Friday, January 2, 2009

1/2/09, Its been a while man do I have a lot to say!!!

Lets try and go back to approx. 8/1/08 and move forward. Well I spent sometime trying to get to Redmond court for my bond; also in and around Woodinville; Jack in the Box, Park, interchange, I own Goldcreek Tennis club, Impersonating Chuckie and Mary nut, other one was arrested and killed Nathan, Seth, Ian in jail, Leah is done, and Nathan kid is dead. I went thru some stuff at WHS, Checkride truckin, Mother Theresa. Finally one morning I headed out of town, I got em big many times, just didn't have enough people to get anything. Brooks Biddle, I had a new Tahoe and money; made many big time kills on the property; another young kid and his girl got played and schooled big; too bad; next. So I left on my Schwinn High plains on 8/14 thru woodinville, then near Avondale road, then Duvall, than onto Monroe. Spent the day there. Man the Mob is a piece of work;; I own so much in Monroe, Wa it isn't difficult to comprehend. The prison opened in '84. I had coffee shop made big giving shit coffee with a huge number of kills in it. I declined and left. Acura used with small illegal houses on it; owes me big. I went into Best Western, Bk of America, Wells, and Wamu, no help. Wells schooled so big, than lost, and refused to help me, they called the cops, I spoke with them and explained that i asked about my trust and the two mgrs were made big schooling me. Taco Time was to be given to me that would have been just about right at the time; not to small, not too big. Noone showed to help me; then spanish guy owned me several thousand at checkcashing place after I played him. Nada!!!Again!!! I also went into 3 places for tax legal settlements and they refused to help me; conspiracy made. H & R block and another attorney; district court is bad as well. Small park, found pocket swiss army type knife, later laughed that I didn't use the screwdriver to fix derailer on bike with it. Cop at safeway approached me for no reason after buying food, and I left, they were made big, schooled and played. slept out of town. I went thru Sultan and got the nursery and truck clearly. Also the grocery. Next I rode to a ways and fountain.


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