Thursday, November 29, 2007

Work, You Want Work, Call the Mob! Not! Mabraeth

Title;"You want the Truth, you can't handle the Truth of what goes on at work!" "Work, You want work, Call the Mob! Not! There Cruel, Sadistic, Haneous, Deceptive, Dasterdly, Schewd, and shake your hand while they try to steal from your back pocket.(ie Shit) During my work history. I never realized the Mob was behind the scenes messing with me BIG TIME all the time. I have found, bad food, poisioned food, bad computers, bad ergonomics, bad healthcare, MOB unions messing with employees, bosses who consistently do mind techniques to hurt employees, invite other employees (ie Qwest when I worked there) to there house to do witchcraft on me. I believe my boss there got it, and that she is impersonated. She said she used to be a PI and got some info. on, now passed, Fake dad Michael and Chuck. Bad air in the ventilation system, bad water, bad building, bad phone, etc... And to top it off bad Life insurance so they can collect when your dead!!! (ie. Seattle Weekly article summer '02) Since illegal jail in Seattle I tried to find work at many places with little luck. I worked at McDonald's in Texas (Go Good Golden Arches) and the Mgr. wanted something BIG! So she schooled me big! The other managers there were played there to mess with me on purpose. One Spanish one wanted me to Get, Bang, Screw here in the cooler, I said no. Well most men understand what happens then, they get mad and mess with you BIG! To get something BIG! They also poisoned my employee meal and yet I did nothing to make the person mad who made it, I got it some. They also poisoned the OJ, (ie. I said it was good to myself) They took out my taxes wrong. Frost Bank tried to mess with me and not let me cash me check; NOT! At the time I had ID, the check was drawn on them. Frost bank is made; its BIG in Tx, Austin. Corp. McDonald's in CA sent an older Male Executive and two women to mess with me there one day. I think Corp. got mad because they got sick bad one day. I wonder who really did that to them.??? Spring of '05 for 6 wks. Part time. They tried to mess with me with bus loads of people, and fire me, didn't work. I quit. Ironically I have helped McDonald's in the Spirit more than almost any Restaurant chain and will continue to do so, as they have approx. 15,000 restaurants, with somewhere between 200-500 meals served each day. I recently helped there happly meal and got through some of the stuff bad people are doing to children. Unfortunately this chain was taken at one point and Ray Kroc Got it and the lady running it isn't Ms. Kroc. Also lets not forget that Organized Crime is not necessarily the mob and is a huge section as well and they do run businesses. Since 4/04 I have only been hired Temp. at Dell in Jan. '06. They messed with me BIG at Dell. Here's how. I was temp. through Sperion at Dell. I am glad I got the job at the time; I really did't think it was going to be so serious at that time of the interview. The person who interviewed me did a few things, however I did receive the job over several other applicants who were not really qualified. Many other managers showed up to take higher positions to mess with me and other people. MADE! The employee orientation person messed with me as well. The employees were made in my group. The Mgr. tried to break my hand the first day REAL! They were playing me on sales calls and messing with all the employees many different ways. I made this and many other things there. Dell is impersonated (#2 got it I heard later after I left Tx, a third in place) and murdered many people in the company and his compound has many dead, & buried on it.(Men told me he did the party thing, ie got one) I Also during that short 8 days of training at Dell I was praying at Mtn. City, Tx and they tried to kill me two different ways clearly. One they tried to sleep me on the way to work and crash me. Worse yet they had high level nuclear activated by a high level devil under the seat of my car on the way to work. I was fine, strong, and rested, got up for work. Drove 40 minutes and was fried on the back of my waist down. The men wanted me to stop early on and get out of the car for a short time to clear the car. CAR CLEAR! is a good command. I missed the message until later. I also finished Dell with the Sword in the Spirit to the Good. At the time he had the Sword and could use it. I felt led to preach, minister God's truth to him, however other executives started to attack him, so I did so from the parking lot and then quit that day. (Sword in the spirit is Good, I have many clearly I have seen the Sword in several occasions; 1. I saw Dell's sword that day, I saw Ted Turner's sword, My sword in Yuma, I saw the whip fromt from the giant devil defeated by the men and I from Universal Studios, also Branson's sword actually attack him point through the top of the head, the 50 ft. sword from the LA court. Here's another I saw part of God's presence smash the bench at the LA court and birth records fell out! in Yuma, my birth record, a gold box with mabraeth name on it) In Thousand Oaks and Palisades I saw light strikes from myself clearly defeat the enemy/person attacking me bad in the spirit, WITH EYES OPEN. In Beverly Hills I saw many things clearly in the spirit with my eyes closed, A Large devil inside The Good Shepard church 25 ft tall with spikes from its head, head bowed in defeat! Amen! Allelua! Praise God! Also by the Beverly Hilton 4 stories tall, by the corner at Cannon near the big tree of approx. 100 ft tall. (He asked me what to do, I explained he was here again to figure out how he was murdered and that if he tried to do anything bad he would be defeated extremely quickly before anything was done bad. They are not allowed to help anymore that time is passed, Amen!) Also over the Beverly Hills Hotel a 20 ft white skull scene from accross the street. I have scene many Skull, just the head, sometimes with cross bones. Sometimes a skeleton without blackrob/cover, recently near UCLA 200 ft tall.


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