Friday, November 16, 2007

Search for Mabraeth family and Trust Fund

I then moved my car to HEB parking lot and was praying, walking to Landa park, Prince Solmes park and the library. While I was there I was praying one day and was getting through to Fake uncle Chuck Dambrosia number 2. Apparently through prayer I found out #1 got some one from Colombia and then he got it from Colombia later. How did I know that? Early near the time of Sept./Oct. '02 his spirit visited me and oddly enough this spirit didn't hurt me, it did enter though and I knew it was Chuck. (my armor wasn't complete then, in the spirit) This person also has at least two other impersonators at this time. Commander of RJC and many agents went out and arrested him, I helped find many firearms upstairs to the right, an extremly hot gun in kitchen, RJC Cmdr. got a gun burn off this handgun.(approx. 180 kills bad) They also confiscated several wealth mgmnt. checks of $50k, which have not been given to me. (That Chuck also tried to cash one and failed) This 4 acre has many bodies buried on it.I was praying and I had the internal medical device still inside my mind and chest run by sattellite and Gateway computer. This black guy helped some and I helped the FBI and local police arrest and him and fly him to Supermax. One officer was the commander of RJC in Kent, Wa. Another thing I worked on in the HEB parking lot was visiting in the spirit the Lim, Nakamoto, and Yoshioka family in Hawaii on Oahu. I found out that Jeannie was murdered in Seattle and her double was arrested in Hawaii. Patrick and Coh Lim were/are still involved in the mob in Hawaii. The samarai attacked the Men and I (Men means God's men/Angels)while we were there and I clearly finished several thousand with the sword. I also helped with the arrest of Arthur and Mildred, Peggy and Lawrn Scarcello in Rathdrum from Tx. This person was very high in Idaho and I helped the Sheriff arrest him and find out what happened in that area; IE Kevin's murder and his adopted son; and many people Arthur killed, interrogated, and buried on the property. While I was there in 8/04 Arthur tried to kill me several times and many things played out there. That night I was allowed by God to hit Arthur in the spirit Big and knew my fist in the spirit was basketball size. I also saw this from Tx. I believe that Arthur interrogated and killed one of these Claudia's that was impersonating my wife at the farm. The clue is broken chair in the Gramma Josephine's home where I stayed. She also got by I believe Arthur. I remember 3 very young cattle approaching me one day in regard to 3 people getting it. Also a robin in the cherry tree representing Gramma Josephine, and 2 bull sitings that were Arthur, one in the Coral and another near entrance to Scarcello road. Earlier in my life I had two other Coyote sitings, one on my 50cc motorcycle(10-12yo) that appeared from nearby wooded area, again odd because we were making noise and the coyote appeared in the open in daylight and another mature coyote/wolf was going after chickens and then me directly and I pointed my wristrocket at it and it turned and left.(13yo) One day returning home to Gramma Josephine's home I saw a group of Turkeys, they looked real, I chased them a few feet with the car.(Acura RL Tx place JCF-526, stolen by Ventura county Sherrif and LAPD and another spanish person over a parking ticket, no signature, took all belongings and glasses, wanted me to fight, did not, over a parking ticket, tried to beat me physically with ex cop, made, men said not, went in spirit with the sword and finished whole department, I knew when I spirit left, they tried to play me as well during fake booking, Silva and Moore, been HOMELESS AND NO MONEY SINCE 5/15/06) Arthur didn't have Turkeys at all....???? I believe this was they were saved by me to protect me???


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