Thursday, November 29, 2007

Joe and Sam D'Ambrosia, Mob out Mob Done!

Isabelle Hewitt, Joe and Sam's mom got early. She cheated around on Nick because he didn't know I guess. Joe's father worked at Boeing in Sea Launch section, engineer. She had a clone for a short time. Nick had an impersonator that took me fly fishing spring of '02. There are a few other fake Nick's(2-3) since then as well as Fake Tony's one in jail(2-3), Chuck's(2-3), Fake dad Michael's(2-3), Fake Gramma Sylvia's(2-3, Jeannie's one fake in jail (1 more), Andrea's (2-3 more). Bill Wallick in jail; no more impersonators known. Fake uncle Billy in Jail (1-2 other impersonators) Nick was poisoned while I was illegally on jail Christmas Day '03 (RJC), then drugged and beaten to death by Fake dad Michael and Chuck in his Wallingford Ave home near Seattle off of Ne 45th. The FBI if you read this investigate and take DNA samples. In the spirit I believe Nick was tied to a chair sitting facing the street to the right of the stairs. ; know Nick my brother, not my biological brother though was kidnapped from Russia. Nick is thin and has a large grinder scar on his left calf, small mole on his left eyelid, and is left handed. Enjoyed Golf, skiing, flyfishing. Was an systems analyst, electrical engineer degree from UW, Honeywell, Sonosite employee. Don and Susan Flauerty.(Flair-ee-tee) They live nearby a few blocks West of Dick's drive in. Rich Schute was a golf buddy and friend of Nick's. These 3 people knew Nick well. In short the city, county, State of California is guilty of Trust fund fraud, Murder, Treason, kidnapping. Also withholding all information about Joe and Sam D'Ambrosia from Andrew Damon Mabraeth. I have sent email to the Mayor of Portland, Ore and the Govenor of Oregon regarding my Sealed records and its been confirmed. Andrea is from England, Nick from Russia, and Tony from Yugoslavia(Russia) I believe Nick and Tony were together. I was added later to these three. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Elisa 4yo was tortured and murdered while I was illegally in jail from 11/27/02 to 3/27/04. She also received a broken femir from Diego Montalvo (cali,colombia)and a friend with a limb that was crushed/cut just above the elbow and he said he owned a restaurant in Cali, Colombia. I believe Diego has a Double because he had big dark circles under his eyes. They used a fake Elisa that I brought to Overlake Hospital and Children's and didn't know it at the time. The nurse at Overlake lied and said it was broken. One of the fake Claudia's admitted that they did this to Elisa to get me back into the home in 8/02 oddly enough while sitting on the kitchen floor crying. I did move back actually 9/1 to help Elisa and slept downstairs, it was fiasco. I moved to my Townhome on 9/13. I complained to CPS regarding her daycare 3/02 after a fall there that was very suspicious and late pick ups by "Claudia". One day I took her to the daycare and something big happened in the back seat; she barfed and burst into tears for know reason; I think someone dropped in on her in the spirit in my car. Also there may have been another incident in the daycare. I know she was kidnapped and brought around to many bad places in LA to make her go bad, it didn't work. One was a small out bldg, barn?, another was a very bad bed. I was also kidnapped from Malibu, Ca and don't know what happened before I got to NE portland, Or near Killingsworth at the age of 3.5 yo. I do know that Cheney, Hastert, and Bush were and are apart of this in a big way. My father owned Halliburton, and after his death Cheney was CEO there and killed many people around the Co. including many in the US Government. Hastert, (my nickname Gargamell, has a tendency to get big in spirit and gobble small ones) new my mom Jennifer Anne Mabraeth pretty well. At one point I got the impression in prayer that Hastert almost dated my mom and that she tried to introduce him someone good, so when this happened it horrible, crazy to realize that they are way up in the US government illegally.


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