Friday, December 7, 2007

Skull, skull who? Who are they? What are they?

The grim reaper of old? yes actually, he's out!:-). I have seen many skulls early as Thousand oaks, Ca.. Many would try to show up in the spirit and hurt/kill me and would get it from me and the men with the sword and light good strikes, and my eye in the spirit. The skull generally have killed many usually 10k or more real.(The two that plague me are this type since I was kidnapped in 1970, and spent some time around the world, Camp David, White House. locate, interconnect cia,fbi,dea,men) Many bad people have a skull to use as a kill in the spirit, which is different, the person is higher to the good and has less real kills, he appears to look similar in the spirit as his/her real person. Sometimes they try to scare you Big by impersonating you/me in the spirit. I have seen this many times be used to hurt me or someone else; at the current level one was tried just today and the skull & crossbones (bigger,higher) actually was not able to hurt me so it went and got some bad people trying to hurt me. This often happens with animals as well even if they have been Taken in the Spirit by someone: what do you me taken? If a person, witch takes the spirit say of a bird, cat, the animal is dead bad, and they try to attack or use spirit against someone. I got to blonde ladies cat at hustlercasino, card guru named cat, Dr. no, today 12/10 bobcat, Wendy Sun re agent cat/bird, Yam and Koo triad election movie Hawk were a big part of this, Bug for Pasley, Stern, Ding dong, One of Queen Elizabeth's impersonating, Tommy Hawkins a friend of Mabraeth got impersonating, Elgin Baylor, Jerry West, Jerry Bus, Shaq, Jordan, Dr. J. Lakers are owned by Mabraeth, stolen all this time since '73. If the animal is alive it still can be taken, even a person over by a high level spirit, I have scene it happen to snake, dog, etc, and worse yet; (this isn't working right now)I'll explain what happened recently; a bad person showed up to harrass me at a church on Wilshire. This person kept messing with me at high level, wanted and me to move, saying that was her spot, the Skull/Mob got her there bad and of course offered money probably mine!!! So I got said leave and she would not, I pushed away, she didn't get hurt, then went to call police,(this is a murderer with several 100 kills) I took her phone and tossed, I know it landed in construction area. I was standing 10 ft away telling her to leave and stop harassing me. Then she took out a "Shank" type sharp implement, hid it in her hand, left. Then swung wildly w/o stepping into it. I didn't have my glasses (20-50 nearsighted). I didn't think she had a weapon in here hand. The way she swung I wasn't taking it that seriously, plus I didn't want to fight. What I didn't know is that she was taken over by the skull. Also the she and the skull had put a huge amount of kills/bad spirit into the weapon. It cut through 2 cuffs on two shirts, then about 2" inches long and 3/8 inch deep. I was bleeding a down my arm. I closed again and saw that the skull had taken her. The Men showed me. Somehow she got her phone real quick and called. I said I'm calling the police and ran next door to 20 story bldg, and they called to my knowledge upstairs to a high level MOB guy who was and is made. Cops didn't arrive, and they didn't give me any assistance, didn't open the door, approach it even, or give bandages. I waited then got my stuff and left and washed at a nearby park fountain, and found Skin on my arm, not on weapon, under my cuff, not my own??? The skull had a huge amount of Skin somewhere/how in the spirit, and it crossed as evidence. Skull recently tried something with bone while I was eating and I bit into it, bone chip! Some may not believe, I do. Why? because I have also gotten a small black round kill inside my mouth while it was closed eating and spit it out. When I pray my mouth is blessed by the holy spirit, this is Biblical, and is high, clear, good.They stole one of the shirts. This was definately attempted murder because she had killed many, used a weapon bad, hid it from me, was taken by the skull, she was hired, she used witchcraft/kills on weapon, and it was used to kill others. (Note: I had closed-on my eyes on this individual several times before this played out and I know she got it quite a bit, plus the Men)description, 5-3, african american, drk skinned, thin, 110lbs. Since arriving in Beverly the skull has been messing with me several hundred times a day, plus several thousand people. See these two people flew around the world to every place I went to and messed with the people I was helping all these years since around 1970. He also covered my mom's contacts and fathers worldwide. Basicly more than several million were killed that knew of Mabraeth and the good they were doing.(I believe approx. 3 billion were killed worldwide since I was kidnapped in '70) The skull has shown clearly he will try to kill people in there car, cell, internet, tv, dentist, doctor, nurse, restaurant. Many people who are trying to school for A MILLION DOLLARS are lied to and made by the men and the Skull tries the same thing at the same time making it worse. will try just about anything; including messing with animals, insects, plants, the earth, air, mind, and manufactured items. Right now I must enphasize his bad ability to mess with peoples mind quickly; ie. get them to a crazy behavior. To 12/10 is a good day and most are the mind stuff is not working. Now bad people have to tell many things, even what they are going to try before they do. Many times it goes back them when they try it. Big. Recently I saw the skull near me take this guy in a car near me. It was near halloween and I thought it was a mask, NOT!, it was very clear, white, with teeth grinning, sadisticly, I saw in the spirit, no real mask at all, but the skull showing himself. When that happens he tries to get someone to kill, don't forget The Wages of Sin is death, and the skull motive is just that. I have also scene many people high up in corp. or government with a "1 million" near there picture in the spirit and that is what they are trying to get for schooling big. When its made it goes to me; earlier today the men wanted to them to bring what I had made that way; $108 million, not bad for 1/2 days work. Did he, no, and skull is in more trouble for it. Helping the DEA most wanted I have scene many hundred million amounts in the spirit that are made. I have approx. 1 billion with each FBI, CIA, DEA and at one point yesterday 12/9 1 Trillion as President. Most of time the President doesn't have much money; he's supposed to good, and usually the position wears on him quickly. (later its books, speaking, corp.) I sent email to an attorney regarding my money with the IRS, I helped them with tax revenue, tax evasion/mob, and as of last year 400 billion. Now its higher. There commanded to send what is appropriate at this time to help everyone. I also worked on the SEC, because I worked at Raytheon with my father and was included ont he filing, knew Howard Hughes.(RKO) The skull tried broke the 8 inch diameter tree branch across street Geffen parking several days ago trying to kill, I was upset, mad. The Men protected me, cement/steel light blocked it. the branch was over 500 lbs. I also have made a tree pushed over bad near Pauley, fixed now, branches broken near regional library, and tennis courts. I saw they thru out some newpapers from China in 1993 in garbage. My mail has been protected, it was in a bad vault downtown, then moved to another bad facility and they could not hurt it.(machine got it and person got it by the Men) I have mail now.


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