Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Daily UCLA,

Went to Federal bldg and a whole bunch played out, people were waiting to mess with me so I wouldn't get my real ID or my old one. Also some high up people within the government that used to mess with people big time in this area. The Mob! sent some people from the street and its so good they actually said this is shit; and helped me some then played me some and tried to school some. I also found out more about the cemetary and people who got around UCLA. LAPD usually sends some bad my way and then they get made schooled since they were apart of this back then. The Mob infiltrated the Federal bldg and the property is made, many are!. My father owned part of UCLA, by the W. LA Hospital there are several bldg's that are made from then. That day I was able to borrow a bike and rode around; I found my fathers bldg's on Wilshire just West 405; brentwood had one police cruiser; later though at old brentwood police station and theater; 5 cruisers!!!! LA unified has buses there? They also fenced it off wrong. UCLA still uses the baseball diamond there. I also recently made the Billy Wilder/ Hammer museum, he passed early and is impersonated; they are supposed to give now as I have gotten through all the 220k film archives big!!! Also the park behind the federal bldg itself. I caught the regional library dumping newspapers from China from '93, Branch davidian time frame; China had some big stuff in the paper then. I made the Geffen theater many times; yesterday an older person was made that knew what happened at the Geffen and said it, silver/white beard/mustache, #UXM769 CA plate, short white van RV with gray tarp over it; he stole a left bike off me; and tried to school. Sometimes someone leaves a bike for me to borrow, he lied and said it was his; not! no bike rack! I told him I was undercover CIA! Light blue performance 418 mtn bike. AdmittedOprah is totally made, Oprah 20!!! There have been that many Oprah's, how about that!!! The Oprah's and I am sure Dr. Phil will destify that she is that bad killed approx. 10,000 around Harpo in the last approx. 10 yrs... Now you hearing me! I will give you two examples where she tried to kill me. She sent someone big here to school me and also was trying to school me several times directly from T.V.. On the beach near the Golden Bull Rest. in Santa Monica, Ca she has a huge spider and attacked me and lost; you see I finished a 6 foot police spider demon in Kirkland one night to save the officer there and he still betrayed me; I saw this clearly. That night there was another high person around that fought at San Simeon; he had a mask of very high spirit, like a baseball catchers mask that he used while fighting in the spirit; I finished this one as well. Sweeney Todd another fake Johnny Depp; so many; Carribean 1st movie is out of the country, another 2nd movie, different movie was out diff. guy; now this one. I closed on his poster many times; CIA is commanded to get this one; piece of cake. Still no money, Joe and Sam have not gotten to me. The city council keeps flying people/skull from around the world to mess with me.


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