Friday, November 16, 2007

Search for Mabraeth family and Trust Fund

I was basicly out of money at that time and the local bank and churches were not helping me. Which ones, Wesleyian church, Tree of life, Day Spring, and one other near Auto row area by Walmart. I was begging on the side of the road for a food and gas next to I-35 and somedays I did ok. Most of the time I got schooled. (mind attack technique or attacked in the spirit, often from behind)I tried begging later in California with little success. I had applied for several jobs in that area with no job offer. The one job I had was at Mcdonald's, with out further details, it went bad and I quit, they tried to mess with me big. Employment security and all business were messing with me; like burn spell in there office and a Domino's driver giving a drug tainted pizza and another I paid for and tried to return was bad. Salvation army was as well, she helped a little $20 for food and gas, not enough to go anywhere, pizza was bad, she was messing with women in her quilting class and I believe she played me as well. Recruiting office visits, 3x. Landa park, a spider appeared bad, I helped a hummingbird that couldn't fly, company picnics and people were around me all the time. Acid rain was hot one day over a volleyball match I one, I hit a winning shot with my eyes closed. Another day I want to the local golf course near there and some stuff played out, the owner was supposed to have been bought out by the mob and he didn't get anywhere with me. Also the near Landa Park the condominium complex was build during the time I was there and is totally made; issues with overhead electrical wire, high voltage frying people there and flooding near prince Solmes river. Another time the rain and lightning went bad and went in the water and almost got hit by lightning. Another storm I clearly know there was fighting near me and the evil was trying to get lightning to hit my car, I ended up with a cart denting my car. another time they tried electromagnetic pulse to kill in Walmart parking lot through a overhead light in the parking lot. The ice was hot at Taco Bell and I actually saw hot ice delivered as I was in the store (a few minutes) one day at Handy Andy near Landa Park.


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