Sunday, December 2, 2007

Lawyers, Banks, ID

Tarvin, Budigan, Kennedy, Lee, judge Steiner(judge passed bad, killed someone bad through this and is impersonated) all are in trouble for there part in my illegal jail time in Seattle which has been cleared from the record. Tarvin didn't prepare me as a witness, moved for bench trial w/o asking before hand. I will sue to see that he is disbarred. (fuller, skinner, mabraeth your commanded) Dale Evans went to jail as well, someone I rented from that was pretty big in Bellevue, Wa for illegal investments via drug money(Ibelieve this amount was high 50M in the spirit, through Evans investment group. I rented 1 month on Lk. Samm. waterfront 8/'02 from this person. (fuller skinner mabraeth your commanded) I visited after illegal jail and Dale got made, mad and called fake Chuck #2 on me. 4 other roommates there are done as well Bellevue PD your commanded just north of the south end e. lk. samm. prkwy grocery store. the lot has 2 houses on it. Gravel driveway. The lower house is very beat up as of '02.(dry dock seedoo) This guy that I played tennis with hacked my computer, another guy worked in grocery, another as a teacher and went to the 1 of the islands to teach, the other lady worked at the same company as Andrea! Its in Redmond, Wa, automated pap smear company. Computer guy played drums, hobie cat. Dale also bought another house next door with his quote new wife after illegal jail. I believe the grocery guy is a "smoker", I don't even know what this term means really, and a shooter. Mark Simeon(Issaquah) could help he prays often. Budigan, Kennedy recommended, UW law professor, A total piece of Shit!, lost his law license and is in JAIL as far as I know, if not, I command Fuller, Skinner, Mabraeth, to find, SUE, and Prosecute, Put away, DEATH PENALTY!!!!!! is that clear! Same with the guy Chinese guy hacking my computer!!! (public terminals, library, shool)they have been hacking my computer, stalking me since before and after illegal jail, tapping the phone, cell, phonenumbers going to the wrong place via payphone.(until the last few days)Both the skull as well FSM!!! This is a real person, skull generally killed more than 10k. An example, Hugh Hefner, Playboy is totally made, this magazine was stolen, and was not to have women in it. Hef got that one. Kennedy was manipulated and threatened by fake Chuck #2, screwed one of these Claudia's, and Kennedy received 100k, disbarred and now in jail. Steiner, should have prosecuted this slut ring woman, instead he killed that one, then got it later, and is impersonated now. The big thing Lee didn't do was get me the recommendation on the revoked DV, and the PR that was in the paperwork for 4/'03. It was for 30-90 (don't remember exact), again 2nd time Steiner didn't follow his own prosecutors recommendation. Lee didn't take careof my finances, sell my Townhome and paybills, so ruined by credit, and they illegally foreclosed and shortsold my property netting me nothing, I should have received 218k-175k+ balance. These NCO's were shit because there was more than one women, I was trying to pay bills, and see Elisa to make sure she was ok. Family services never helped me or let me see here after 9/13/'02. Family services person interviewed me for 2 hrs, grilled me some and when I left it was late there. I wonder who that really was; I believe she was not a real employee, but impersonated. The judge was african american at that 1st NCO hearing. This Claudia was different. She also lied and said I didn't leave a bed for Elisa there,(brought fake polaroid Bull!, I left 3 beds and a sofa. She committed perjury on the stand. Fake dad Michael, Chuck knew this at the time. This person never once appeared or helped with seeing Elisa, and none of the Attorney's did either. I spoke harshly with Kennedy(dwntwn Seattle) about helping my daughter and also the fake priest in RJC. They also had people illegally behind the scenes at RJC trying to school me and work there. One of these women worked there when I was there. Different people tried to kill me in jail, poisoning food, hit from behind on basketball court, tried to fight me, and in the spirit many different ways. I have a scar from staff resistent bacteria.(reviewed one today, where fake Chuck #2 tried to hold me in sleep permamently) At one point when I was downtown, a chinese Judge was trying to get me out on a clear psychological review; it didn't work, Lee wasn't either, I overheard through the holding cell door downtown Seattle that the (fake michael, chuck) judge said "he wants a teacher." approximately that was said. Some lady at the Redmond court questioned me bad about what I owned and was trying to take everthing from me to give to this "Claudia". I have settlements via Fuller Skinner Mabraeth negotiated behind my back for millions with Seattle, Redmond, Qwest, San Antonio, Dell, and many others. Also confiscated wealth management checks in my old name , damon andrew dambrosia. I went to Santa Monica Wells Fargo and they illegally locked the door on me. They did it again in Malibu, also Post office in thousand oaks. Also the library in Malibu. Furthermore Chinese infiltrated the post office in Malibu and denied me my mail 3x. The labor exchange as well with another guy. 12/3/07- this no money, food, shelter, trust fund, or Joe or Sam.


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