Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Since 2/11/08, Monterey, Ca

Left Monterey, on Fuji, Crosstown 2.o on 2/21/08. Numerous people around me in Sands, Seaside Starbucks. Illegal police action Pacifica, Ca 2 officers, Half Moon Bay 2 officers, Alamo park 1 officer, Homeland Insecurity 1 officer took the house I was supposed to have and San Francisco, Pan Handle 4 cars, at least 4 officers all got it big, and after they left and I opened my Fuji bike was stolen! Near Cliff House and Goldengate park crazy guy tried to fight me for nothing and actually assaulted me, started to punch me big while he was sitting down; funny he was laughing just before he sat down. I went to Safeway and called 911, no help. I was leaving Sausalito, Ca near San Fran and 2 Mobster or should I say Monster Mob officers rolled on me and actually booked me for Nothing and stole my personal effects after illegally transferring me to Marin Country Sherrif department. I then left for the nearest busstop and someone paid for me to ride to Santa Rosa past Petaluma & Novato, or the Northern most stop Empire transit system is made, Empire Lumber as well. I tried to get a bike there at the thrift store and a whole bunch of people stole. I also got thru a auto repair shop passing next door. Then I walked. Then hitched, super bad guy gave me a ride to Healdsburg, from out of the country, bald, he said he would give me a ride to the next city North, then changed his mind to try and bring me back to his house then kill me. I got out at the first stoplight. Good move Mabraeth; I was very wary. He tried to get angry and had trouble. So later I got a job offer at the local Restaurant by Best Western, Chinese still following me; for 42k in the spirit, they backed out, so the Men said leave, I was helping 3 waitress's that were made. Many other things made; I was going to sleep in the yoga entrance area and the guy said it was ok,(in the spirit), I was just standing there and 2 Mob cops showed and tried some bull on me as well. Made. Done. They left. I left.

I then walked out of town, made several hotels, restaurants, poker publication. I also made a nursery. Again, no help. I walked during the night to Geyserville. Went thru post office, shops, made, all, school, vineyards, and finally got some help at the Church, which did not have Sunday service because the lady was made and the other person and many others were murdered. They were supposed to help me big; ie, car, money. I applied to a few jobs. 2 Sheriffs made there as well. They left. Awoke outside of town and found a metal bar standing against the bldg near me. The skull again had lied and gotten someone there bad and that person got as they say and could not do anything. I then walked to Cloverdale and there were many things made, lumber place was high, dealership was to give me money and a new car of course. Made. Done. Many things in town there made including the new railroad station that has no train??? I went into City Hall there and asked about my trust; and nothing; not even denial; said something about going to the bank. Napa made, church, no one on the outskirt of town helped either with car; poorer section didn't either, which was spanish, very small apartments there. I got a ride to Ukiah, College, whole city made, limestone plant was made(something like that) and the rest of town, again mob cops had gone ahead of me and were trying to mess with me there. I walked around some. Made 3 cars there. Hitched out of town. Was let out so quick it wasn't funny. Hitched again and got thru some more stuff to Willit. All made. I am at a library and my computer Hacker Handler is made big making several mistakes. Hacking is a federal crime; ie felony. This is an interesting town they have the train as well, fair grounds, very old, took a while to walk out of town. I thought for sure I would get a car and some money from those two made, cheap, auto repair shops at the end of town on the North side.(ie honda civic, old landcruiser,forerunner) I went into my first Ray's there, Burger King helped me with breakfast, also in Half moon bay. I won many things there, auto related BK. (I won 5k, house, and many other things clearly there) So I walked and hitched, I walked a while out of Willit and got a ride to the next town, got thru several plays there, then hippie chick with her dog gave me ride, I got to her good, then she got made as they all do because she started to go good and tried to school big. Her dog told her not to, so she let me out in the middle of nowhere, abandoned place where some guy got it. I walked then got to rest stop few miles down the road, crazy chick gave me ride in volvo to arcada. Cop got so big he stopped on the side of the hwy. near college there. Ya see when I close my eyes and pray people receive help with there mind, ask the Hood River Best Western made owner. Skull has trouble lying when I'm helping someone in the mind; when open he seems to do more of it. So from Arcada, I walked to the next town and took the bus to Trinidad, Ca., many people got there; fishing town, small, near ocean. I owned the airport. Mcdonalds, I now remember taking the bus and going to dollar store and many people there to school. I own the gas station there and everything else; all mob people made there; the grocery store was good and I said the right thing and the guy didn't do what he was supposed to, I left, I was to have money and a '56 Chev.. tried to hitch all day, nothing, finally paid $20 for last ride to Smith River and walked over the state line to Myrtlewood, Or. . Then hitched to small town with older guy with beat up made chrysler wagon; schooled big later in the day; stopped by a doughnut shop and helped him big; they were playing so big and he never knew. Another ride to brookings, same thing, all made, walked then ride. He bought me lunch at least. Then went thru many things and I got let out in Tillamook; he lied and tried to school later in Astoria area and I made that. I walked instead of taking the bus to Portland. I walked and just as I walked into trask area with hills on both sides, huge wind and rain moved in sideways!!!!! 30+ mph with rain. Very evil. Tried to get ride, rv park made, near freezing with wind, no help from made people there, 3 bad showed to mess with me just as I was trying to stay warm. Left, mob cops showed as I walked to Tillamook; they lied and said did something wrong. Not, CIA, they were made impersonating and got it. Slept at church, then made several more things and took bus the next morning. About 4 days in Portland, Or and Billy in Se Portland, Or, as in Dambrosia is squating and cops refused to go out and arrest him. I command them out there now to his house at 2705 Se Kelly St Portland, Or 97202 to arrest him as the other 2 were 2 yrs ago by the FBI. Also at Rhine and Milwaukie st off of powell blvd by the Arco and park Tony place is illegal occupied by a bad guy. Many good things were made and done in downtown Portland, Or that day including, Square place where hotel used to be, Trimet office, Railroad station, many other places including cemented in entrance to courthouse. Church near fake gram's house is made big. Didn't help me with zipcar. I went thru library, Hawthorne area again, almost got a bike, that guy is shit; bike was very low, spent money on tube, shop fried crank. I walked out of town and hitched. Laurelhurst park visit near library two fake park rangers made with 2 fake Portland pd showed w/o probable cause and left. That group of 4 had killed many people in the park over a long period.

Sausalito illegally arrested me for nothing no help and then They to tried to mess with me and I was free to go; law firm followed up, they were played and schooled big. They stole backpack, 2 blankets, clothing, new inline skates. Marin country illegal transfer from Saulsalito. I remember, spanish lady that gave me a burrito in Marina, Ca, they went good some. I needed the older Lexus es 300 from the small car dealership there; no one showed to give it to me with some money. Too much to list here, Power plant made, small town with cemetary made, marina made, friend of John Sr. had a boat still there. Produce place, 2 employees, helped me with food, made some that showed to school me.


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