there that night, again these were different people that changed via witchcraft. There are two Rikki Bratton's as well alive right now. (2 photos)

Thursday, December 13, 2007

I Pray, Its good, God bless America

I made a Idaho nuclear plant that was trying to fry the whole USA and got through a the plant, which helped everyone. Also they fired some nucs live and the men stopped them big, US and Korea. They were messing with gene therapy, and stem cell therapy again to make it go real bad and I caught them, article on internet and LA Times. They were putting a whole bunch in that to hurt people. I also saw what Dr. Jarvik was doing recently to hurt peoples heart big, in the spirit. Institute on Wilshire has a law section and 1 yr. ago they were to have helped me and didn't; they still had trouble. Many many car things are made now, so many things can be found out in the spirit about the car, who drove, where, when, what they did, who they got, what person or manufacture or dealer did to the car to make it go good or bad; etc...Some things made in the past are premature wear on parts, bad interior, headrest, strikes from motor, airbag that can kill, car that exploads in the spirit.(this happened in Monterey, one of my Angels protected me well that day, car was driven cross country, guy got fried, it was brought up from below to kill me, in car near hotel, knew Angel was there and saw him for a moment, 25 ft tall stocky, I was covered up coats, then white explosion, no sound, I went nova/white/high up to the Good to block this and protect myself. Another time a guy walked by with a bad flashlight and I actually thougt he was a devil from below by the hotel, he kinda floated by and pointed this bad light at me and even though I was in my car under wool coat(E. H. Carter, 2nd hand store, big in LA, apparently hand tailored by Chinese person, know this person got it) I go it in the heart. These things don't work anymore. Oh yeah, another day I was walking on the beach North toward Marina, and Parasail/chute/hangliders were trying to shoot me with a handheld device from above. I got it one time, and started yelling.(I think I threw a rock, short by 50 yrds, not close to person a few people doing that that day) I made a guy trying to dig up something just north of the hotel, he was trying to put something bad in the ground. In Thousand I made a small company that was making Automobile devices to fry people. Also made some people being paid to have a bad sound, stereo in there car, crazy. Another in Newbury park, I made, done, someone higher up that was making paperclips and other office products and paying people to put strikes on them. Costco was doing some different stuff inside there bldg, like some a device or laser or something that fried people. The guy there wouldn't give me an application for employment, the taste testers were nuts, and were schooling big young and old. In Newbury park I was supposed to receive a horse ranch that was made so I would have a place for a time, the horses were telling me I helped them the night before and that the people there tried to hurt them by feeding them bad food. It didn't work out. Also an owl from RCI helped me some. Fox in the spirit was there, jet black, I hit this with my sword and it went dark some so at the time I had to spin my sword to clear it. Some guy near there got it, I found what was left of the house. I also had a visit from 4 bad police one night illegally, I wasn't in the city limits of Newbury and they tried the ice technique again. They were made because the whole housing development and area was made, land is owned by Mabraeth. The whole area was made. 4/12 I saw the men and I in the sky circling the earth, and another group like white light helpin people, many people saw this. The other group was another person who received something that wasn't right and got in trouble. One day I drove toward Westlake Village and on the way back a white xc 90 was following me and the men moved them to NY in a moment. Later they got in trouble and disappeared good by the Men. I visited WM in Monterey and fake gramma Sylvia was there to mess with me and started to lie and disappeared... she visited from below her last time, then off to pit of evil. I moved to Cabrillo and some big stuff played out at the old church, priest was made the people tried to mess with me and got it. Found out somemore about the history there, its bad, the people were very good there that were apart of the church. I then visited the school there and my parents(water reclamation project is made, its bull, messes with the water, etc)CSU channel islands. Mob took this place over; they were schooling people, food, medical, etc and getting some. I tried to apply for pin, financial aid and they were messing with me, many other people were there. My parents knew about this college, and helped them, I believe my parents were connected to the owners as friends or they owned it. It was a good place I know. They were building bad there. I was visiting and praying in my car when one later went up for about 10 minutes, another for about 20 minutes. They had gotten too many so it was there time for a big visit upstairs. Another time just before my car was stolen by Silva and Moore, this lady was going to do something crazy near me and she got it, went to the pit on my land
Via Colinas. One day I saw a spider with a rear bulb of 1 in diameter, that guy is bad. Another time recently at UCLA I saw a jet black spider on Janss steps, doesn't seem to out of the ordinary until it starts talking then tries to attack in the spirit. Pasley, Cruise had a big bug. While I was up in thousand one morning I saw tall cross matted over like cows or cattle were there that night, in fact the Men said its true they were Buffalo there to protect me. I had a few snake visits as well, one got it in the spirit quick, another let knew I was good, another was took over I pelted it with rocks, it tried to get my bag, another 3 black and white ringed snake sightings were also made.

Pray, I Declare I'll run for President, Title Co.

Today I would like to declare my running for President. I also sent a detailed email with my blog information to the govenor of CA. I also commanded all information about my trust from several different states. Furthermore I command Founders Title and my fathers title co. in Malibu to mail me information regarding my land holdings and assist me receiving my Brentwood estate, LA estate, Malibu estate, Monterey hotel & estate, and trust. ADM I worked on visiting all Govenor's and found similar problems for each state; this helped even out everything between states. As president I will make sure that lending in this country is done right, legally. Children are well educated, protected, healthy physically and spiritually. That the environment is protected such as wildlife, land, oceans, rivers, lakes, and resevoirs. As President I will make sure that mind techniques, witchcraft, mind techniques, and the skull are completely finished.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Pray, visited downtown LA today

Bus passed me by 2 times, then I was able to ride. They schooled and got in trouble. Spanish continue to play dumb, and look the other way and try to school, mind, conspiracy, mob, racketeering, and eventually murder. Some people seem to forget that my 4 yo daughter was tortured and murdered until its there own the mob wants to kill. I visited market, people were messed with, lease avail., rare, subway cleared, schwab lady crazy, co. totally made, taken at some point bad. I have a legal right to any of there estate at this point because of the above. This lady refused to listen to me, started to school BIG TIME, I would say on a scale of 1 to 100, 75. I confronted her, told her to stop, told her what she was doing. She continued, I fired on the spot. What she did would get her several years in jail. 5-4 130 lbs, shoulder length hair, brown, blue light, curved nose, overbite, kinda beatty eyed. I visited Wells museum, other people were hovering bad and wanted to go in at the same time to steal information. Not. It was already done. I left for US Trust. This didn't go very well so I left. I went to same fountain that burned earlier that the Men put out. Skull tried again, hug amnt of kills in it more than last time, and it didn't work, men put it out immediately. Closed on downtown and helped the whole area. Also Grand Wilshire; GM is made and they're made, done. The person claiming to be owner is made because the another got, and the one before that was good. The GM was commanded to give the hotel over to me immediately and have the paperwork ready; owner, CIA, law firm is commanded to follow up and secure the hotel and staff to the good. In the last year the Wilshire hotels have had some people pass bad there. Several others in Wilshires, Beverly Hilton : this hotel is clearer, I like a good citizen would notice the Men told me one got it last summer on the upper right floor, I got that one, also today several more since 8/06, Rick Hilton who is not really Mr. Hilton(he got it) knew some of this and recently according to the paper sold Hilton(think about this, I'm a HRA grad., you just don't go and sell Hilton ok!!!! not normal) Beverly Hills Hotel, Luxe, etc, and many other hotels in the LA area. I can only do so much unless the staff is ready and I have cooperation from people/staff. So I PRAY, and do my best to stop the death/carnage! Since the FBI, CIA, DEA read my blog I'll say that Akashi a K-9 detective helped me locate some cadavers, here specialty; middle of the block between 9th & olympic & Figueroa St, on the West side. The other spot is between pico & venice & flower on West side mid block. I also noticed that Time Mirror Square is downtown and my father owned, I own TimeWarner. Ted Turner will agree. There is a body in the property there, its a whole block so no surprise. Mcdonalds had a whole bunch of people to mess with me in the bathroom, the mgr and people were there to school; they got and they wouldn't give me a small refill on coffee even though I helped them with restaurant, so they stop messing with the food. I walked back, stopped and got some help from the superior court, however no one went outside and gave me my trust/id. My law firm was made there bad apparently. I walked on Sixth instead, made Chapman, church by macarthur park, went thru several things higher, tar pits, museum, boone child museum, pedersen museum auto, ahn & ho usps station, samsung, el rey, many other things as well, japanese rest., wilshire theater is BIG rat pack there from the sands. Porsche dealer didn't help, something huge holding that place back. Also BMW Beverly Hills,got to this guys train quick, helped them, z4, 535, 335. and Jim Falk Lexus, got to race car quick, had trouble helping me even though I played through a new car/or have Capital One financing with cashback to 130% ltv. Both dealers are made, done, they have trouble getting anywhere bad with the car or playing people. Barney's, Sac's 5th ave, Budget, BH HS a few people there, some passed and put on grounds there, and more stuff around UCLA.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Pray: about my Parents. John Steven, Jennifer Anne Mabraeth

They were running Raytheon, Rand, Pepperdine, Lakers, Rams, Ktla Paramount, Wells and many other things. Most importantly they were protecting the city in spirit. My father played the piano, golfed, involved in music(hollywood bowl), electronics, computers, had his own symphony in Manhattan, liked cars(honda, toyota), planes, invested in Boeing, involved in oil and gas; Exxonmobile, knew Howard Hughes in Switzerland Howard has it clearly stated that he was giving me everything in his will. Knew J. Paul Getty, Vanderbilt. Yachting. He often flew Gulfstream jets and the 707, this to is made and done; I commanded yesterday a Medivac jet delivered to me with pilot/crew/fuel card to travel. Two main executives on there website are made and done. Jim Rouche of Bombadier is Made Big March and now, this company is made and done; he knew my father. He was having some trouble with the police at the time he passed at San Simeon.Hearst, on the website, the historical people there are made and done. My father owned it for a time, its made. After my dad sold it they covered it big to mess with me. Many things stolen from my family, friends are hidden there. He looks like W. R. Hearst. We all know the Patti Hearst story; kidnapped, bank robbery, said she was brainwashed by some terrist group. Not a Hearst actually, family is made and done. My point is that she was in this big family and still got messed with and that w/o God's help its impossible to be good. My mom liked flowers, and the Birds of paradise were big in Santa Monica, Sweaters $10 flowers for free. Dad knew Judo, and Karate; mom knew karate too, they fought in tournaments then, and they fought that night to leave San Simeon. They won. Not uncommon for women to fight naked. This is hacked right now I know.(computer) I believe they should have fought in the spirit instead as often at some point it goes bad, and bad people are supposed to stop and if not the Men get them; many people are killed at that point bad. Often a bad spirit aids the bad person(devil) not just other people in the spirit. At the point of hitting, impact many things can happen in spirit very, very quickly. At this point I am not convinced my dad used the sword in the spirit a nearly the level now at that time. I mean a REAL sword of light.(not to be confused with the Word of God, which is sharper than any Two edged Sword." "Not by Might, Not by Power, But by the Spirit of the Lord." I believe at the point he won a fight; many of his people, friends, family were there to help them leave physically and it was covered bad. At the time they had 1000 investigators hired to help find, I'm sure he got thru to them, however again it was covered greatly and they did not arrive to aid them physically. They got thru many things, shooting, fights, poison, electric, dragging with bad barbwire, bad knife, Al Capone's bat, bad camera with gun in it. At a high level many people started to look good in the spirit, however underneath they are bad, sometimes several inches below. He owned American Aerospace, Westways. Many witches were working that night and it was a bad witching night. Many things arrived from below to fight them; now this is not possible. My father allowed to my knowledge the internal medical device to help me, and help with security. He was so high up from below that my father thought it was ok at the time. Schultz, Larouse were friends of my father, now impersonated; my father was working with them on job corps. and other programs. I am not sure of the dates for 1st nuclear plant, passed in '73, I believe he was against it, as parts of his land were contaminated with it illegally. They owned American Hawaiian land Co. which includes most all the land that Thousand Oaks and Westlake village sits on. He has a car manufacturing co. in Britian as well, a small 2 door hardtop, or convertible; looks a little like a Miata. I was there at his company one day in the spirit in full color and was near a car in the parking lot, in Britian, and the secretary was bad, she turned into a Pig standing upright, I saw in color. (things like this will make a believer out of you quick) This person too is good some, however he is impersonated as well and killed my fathers friend. My command would be for Tim to try and get here to help me. My father didn't get along with his dad, Bryant family from Ireland. I found his estate in Mt. Tomalpais, Monterey, Hotel. He had many gifts for me planned later in my life, at the age of 15, 25, 35, 40, etc... I made US Trust greatly today. Wall st. had like 5 full pages today in one section. Ceo of United way was made big today as well. I also made the Gas co. today messing with a house nearby; again in Monterey as well. They new they were made and should have given me the keys to the house. I saw many high level dark black pebbles leave them which they were going to use on the gas to kill someone later. At this level people made this big need to be prepared to do just that for someone good, they were not ready. My father owned Cal Edison which was revealed earlier. I made the CEO and Electric Commission via LA times earlier. I made wind power; most everyone believes that windpower is better, not necassarily, the turbines are extremely high to the bad, and inefficient, this was made via the paper. Now they are doing much better. He knew how to build a building good. He did things good, not just things that worked. He owned a Horse, Donkey, Burmese mtn. dog in Malibu. The donkey is good in the spirit,and many people don't realize that its true. Burt Rutan and this other guy that flew around the world via plane sponsored by Richard Branson, and did some balloon around the world travel. The 2nd person here is impersonating and made and done. He owned some small banks and had birth certificates with hair sample hidden in many places for me to find. Often I would be in anothe room and we would work on something or communicate via the spirit/mind. Children are good at this now.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Trust fund document, now send Certified Check

Many countries have sent me mail with details of my trust fund while I was in Thousand Oaks, Ca .(LA, NY, Atlanta had copies in the works)Also Malibu P.O.. Some even sent ID.(mail has not been given to me except a few unimportant pieces of college mail) I also asked in prayer for my ID to be sent to me with citizenship papers from a foreign countries. Now I am commanding in prayer that countries send me a Certified Check (with Courier, Escort, Overnight) with the amount they think is appropriate so that I can help there country Good and other people as well TO THE GOOD IN JESUS NAME! God is good, just say Men! God and Good will have a place in this world financially! Amen! Last night it was revealed that many countries were good and agreed to send a large amount; amounts were from $1 billion to $ 10 Trillion. The address is 760 Hilgard Ave #A233A, Los Angeles, CA 90024.(Ackerman Hall UCLA college campus) How do you know its me? Embassy record of travel to your country '67 to '70, photos, fingerprint, signature, voice recording, 3 small moles on top of right hand, scar on right index finger, in the Spirit with the Men's help. Information, photos of parents. Andrew Damon Mabraeth

Saturday, December 8, 2007


I spent time at the Getty a few times in the last week or so and made many things. Many people were there to play or school and some were very high up. Getty was very good and many of the people if not all that he knew got it. The museum is good, many things were put there in the spirit when it was built bad after John P. Getty's murder. LA times talked about the Endrangatta kidnapping his grandson back during that time period. So the Villa and Getty museum are made. I major point is that the Luxe at sunset/405 were to give me everything and the hotel/Rolls phamtom today and did not. People say, it can't be this way, I have yrs. of work to do in a day, and good people get somewhere very, quickly, no problem, and bad are shit, and even still get no where. They have very little they can try now. i went thru the art, St. mary's, statues, etc. One outside I touched with my hand, not only didn't I get anything bad off it, it went good in a basketball size circle, and sure enough a black man there was messing with the statues bad. Again the the staff is made as part of this. They do help some. This is made so completely and publicly, they must give quickly to Me, Andrew Damon Mabraeth. I also was in the garage and the guy tried to tell me to get out of here; what happened is the skull took him over some, messes with his mind, tempted him, and he said it on his own, lost it temporarily. Several other staff tried to school me big. I pray for higher security in the spirit to keep bad spirits out and bad people. The tram went good, many underneath in the spirit, very possible real. 1st recent visit, some lady that got it bad, bottom(sex), high up had several platinum colored pebbles that she was going to use against me and it didn't work, they cleared and I saw this in he spirit. The same thing happened with 4 other people in another visit. At this level these people want to help so they can find out what is going on; the mob is out of touch a whole bunch. the highest people have big trouble getting through a large play, even part of it. At this level, Dr. No, Double "O" level they should be able to. What they did back then was try and covering people big time in shit in the spirit and then try to mess with them, not working with me. I also made a couple with a blonde child today, man what a nut, her family was a big one and she added something huge from that today. Another blonde lady 6oyo, black outfit, hair longer up. Another heavier set woman as well. Another person walking out of the Getty was mesing with me. Several people as I walked into the Getty from Asia. I need people from Broken Arrow, Ok, Mtn. city, Tx , Portland, and Seattle to email and help me. Also today I called the FBI and reported in some of the stuff made around me and asked for help. They are sending me everything I have with them certified with Agent, Top Secret ID.

North Clackamas Christian School

This is a small Christian school near Oregon City, Ore NCCS where I went to school for 5 yrs. with perfect attentance. Age of 6, '73 to '78, thru 7th grade. Gross, Templeton, Franklin, Hunter, Hartnell, Gault, Geortzen, Guthrie. Many of these people were murdered; ie. Noel from the school and some from my class. These teachers should have fbi,cia,attorneys and witnesses go out with them and investigate the grounds there for buried bodies in the back 40 as they say. I was strongly in the spirit and know I clearing hearing and seeing the Oregon City PD and found one officer that had cruiser which had a body int he trunk recently. FBI, CIA and Portland PD your commanded to investigate. Also Bob, Trudy, Adam your commanded to investigate.(Hemming) Bob Hemming jr. got it in jail not that long ago someone, one year older than me and went to school there as well. Ted Hemming also a son went to NCCS the Saints and has passed bad to my knowledge. Bob Hemming and Trudy know they passed bad and live in Huntington Beach, Ca. He sold cars for Toyota??? the company I owned??? Bob doesn't know who he is(real name is different) and has attacked me many times this last year since 2/06 while in CA in the spirit. Know doubt in Santa Monica near ocean one day he tried a big Kill blow in the spirit and got his butt kicked! Yeah! HipHip for God's house; and of course he professes to believe in God. I was praying last summer in Thousand Oaks the the same thing played out; I commanded out loud in prayer for Adam to help me many times last Christmas, and he kept trying to play, and some school to get something from downtown LA., piano player, high up, started to mess with piano, made while I visited piano store in Santa Monica. Honestly I am very upset with Adam that he didn't help me 1, 2. that he didn't prosecute Bob and Trudy civilly for Bob jr. and Ted murder. He is a Cadallic type of guy in the Mob! He's a fool and I command the FBI, CIA, DEA, Huntington PD to go out and arrest him. Last Christmas I actually saw Trudy and Adam in the spirit in full color as they are now, aged approx 30 yrs since I have seen them, they were to have made this and helped me, of course Bob sr. wouldn't have it. Trudy has a female lion in the spirit she sent my way a few times, I thougt it was good, it couldn't hurt me, I saw it clearly. We were supposed to go skiing last Christmas Aspen, Sun Valley, they never showed, sure enough though One fake Arnie broke his leg, bad surgery in Sun Valley, and others gave away bad Atkins bars, and got a trip to Aspen, all while I have been on the street. I wonder about Doug and Wes, Adam I'm sure remembers them. If they got it or not. and how. I remember Bob jr., Doug and I swimming at the Clackamas park near high rocks, however the calm area, Doug almost drown for no apparent reason. This person was stronger physically then either Bob or I. I believe he was attacked in the spirit. The thing was he explained it to us after, but during he did NOT flayell or yell or anything and of course we were swimming at the same time. Last thing I want to say here is that Adam should call into the FBI confess his part ad become a witness. There are still people around here from China and Saudi, etc. bad. A quick update, I have no money yet, mail was given only 2 pieces of mail, not the 2 bags, Mob china has infiltrated Malibu post office. B of A bad, labor exchange bad, Malibu court bad, made someone high up there, Adamson house is made, they were murdered, Malibu times, library, film festival, magazine are made, done, mall, Wells Fargo, both malls, water system made, lagoon made, Malibu Inn ad Pier made, many murders around the Inn, music venue, Owner of Pier murdered. Thai guy made there yesterday that messed with me and my dad. I used to work with the Malibu court, Brentwood court, LA court, and even testified against someone trying to kill my father, Honorable Judge Roberts. Cindy, Elena, Tim, Joe, Heidi, Heidi, Lisa, Collette, David and Ian Gee, Dana, Clarinet player; I remember a few other people from NCCS. The Mob worldwide is stauking me and messing with my mind. The labor exchange guy got it at some point and he took his place and constantly messes with people. Pepperdine is completely made. Andrew Benton and Jeff Jennings are impersonating as well, Pepperdine Chancellor and Mayor. My goal and purpose is to prosecute the Mob Worldwide to the full extent of he law, and have them cremated quickly so this stops and never happens again.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Mabraeth Trust Fund

KTLA Paramount, TimeWarner, Wells Fargo, WM, Bank of America, Pepperdine, Honda, Toyota, RaytheonHughes, In - Out-Burger, Disney, CBS, PBS, Universal Studios, McDonald's , Burger King, Jack in the Box, UC San Diego, UCLA, Columbia, Yale, UW, WSU, Space Needle, Lakers, Rams, Clippers, Halliburton, Marvel, Toys R Us, Gladstone, Charter, Four Seasons Hotels, Ritz-Carlton Hotels, Hyatt, Hilton, Best Western, Motel 6, Embassy Suites, Marriot Hotels, RCI, Amtrak, Greyhound, OSF, Trump Holdings,(made, done, Ivana and asst. got that one)it is really everything nationwide. The killing, lying, schooling, mind techniques, schooling bad must stop. Nissan, Mazda, Subaru, Hyndai, Kia, Rolls, Bentley, all car and aviations companies. All companies, city, county, state, federal agencies to the good in the USA. Furthermore worldwide; as the US government went worldwide and took over each government bad at one time or another. I have made and played through British government, Germany, Colombia, Argentina, China, Japan, USSR, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Venezuela, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Mexico, Canada, and each country in the World.

Skull, skull who? Who are they? What are they?

The grim reaper of old? yes actually, he's out!:-). I have seen many skulls early as Thousand oaks, Ca.. Many would try to show up in the spirit and hurt/kill me and would get it from me and the men with the sword and light good strikes, and my eye in the spirit. The skull generally have killed many usually 10k or more real.(The two that plague me are this type since I was kidnapped in 1970, and spent some time around the world, Camp David, White House. locate, interconnect cia,fbi,dea,men) Many bad people have a skull to use as a kill in the spirit, which is different, the person is higher to the good and has less real kills, he appears to look similar in the spirit as his/her real person. Sometimes they try to scare you Big by impersonating you/me in the spirit. I have seen this many times be used to hurt me or someone else; at the current level one was tried just today and the skull & crossbones (bigger,higher) actually was not able to hurt me so it went and got some bad people trying to hurt me. This often happens with animals as well even if they have been Taken in the Spirit by someone: what do you me taken? If a person, witch takes the spirit say of a bird, cat, the animal is dead bad, and they try to attack or use spirit against someone. I got to blonde ladies cat at hustlercasino, card guru named cat, Dr. no, today 12/10 bobcat, Wendy Sun re agent cat/bird, Yam and Koo triad election movie Hawk were a big part of this, Bug for Pasley, Stern, Ding dong, One of Queen Elizabeth's impersonating, Tommy Hawkins a friend of Mabraeth got impersonating, Elgin Baylor, Jerry West, Jerry Bus, Shaq, Jordan, Dr. J. Lakers are owned by Mabraeth, stolen all this time since '73. If the animal is alive it still can be taken, even a person over by a high level spirit, I have scene it happen to snake, dog, etc, and worse yet; (this isn't working right now)I'll explain what happened recently; a bad person showed up to harrass me at a church on Wilshire. This person kept messing with me at high level, wanted and me to move, saying that was her spot, the Skull/Mob got her there bad and of course offered money probably mine!!! So I got said leave and she would not, I pushed away, she didn't get hurt, then went to call police,(this is a murderer with several 100 kills) I took her phone and tossed, I know it landed in construction area. I was standing 10 ft away telling her to leave and stop harassing me. Then she took out a "Shank" type sharp implement, hid it in her hand, left. Then swung wildly w/o stepping into it. I didn't have my glasses (20-50 nearsighted). I didn't think she had a weapon in here hand. The way she swung I wasn't taking it that seriously, plus I didn't want to fight. What I didn't know is that she was taken over by the skull. Also the she and the skull had put a huge amount of kills/bad spirit into the weapon. It cut through 2 cuffs on two shirts, then about 2" inches long and 3/8 inch deep. I was bleeding a down my arm. I closed again and saw that the skull had taken her. The Men showed me. Somehow she got her phone real quick and called. I said I'm calling the police and ran next door to 20 story bldg, and they called to my knowledge upstairs to a high level MOB guy who was and is made. Cops didn't arrive, and they didn't give me any assistance, didn't open the door, approach it even, or give bandages. I waited then got my stuff and left and washed at a nearby park fountain, and found Skin on my arm, not on weapon, under my cuff, not my own??? The skull had a huge amount of Skin somewhere/how in the spirit, and it crossed as evidence. Skull recently tried something with bone while I was eating and I bit into it, bone chip! Some may not believe, I do. Why? because I have also gotten a small black round kill inside my mouth while it was closed eating and spit it out. When I pray my mouth is blessed by the holy spirit, this is Biblical, and is high, clear, good.They stole one of the shirts. This was definately attempted murder because she had killed many, used a weapon bad, hid it from me, was taken by the skull, she was hired, she used witchcraft/kills on weapon, and it was used to kill others. (Note: I had closed-on my eyes on this individual several times before this played out and I know she got it quite a bit, plus the Men)description, 5-3, african american, drk skinned, thin, 110lbs. Since arriving in Beverly the skull has been messing with me several hundred times a day, plus several thousand people. See these two people flew around the world to every place I went to and messed with the people I was helping all these years since around 1970. He also covered my mom's contacts and fathers worldwide. Basicly more than several million were killed that knew of Mabraeth and the good they were doing.(I believe approx. 3 billion were killed worldwide since I was kidnapped in '70) The skull has shown clearly he will try to kill people in there car, cell, internet, tv, dentist, doctor, nurse, restaurant. Many people who are trying to school for A MILLION DOLLARS are lied to and made by the men and the Skull tries the same thing at the same time making it worse. will try just about anything; including messing with animals, insects, plants, the earth, air, mind, and manufactured items. Right now I must enphasize his bad ability to mess with peoples mind quickly; ie. get them to a crazy behavior. To 12/10 is a good day and most are the mind stuff is not working. Now bad people have to tell many things, even what they are going to try before they do. Many times it goes back them when they try it. Big. Recently I saw the skull near me take this guy in a car near me. It was near halloween and I thought it was a mask, NOT!, it was very clear, white, with teeth grinning, sadisticly, I saw in the spirit, no real mask at all, but the skull showing himself. When that happens he tries to get someone to kill, don't forget The Wages of Sin is death, and the skull motive is just that. I have also scene many people high up in corp. or government with a "1 million" near there picture in the spirit and that is what they are trying to get for schooling big. When its made it goes to me; earlier today the men wanted to them to bring what I had made that way; $108 million, not bad for 1/2 days work. Did he, no, and skull is in more trouble for it. Helping the DEA most wanted I have scene many hundred million amounts in the spirit that are made. I have approx. 1 billion with each FBI, CIA, DEA and at one point yesterday 12/9 1 Trillion as President. Most of time the President doesn't have much money; he's supposed to good, and usually the position wears on him quickly. (later its books, speaking, corp.) I sent email to an attorney regarding my money with the IRS, I helped them with tax revenue, tax evasion/mob, and as of last year 400 billion. Now its higher. There commanded to send what is appropriate at this time to help everyone. I also worked on the SEC, because I worked at Raytheon with my father and was included ont he filing, knew Howard Hughes.(RKO) The skull tried broke the 8 inch diameter tree branch across street Geffen parking several days ago trying to kill, I was upset, mad. The Men protected me, cement/steel light blocked it. the branch was over 500 lbs. I also have made a tree pushed over bad near Pauley, fixed now, branches broken near regional library, and tennis courts. I saw they thru out some newpapers from China in 1993 in garbage. My mail has been protected, it was in a bad vault downtown, then moved to another bad facility and they could not hurt it.(machine got it and person got it by the Men) I have mail now.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Monterey, illegal police action.

I drove south on Hwy 1 toward Monterey, pulled into Monterey Beach Hotel. The hotel is made, done, they had many people there bad, were doing witchcraft on it, didn't work. My dad built and commissioned that hotel, the fire system is special, the railings are bolted, they changed it and took away the wedding chapel area; bastards, my Mom Jennifer Anne planned that part. They bought special wood Pelican's for the restaurant. They had bad furniture there. Judith's estate, fire john s. house, pebble, bldg lot for me, presidio, pier, yacht-bomb, mob, yacht later raised 100 ft., marina del ray, another yacht 200 ft., delmonte forest, made hotels: embassy, lovers, dolphin, aquarium, portola, marriot. Ed Ricketts a friend of my fathers. Benihanna. Clint eastwood, developer made. arrested. 3x C.E.. Desalination plant. made. that family almost helped me. Carmel made as well-police. LA, Ventura, SF officers made. impersonated a dead police officer. People would park, sleep in rv, car there, leave, and then 7 different sets of fake officers showed up while I was there to do Ice (murder) technique on me. There heart goes bad when they murder someone. My father said to me "they won't get away" and burned a bad spirit near me with holy fire!!! I was praying on the beach near the hotel. They had guns cocked in the spirit that handn't fired and wouldn't until all the murders were solved. The men solved as many as 12k while I was there,(100k+now) they arrested several high level people while I was there including a guy with electric bad in his house and a 12 car garage. church. founders title. my fathers bank. eyeware, brian bafini, league of cities, ny license plates, my banks were made, wells, wm, ba, poisoned jamba, $10 bill with dads pic on it, Scott's didn't make it, to help me, something else high up showed up from below to mess with me, i was walking the in rain, I had the torch. seal passed on beach, some birds were getting it from behind, saw it one day. made city people putting shit in water there. 17 mile drive is made. I have treasure there good that is protected; as in old sunken ship,(they tried to find while I was there. monterey used to be the capital of CA. I won ship in government, made mob people with my stuff and my dads jewelry, furniture, desks for judith and dad!!!!!!!! made guy that showed style of watch my dad had louis lecrous. tried to run me over in the street twice, another guy almost got it. another guy shot his knee real there and I got some of it.10 second. Several other people were arrested by police there. Billionaire from China was, let go; I wonder how he got out???? He was arrested. hospital was made, green GTI desappeared trying to bck into my RL. Another cop vanished 1st day. Another later. Jack too in brown Lincoln LS Vanished as well. My car battery was getting zapped; got jump twice and finally left area. Library was made, pic of Judith at private school. History room cover up. No phone. fire, smoke inhilation, slow fireman. fireman extra paycheck fake security at Portola made. the golf course is made, government??? Navy grad school is made as well, land is Mabraeth. Cake shop made, one that made cake to poison Judith. Coast guard made, boat, island, torture. paint place made, slow to dry on purpose. savings bank made used to be something else. Judo instructor made used to teach father I believe. Some parts in Napa made on visit. Rental place made, serious, believe police went out. parks lady made, killed some, carrying gun, not normal. Park inside city was stolen by city. pacific grove was built. dmv made. seca racetrack and non profit made. cig. with green eagle made, done. sign on marriot added later. Time capsule, theater made. park made. seal of bank, Wells, in Monterey is MABRAETH family crest, it has a cross on it above the bank entrance, believe it used to be church. Guy in volkswagon beetle made, black guy made US Gov. sticker on car, brown LS. P3 Orion shot me with cancer beam/laser while walking, they got back big, got cancer quick. Military drove by top of hill, made. Another Army plane made on way to yuma. Big cross there is good. another hotel close to embassy made, big murder there, closed at the time. I walked past Seca and found place where Mabraeth buried, black birds circling over again. Snowed near there. Fire station made on walk. school made there as well. housing development. small mall. dealership made, pictures of movies in Mcdonalds made as Mabraeth. light drop near hotel. gang unit car from NV. Bald headed person from china, statue supposed to be put in restaurant by Indian couple; this is good person who knew my family. Another person from China there big near me was made, and fought and finished that one in the spirit. Sailboat made, builder near Aquarium was to help me had trouble, he built several boats for my father, pretty good, boats still around, 100ft mass sailboat, and he was fired, and made to hold these boats bad. All boats made in Marina and City club, Harbormaster has manifest for Mabraeth berths prior to '73. Ca yacht club has records. City club made, they had put someone high there. Pebble bch people were waiting for me at sm. grocery store by golf club, made. later paper said they were trying to add police dept. badmade and done!!!! Also Thousand Oaks took over Westlake PD bad, made several security guards there. Malibu patrol is made and done, magazine, Sherrif too, Elkins messed with me big 4/06 after arriving there, mob called-chicken shit!!! illegally staying in house on old malibu rd. with made sl 500. Elkins murdered some old lady earlier and that was made as well. Another person further N. was sleeping in his car too, they did nothing to him. So I moved N. ad uphill thinking I was out of Malibu. After a few days, 1 cruiser showed up and tried to mess with me ad left. Next night 2 cruisers with Elkins, this time I left, they wanted me to move, this is the spot by chumley that the 2 dogs and the men finished a Werewolf life spirit. this guy drove by on his Harley. I drove toward Hwy 1, and then they started chasing, I was going slow, One I saw vanish from my rearview mirror. I went N. and I saw it again as they were going back toward Malibu. The most recent incident was in Malibu when I tried to make an appointment with Gracie at Sotheby's old office, some NUT called saying I did something, full of shit, I looked inside the door of his office and noone was there and left. The Mob cop rolled up on me sitting at the bus stop. He said it was private, not door was open, it was commercial, made bldg. citytrying to steal again. He couldn't do anything, I sat in the back of cruiser for 5 minutes w/o probable cause, no cuffs, I told him my name, kidnapped, I was free to go, he got in trouble. Palisades, another high level Motorcycle LAPD stopped, made, left. He looked big in the spirit that day, like 10 ft. tall on his bike. Another cruiser rolled up, nothing, at Gladstone beach Cross, and I was using someone elses cart to block the wind, so he asked me to leave, I crossed the street, other people are the street there as well and nothing. Security across from 76 union, this bldg was good, people that got were back big to help me on Sunset. High level mob, caucasian, ad african american were there, also the bank near it, securit Topanga park church. Nursery made, many people around him got it, what he was doing at the time he got it wasn't good, so he finally got it, they were to have given me the nursery for a time, and they didn't so they kept getting in trouble. firestation made, man owned land there was murdered, and now I own it!! Fuller, Skinner Mabraeth your commanded to follow up. The property and his home were near there. Getty villa is made, done, and I got thru many devils, and people who messed with him. After about 6 months they were to have given me he Villa. Law firm, sue the state. Bike cop tried to mess with me there, made, done; I was just sitting on the street corner eating. Another two cops showed up bad in bldg by Chevron, and said he had a complaint, not city was trying to take things that I won in spirit. Self realization is made there, and all properties, I went through all plays there, and yogi, like impersonating Ghandi! He downloaded a whole bunch of shit from India to the sm. lake there, he murdered the owner of the property then got big cash and build temple "To God?". I also made a bad wedding there and helped them, what is always supposed to happen as I saw it clearly all gifts were to be given to me good.... what was important is that the men showed me something and I learned from it. The church near there and school is totally made. a security guard again rolled out up to me when I was going to ask for help to leave and went all out on me, man did he get it later. I went to service earlier and the music was bad so I left. One night I was to be given a key to a house and saw the key and no he didn't give me the key even though it was made. I also made some other people that got it on the street there. House above the sm. mall there. I got his bird. I also got a yam hawk while I was there one day. There really is too much to list here. Bad valet at Gladstone, Rocco's pizza. Mgr at Von's is made, tried to mess with me bad many times and was made over a 6 mth period, refused to help people on the street, food stamps, etc... black guy from africa. I used to go to 76 union when I was little at sunset, pch, there was still a machine/device I built to help people good, same with Disneyland, How 'bout that! 37 yrs. later, that is some kinda good bldg.. They tried to build 4 shower/bathrooms bad, they finished and it went good, hah, how about that! Go Men. Go Mabraeth. I also made SMC completely, people from 60 countries, high up person that knew my dad that worked at Rand that was at SMC, all the top people to the good were murdered at SMC. I also made some stuff and saw the cemetary across the street go good. The railroad used to have long dock at SM, the owner got it and took it. So much in SM to tell, 3 months there. The police again rolled up bad on me once at night at a lifeguard shack. Mob. They were to have given me my ID. I protected many people on street there while I was there from people and the police. I also near Shutters during the day and another guy tried something big on me and he too got in trouble for trying to mess with me. A 747 a light blue, turcoise color vanished while I was watching it fly low overhead. Another dropped a huge bomb on me in the spirit and I heard it. They got it, others heard it. 140 learjets made out of SM, 1-5 a day. I made hundreds of jets flying bad out of LAX. The airports do much better now. One night there were 10k skull there to kill me and he reached for my heart in the spirit and got it. I passed the test. I also cleared the pier, and found many good people near it in the water and on ocean in the spirit that were murderd, now good in the spirit and helping. I played thru Pavillions one night. As I walked one day a bad cop drove by and tried to give me Big Ice technique, that was bull, I got thru it. Another I was sitting by Hot on a Stick by the pier and made Eli Broad of Kb homes #2, #1 left he area, cop drove on walkway and tried again Ice technigue, he left as well, this was commanded by fake Eli though clearly. One of Angie's was commanding there, Bruce Willis, JK Rowling as well. This lady got and JK is impersonating her, and received by Harry Potter books that were owned by my father, these books were NOT to be released, another book was to be released about Me/God, they even went to the trouble to change the good book. My publisher in SF needs to find me at UCLA and read my blog.

Illegal police action

From Mt. Maltapais park, I went to Tiburion. The coolest thing happened near the grocery store. My dad was there I knew near the fire station. It went mob and he owned the 76 union gas station and most of the land there. I can distinctly remember him turning around in a circle and couldn't believe how many hills were totally built that he owned. I then went to Napa/Sonoma for several days and found out that they were messing with electric at the elementary school whee the Eagle is there mascot. Many Mabraeth family were murdered there. I found the Roche winery, Made. I almost went out there and tried to receive it, however someone else bad was already there. Another big spot int he spirit market by bad birds across the road up 50 yrds, in from the road 50 yrds or so. The birds circled there not unlike a few days ago The Skull got Big 200 ft tall just North of Fox theater in Westwood. The firemen need to check that school with an expert in electrician. I also made the Trader Joe's, someone my father knew tried to make me go pee Big. She did it to him back then. I found that he owned Dole, he golfed at the golf course there, I made a PG & E guy messing with electric, I also found out the electrical pole was not done right, the men showed me. My father owned the largest winery (over 1,000 acres, one area where the bodies are won't grow grapevine!!!)in the area there, it has approximately 4,000 bodies on it, Brentwood the same, my father's ranch in Thousand Oaks near the Reagan's place too, which is totally made as well. My father owned a bank there, and the US Government sent 4-5k names through the bank of NY to this bank in Napa, it was sent back, it was tried again and it was too much money for them to handle, I learned about the bank and trust fund tricks they play. The names and everything went back. I also made a livestock place between Sonoma & Napa. Some big stuff played out there previously. Sonoma had an old twin engine there. The recorders office is big there, the Men pointed it out as having falsified many things. I also drove by an older gentlemen with a leather briefcase, I thought this person could have helped and knew of Mabraeth. I was trying to find the bank actually, didn't find it. Helicopter flew over in Napa one day. Made. Also someone walked behind my Acura in the spirit and his feet crunched with each step. Sometimes tires would do that as well in Monterey. Recently I was on the street and it was raining again, so I went to a covered area since my trust, car, mail are illegally withweld. I was in the open 1st level and a high level Mob Cop rolled up on me, big. I got through it a whole, bunch, problem is he was around back then when Murphy and Mabraeth got it, so that is many hundred kills if not more, so he asked me to leave, I hadn't done anything wrong, did he offer me phone/car for shelter, social services, food stamp online application, NOT! Since then my small belongings have been stolen 2 different times: ie. towels, blanket, paper, suitcase, magazine, fruit, food, basket(not the store kind), football, softball, tennis balls, book about Reagan I wanted to read, stuff all found in the garbage to get by. Another time I was down on the 5th floor below, behind a garbage can, and this Mob Cop flies down there exactly to where I was, tries a whole bunch of techniques on me, mind, chest, stuff on. So he says to leave, I do. He too got in trouble, had messed with a whole bunch of people here. He flew out of there and told me to stay. Problem is the Skull got something from somewhere else and tried to roll him back to mess with me. I was just about to cross the street away from UCLA and he showed up again to mess with me, so I said I leave, I left. Literally I was within 1 min. of leaving. No Probable Cause!!! Always remember a real police officer needs probable cause. I told him my real name, my blog, in the spirit, and that I have a Top Secret ID. Enough said. Just today, on tv 2 officers were made trying to get someone into jail to get them further, ie. kill them. Made by the Men BIG! The article today in the Bruin about the FBI agent at UCSD is made, he was there to mess with someone, it worked some, but not like he planned. I wonder if Darryl is a real FBI agent, He was there Big, so I'll assume he doesn't know who he is. My guess is NO, Not a real agent. That school and Scripps Oceangraphic/near UCSD went good recently, my father owned part of it and was helping them. The Skull just helped move Darryl here and gave him something to do and he said no. Today I went to Brentwood to visit this morning and it went good!, very. They had several people there to try stuff on me and it didn't work, several young women, private school I (they smell if you know what I mean, bad; at this level its common) Skull gave them something else to do. Didn't work. Many times I have seen HS students commanded by Skull and parents to try one big in the spirit. Brentwood is commanded to give me my estate there, since many things are made, all of it actually, 10k sq. ft. on 4 Acres, they put many bodies on this property, it is a rectangle shape with 2 stories, my father owned Founder's title, and a Malibu Title company. Butsch RE in Malibu is made big a few days ago. There were 3 high level people there to try and play me and steal. Sotheby's agents. Valerie Fitzgerald was to help me with it and did try. Often agents say they help and hide the truth and try to steal. Kate Bransfield. Basicly all the agents and RE offices in the area are made. Coldwell, Windemere, Troop, Sotheby's, many more. A quick not, my Trust owned half the land in this state, the rest is made.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Illegal Police Action in CA since 2/06

I decided to take a nap and thought I had not crossed the state line and Ca Hwy Patrol rolled up on me bad and schooled BIG TIME. This guy was arrested later for many murders(cannibal), and they couldn't do anything either. Your supposed to pull over if your tired while driving, no matter where your located as long as there is room and I did and there was room. Enough for semi. There were two guys in the spirit helping me that day and man they didn't do enough. At the time I still thought police were ok, man was I wrong!!! They would often ask inappropriate illegal questions. The state was done at that point. I was interconnected. I decided to turn around at that point and two other Ca Hwy Patrol flew by me that were also in big trouble. At that time I was supposed to go to DNA section of LAPD and tell them my name and receive everything. When I drove by downtown another policecruiser drove by and tried a Big ICE technique to scare me/hurt me. After that I ran out of gas. Went to Chevron and he tried to play me, and wouln't loan me a gas can, I bought one, bought gas, spilled gas on my hand because the can was designed bad. Then I drove toward Monterey and a Black Del sol disappeared behind me as it approached, no one else around. (two people, m/f) Many other peopole on the road were made, I remember a black guy with a device in his hand real, in a porsche. My Grandmother Judith was big in the city of Monterey that day talking to them about me and helping me and giving me my trust fund. The city council and I actually heard clearly my grandmother. The city is totally made in Monterey, they spent more than 200 million of my trust in the last 5 yrs. alone. I didn't have a map, drove north, saw a satellite drop down from higher orbit in a fire ball to my left as I drove up a hill near where I stopped for the night north of San Francisco. As I drove through SF they manipulated the traffic to slow me down and have me drive thru downtown, I believe I helped a jet at one point while driving. They tried a huge mind technique and it didn't work, I won, and helped the whole city, I won 10 Trillion that day. I slept in my car in gas station, some people there and in cars rolled around me bad. They broke into my car and stole my map, funny thing at one point they put a pair of pants Will had given me in my car, which I didn't have before? Will? they said in the spirit? I remember this now, its not in sequence. Near Yuma I won 10 Trillion for defeating the Nazi's with the men in Germany,(Berlin) and the Mob in Italy (Rome). So 20 Trillion. One of the best days of my life was donating 10 Trillion that day to charity worldwide. Later raised to 100 Trillion. Then all to charity. It's God's money, I'm just the steward. Its too much for me to watch. I wouldn't be here if it were not for God anyway. Amen! Can I here the people say AMEN! Many people were tested to manage money well/responsibly and failed. This sentence is what I was forgetting "Its all to the GOOD WORLDWIDE." SF police illegall stopped me on the N. side of golden gate park, I have speed, (drive fast as I want)tried many bad techniques, and now are serving hard time. They couldn't do anything to me. I went to Mt. Montalpais park, found my fathers estate, 2 lots that were to be a gift to me, Susan B. Cushing and John Muir area and that they were murdered and there family. All the land is owned by Mabraeth. There are bodies buried bad there. All the houses there are built illegally. All of those people are under arrest and I command the FBI and SF police arrest them and clear the property and my Publisher in SF to assist with doing this. I was given the Boar, Men, command. I also saw this dark bird that my father said was good; in fact it was not. Several cars went by me that night near there estate, one tried to stop and the men took it. I heard the tires crunching. I also helped NY with a floor bomb. I also helped NY, Chicago, Atlanta, & SF with a 3 bldg floor bomb in each city to make them fall over, not straight down as Osama ala mob did in NY with 9/11. I was driving in my car when I helped that morning. The mob was made and commanded to risk there life to defuse them and chickened out, so part of God's presence saved everyone involved. as many as 1-2 million could have gotten it in SF alone in the spirit. Many people died of other reasons as a result of that problem at 9/11 in NY. I was driving early in the morning in SF stopped at a light and a car was to my left and right, R was too close, Bam! A loud sound to my right like a gunshot. I looked and as I was praying and said to the driver thru the glass did you hear that? The Mob was trying to kill that guy in the silver Audi, he pulled over after that in shock. He was in trouble with the Mob. I know I got big save that day. The skull is trying to say it was on purpose, NOT! If this was not saved by the Men he would have got it and my car would have got it, flipped and shrap metal to more than likely got me. The idea was to get him and I was there for the save and the right place and time. Another time I stopped on a Hwy near SF, didn't know where to go, and pulled over for a moment to decide. All of sudden a cop just appeared behind me bad and rapped on the window. I had only been sitting there for only 2 minutes approx.. I believe he was teleported bad that day. His not was bad in the spirit. He said I couldn't stop here. I stopped there to decide whether to go right to another Hwy.. I left and went straight. Another illegal cop messing with me.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Beverly Hills, Ca Co's, RE Made, Played, Good.

The city of Beverly Hills needs to give up. PD, Fire, City. Its all made, all real estate, new Hotel especially. Beverly Hills Hotel, Hilton, Wilshire, Luxe, Four Seasons. All companies, Wells Fargo building, B of A, Remax, City National Bank. Will Rogers got it as well. The parks were full of shit in the spirit, and city hall was activated to the bad with electric while I was there. Library is made, remodeled bad, built bad, another project next to the library was made last yr in the summer. People from all over the world there to mess with me. Saudi, Iran, Britian, Paki, etc...I will continue this section later, its a big one. The Paki fake priest at the Good Shepard knows what happened in the church when I was there. Many things played out when I went to church and not just at that church, all over LA. The Mob went to church and tried to school big and got it every time. Amen. The police harassed me in Beverly several times. One time at night in the alley two Mob guys pretending to be police, one kicked me on the foot, and asked me to leave Beverly, I moved to another spot and they got it trouble and left that area. Illegal since the city has an obligation to help the homeless and went Mob and was stealing my trust fund money to build there new hotel, remember the room is supposed to be green, lawn, plants, MY IDEA!!! All the loft money!!!! These buildings were also stolen from other people back earlier. My dad John Steven Mabraeth and I were running Raytheon with Mr. Raytheon and his son. Unified school district was my father and group of other peoples idea, this area is being messed with along with the colleges and schools. I slept right by Hollywood HS and a whole bunch of stuff played out there as well, students getting commanded and schooling me. Brewer is impersonating and messing with the school district, made early in this. I used to dedicate schools when I was young with my parents. My donated large sums of money as well. How I know is I went to webster elementary in Malibu and it was revealed.

Dr. No, Segel property, Carbon beach

This property is complicated because this is a double "O", this guy has been killing people in LA, Malibu, and worldwide for 50 yrs. He knows as much or more than Altman, Trat di Noi, Fake Jane Seymor, Jen's, Brad's, Angie's, Vince's, Fake people at Pepperdine-Andre Benton. Geoffrey's, Bearavage, and Malibu Inn. The city, sherrif, Malibu Times, Fire Dept., Parks dept., Malibu Magazine is made and the staff. This property is strong, it has a huge area below in the spirit which is the foundation, this area went good with me as the whole property did. I actually got this to the good. Dr. No had several thousand variations for this property and of course put a insane person there to keep it. He killed many people there. The property has $10 million hidden in it. Ok you say lets go steal it, Not! The men protect it well and there is only so much time to find it in the spirit. I found this earlier. I got through all of the plays and this part as well. At one point he activated the whole house to attack me like a haunted house, and it didn't work. The bed is particularly bad. I actully went to this property, I was interested in it and this all played out via the picture in the RE magazine. I also found out that this person knows a huge amount of Malibu history and killed several thousand in his time many in Malibu. I also out shot this Dr. no in the spirit. Furthermore this double "O" got the Segel family and knows what happened to them. (33M property) FBI your commanded out there immediately to take the property for Mabraeth. I also played Dr. No out of everything, and the Segel family estate that is now stolen.

Gracie Arthur, Vista re, auctioned illegally Malibu

Gracie schooled this family for a period of time, she was there that night. They are buried on the property, several. Gracie covered this big time in the spirit, and wanted the peace of RE for here self. She recently even had a check from out of the country, which sometimes they do and the city lets it go since its murder. This check was no good, I saw it clearly in the spirit. The people there now were apart of it, and another listing agent as well. They paid with bad money. I wonder where from, and how much, to who since, there DEAD! They were very Good in Malibu for a long time; they had a BOT, the 25 foot big chested white BOT that took care of the baddy's for them and they routinely put a huge amount of good in it. I command all families help them now, plus San Simeon. The property has acres, and the entered back via a gravel road, this wasn't gated and I don't believe have help from a canine that night. The people there right now knew a whole bunch of this and are there. FBI your commanded out there immediately to arrest them Gracie, & other agent and to turn over the property to me. I also got through the property and all plays. Gracie is a little thing, but very tough, a big fighter, and mind puncher. I also played out Gracie completely out and the city regarding this families estate which is stolen money/re for this family.

Celebrity profile, Made, Played, Schooled Good!

Tom Cruise 7 approximately, Tom got in jail in LA compliments ala LAPD. I wonder what Bratten and Rikki would say about that. Most of the movies have a different one, all the way back to risky business, cocktails, top gun, days of thunder, MI 123, Lamb & Lion, Minority report, born on 4th of july, taxi movie where he kills some. Also flight to Germany while katie was very pregnant and getting back in less than 24 hrs., also a visit to Rome with a young black child Conner (magazine/paper). In the paper he left one studio for my studio "Paramount." before I knew it was my fathers. I faced off with several of these guys in the spirit, they are some of the highest in LA. Dustin Hoffman, idiot savont, card counter movie. On was commanding around me in Palisades around Gladstone, didn't work, so was Chicago for that matter. One of his guys didn't do anything, I think he tried, but it didn't work, the Men got that one, Tom got mad and tripped his guy big, couldn't even get his hand out, fell right in front of me. That one's house was very bad big, and he had a whole bunch from below. One Tom tried to turn on all these old lights in the city in the spirit and it didn't work. I command the FBI out there immediately to arrest the Skull and Tom, all of them...

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Lawyers, Banks, ID

Tarvin, Budigan, Kennedy, Lee, judge Steiner(judge passed bad, killed someone bad through this and is impersonated) all are in trouble for there part in my illegal jail time in Seattle which has been cleared from the record. Tarvin didn't prepare me as a witness, moved for bench trial w/o asking before hand. I will sue to see that he is disbarred. (fuller, skinner, mabraeth your commanded) Dale Evans went to jail as well, someone I rented from that was pretty big in Bellevue, Wa for illegal investments via drug money(Ibelieve this amount was high 50M in the spirit, through Evans investment group. I rented 1 month on Lk. Samm. waterfront 8/'02 from this person. (fuller skinner mabraeth your commanded) I visited after illegal jail and Dale got made, mad and called fake Chuck #2 on me. 4 other roommates there are done as well Bellevue PD your commanded just north of the south end e. lk. samm. prkwy grocery store. the lot has 2 houses on it. Gravel driveway. The lower house is very beat up as of '02.(dry dock seedoo) This guy that I played tennis with hacked my computer, another guy worked in grocery, another as a teacher and went to the 1 of the islands to teach, the other lady worked at the same company as Andrea! Its in Redmond, Wa, automated pap smear company. Computer guy played drums, hobie cat. Dale also bought another house next door with his quote new wife after illegal jail. I believe the grocery guy is a "smoker", I don't even know what this term means really, and a shooter. Mark Simeon(Issaquah) could help he prays often. Budigan, Kennedy recommended, UW law professor, A total piece of Shit!, lost his law license and is in JAIL as far as I know, if not, I command Fuller, Skinner, Mabraeth, to find, SUE, and Prosecute, Put away, DEATH PENALTY!!!!!! is that clear! Same with the guy Chinese guy hacking my computer!!! (public terminals, library, shool)they have been hacking my computer, stalking me since before and after illegal jail, tapping the phone, cell, phonenumbers going to the wrong place via payphone.(until the last few days)Both the skull as well FSM!!! This is a real person, skull generally killed more than 10k. An example, Hugh Hefner, Playboy is totally made, this magazine was stolen, and was not to have women in it. Hef got that one. Kennedy was manipulated and threatened by fake Chuck #2, screwed one of these Claudia's, and Kennedy received 100k, disbarred and now in jail. Steiner, should have prosecuted this slut ring woman, instead he killed that one, then got it later, and is impersonated now. The big thing Lee didn't do was get me the recommendation on the revoked DV, and the PR that was in the paperwork for 4/'03. It was for 30-90 (don't remember exact), again 2nd time Steiner didn't follow his own prosecutors recommendation. Lee didn't take careof my finances, sell my Townhome and paybills, so ruined by credit, and they illegally foreclosed and shortsold my property netting me nothing, I should have received 218k-175k+ balance. These NCO's were shit because there was more than one women, I was trying to pay bills, and see Elisa to make sure she was ok. Family services never helped me or let me see here after 9/13/'02. Family services person interviewed me for 2 hrs, grilled me some and when I left it was late there. I wonder who that really was; I believe she was not a real employee, but impersonated. The judge was african american at that 1st NCO hearing. This Claudia was different. She also lied and said I didn't leave a bed for Elisa there,(brought fake polaroid Bull!, I left 3 beds and a sofa. She committed perjury on the stand. Fake dad Michael, Chuck knew this at the time. This person never once appeared or helped with seeing Elisa, and none of the Attorney's did either. I spoke harshly with Kennedy(dwntwn Seattle) about helping my daughter and also the fake priest in RJC. They also had people illegally behind the scenes at RJC trying to school me and work there. One of these women worked there when I was there. Different people tried to kill me in jail, poisoning food, hit from behind on basketball court, tried to fight me, and in the spirit many different ways. I have a scar from staff resistent bacteria.(reviewed one today, where fake Chuck #2 tried to hold me in sleep permamently) At one point when I was downtown, a chinese Judge was trying to get me out on a clear psychological review; it didn't work, Lee wasn't either, I overheard through the holding cell door downtown Seattle that the (fake michael, chuck) judge said "he wants a teacher." approximately that was said. Some lady at the Redmond court questioned me bad about what I owned and was trying to take everthing from me to give to this "Claudia". I have settlements via Fuller Skinner Mabraeth negotiated behind my back for millions with Seattle, Redmond, Qwest, San Antonio, Dell, and many others. Also confiscated wealth management checks in my old name , damon andrew dambrosia. I went to Santa Monica Wells Fargo and they illegally locked the door on me. They did it again in Malibu, also Post office in thousand oaks. Also the library in Malibu. Furthermore Chinese infiltrated the post office in Malibu and denied me my mail 3x. The labor exchange as well with another guy. 12/3/07- this no money, food, shelter, trust fund, or Joe or Sam.

1 Minute Mabraeth Minute.

1. Always know what your getting into and the most probable outcome! Always consciously choose Good. Odds of succeeding in the MOB are NONE now. The BAD MAN is DEAD and GONE.(ie satan) He has been called on many times to kill me in the last 3 years, praise God, He and He alone defeated that wayward son that fell long ago, defeated him completely approx. 5/1/06 while I was in Thousand Oaks, Ca. I, the Men, Mabraeth and many others defeated the rest of the devils below(millions, some of which killed more than a 1-10 million people). I also found out later that before I was kidnapped I had built vaults to hold bad spirits, a tv screen to track bad criminals that needed to be apprehended. God ;removed the satellites worldwide in a moment when I was in yuma. I saw one go down in a fireball while I was near yuma and another when I was on my way to San Simeon near San Francisco. 2. If you are alive and breathing you need to accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior, ask for forgiveness of sins, confess your sins to another person, take full responsibility for your actions. Many people have given up on themselves so they continue to try and kill for the even though they have no possibility of success. (thats insane) I've seen people work on the street for the mob for years and not be paid even 5-10k per yr. for there bad deeds. Society, community has not cleaned them up and stopped there behavior. Many people are gone in the spirit nearly ready to be taken permanently off the earth to the pit of evil. (not below the earth) They are supposed to do some good before they are judged later. What I have said here for many people will not work because they are not capable of that much drastic change. What often happens around me is all there murders are gone through quickly, schooled, played, and very far into the mind, so they can do very little. I want people to know that while I am typing small sermon out, people on TV are messing me, other people near me and messing me, people downtown LA are messing that were apart of my parents murder. Trying to school many different ways. They have people who hack into the computer system to mess it and me. Another person tracks my prayer and mocks, 2-4 people mock and try to mess with me all the time and all up in Hyatt Century city, 5 floor, and the GM doesn't do anything! The Mob is up in hotels in LA for a long time to kill people. I have found people in hotels here that have been here for a long time. I have walked Sunset, Santa Monica, Hollywood, Wilshire, and all the business along them are made, this whole state is made, all corp., real estate, banks, aviation, etc... The last time(Dec.'06,1st wk) I walked downtown the Japanese building next to the Grand Wilshire Granite vertical Fountain caught fire and the Men put it out soon after the water started to burn. I asked a person at the light if he saw it, he said Yes. The skull (skull, ya know a guy in the spirit with a black robe or skeleton and no skin, just a skull) always lies. The flames off the water were big (2-3 ft very visible) I was across the street 20 yrds away toward the hilton/biltmore. Another time in S. Monica, on the boardwalk they lit a garbage can and devil showed up, at first I thought it was fuel in there because the flame was so high more than 10 ft. above the can. I closed on this to look in the spirit and I got something on the eye from the flame (I was surprised, it was 30 yrds away approx. by the paddle ball courts) This was a high level devil in the flame. It got it. (feb. '07) No Money, Car, or Shelter. If you can help by courier or in person please do so immediately. UCLA. We the people need to stand up for what is right, freedom of religion, media, speech, and right to remove imposters in our city, county, state, federal positions. (if these people wanted to help me they would have already) I have worked in the spirit on many cases out of LA including the Spector case and J. Howard Marshall case. The Marshall case is important, Howard Stern has tried to kill me and still hasn't been prosecuted properly for his part in the murder of someone I and my family knew, J. Howard Marshall. There are more than one Anna Nicole Smiths'. (Stern knows this story and and plays very quickly with his hands) There is more than one Howard Stern as well.(I believe he wanted to look like me at some point, however the men would not allow it; not the only one) They also stole my passport before illegal jail, and tried to impersonate me in Switzerland, the bank got through to me and the guy didn't have my fingerprint, scar, etc.... The Mob and people need to give up now and Trust for the best outcome and be an example for children as the Mob is still trying to hurt them and animals as well. Sincerely, Andrew Damon Mabraeth 2 Tim. 1:7