Sunday, November 25, 2007

Mob out,done, mail, san antonio, Mabraeth

No mail in Thousand Oaks (at least one chinese person, several others caucasian) was given to me, I had my ID to and they lied. MOB!!! I went approx. 18 different times to get my mail and it is important, I also went to Malibu to get my mail and they too were infiltrated by Chineses fake postal employees, committing a felony by not giving me my mail.(3 different ones) The Men of God made it clear to me that some people were going to die if I did not rec I also have government ID with Top Secret clearance from the US government, I was protecting the president in 1969/70 before I was kidnapped from Malibu, Ca., and spent time at Camp David and the White House. What else did they do. Well the marriage thing to this Colombian Claudia, was marriage deception, fraud, attempted murder, kidnapping, murder of Elisa, wife impersonation, witchcraft, mind techniques, poisoning. Fake Dad Michael and Chuck started cheating on me. Times people tried to Bomb me. San Antonio Airport. Actually handcuffed me illegally and took me up to within 20 feet of the bomb in the back seat, now had this been a car bomb and not a building bomb and they had there bomb gear on it would have been different. They said there was no bomb, even though the bomb German Shepard said "Yes". What I heard was a click at one point and that was when the bomb was to have gone off, my dad was there clearly helping me in the spirit, and as I prayed they said they stopped it. The men told me that it was to be activated by the alarm, these SA people were playing around with the key on the same ring at the same time detonator. I was also able to get through several other bombs in my fathers jets at the airport. They illegally detained me in jail there for 4 hrs. w/o cause, then transferred me to a hospital for a physical; I explained I was praying and had been fasting for almost 40 days. The physical was fine, they refused to release me, MOB! Tried to sleep me and poison me with the food, it was not easy to stay up I had 2 internal medical devices, one in the mind and another in the chest, they had a machine in the back that could track the meltonin levels, I figured out by praying and listening. I stood up. I did what the men said the declined the food and warned the other person, she ate and was ok, drank water and Bam!, stomach Bomb, apparently like sulfuric acid, a few hours later they took her to the hospital. The guy that tried to feed me was big time, because he had a bad knife the Men told me when I prayed, with many kills, if I had slept....(approx. 80 kills with it) I tried to leave a few times and the door was locked, another high level person showed to get me out as I prayed, I got through to someone and he had difficulty getting me out, he was as close as the same floor.(He should have tried returning with FBI or PI's) Then they transferred me to San Antonio Mental Health and said I would be released right away! I didn't sign anything there, and then I tried to go out the window, screwed! shut! It got bad from there, The water was very hot(in spirit), the food was poisoned, the shower had chlorine excessively in it, they were doing sex strikes on me from the back, they were following me thought with the device, and trying to hurt me with it. A black person poison with Palmitite the Milk at a high lethal dose in a sealed container. Then they forced me illegally, held me down, and gave a medication to knock me out, R name, high dosage, that interacts bad with Palmitite and refused to give me the medication printout and interaction list. I knew they were paid to do this to me. One day they were messing around in the back again and I did understand, and Miraculously God removed both internal medical devices at the same time, instantly, with no pain, no injury, no recovery, just gone!!! Amen, Thank you Lord because I was planning and trying to go to Herman Hospital in Houston to have it taken out and they were being manipulated by 3 companies and the need for profit. 3 different nurses each did this illegally and received pay, MOB! The other people there had the internal medical device and were using it against my mind to kill/hurt me. Later while I was asleep they medicated they held me down and medicated me into a coma. I awoke for the first time about 3o days later in Baptiste Hospital. They did many things to me including poisoning me and trying to kill me while in a coma and it didn't work.


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