Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Illegal Police Action in CA since 2/06

I decided to take a nap and thought I had not crossed the state line and Ca Hwy Patrol rolled up on me bad and schooled BIG TIME. This guy was arrested later for many murders(cannibal), and they couldn't do anything either. Your supposed to pull over if your tired while driving, no matter where your located as long as there is room and I did and there was room. Enough for semi. There were two guys in the spirit helping me that day and man they didn't do enough. At the time I still thought police were ok, man was I wrong!!! They would often ask inappropriate illegal questions. The state was done at that point. I was interconnected. I decided to turn around at that point and two other Ca Hwy Patrol flew by me that were also in big trouble. At that time I was supposed to go to DNA section of LAPD and tell them my name and receive everything. When I drove by downtown another policecruiser drove by and tried a Big ICE technique to scare me/hurt me. After that I ran out of gas. Went to Chevron and he tried to play me, and wouln't loan me a gas can, I bought one, bought gas, spilled gas on my hand because the can was designed bad. Then I drove toward Monterey and a Black Del sol disappeared behind me as it approached, no one else around. (two people, m/f) Many other peopole on the road were made, I remember a black guy with a device in his hand real, in a porsche. My Grandmother Judith was big in the city of Monterey that day talking to them about me and helping me and giving me my trust fund. The city council and I actually heard clearly my grandmother. The city is totally made in Monterey, they spent more than 200 million of my trust in the last 5 yrs. alone. I didn't have a map, drove north, saw a satellite drop down from higher orbit in a fire ball to my left as I drove up a hill near where I stopped for the night north of San Francisco. As I drove through SF they manipulated the traffic to slow me down and have me drive thru downtown, I believe I helped a jet at one point while driving. They tried a huge mind technique and it didn't work, I won, and helped the whole city, I won 10 Trillion that day. I slept in my car in gas station, some people there and in cars rolled around me bad. They broke into my car and stole my map, funny thing at one point they put a pair of pants Will had given me in my car, which I didn't have before? Will? they said in the spirit? I remember this now, its not in sequence. Near Yuma I won 10 Trillion for defeating the Nazi's with the men in Germany,(Berlin) and the Mob in Italy (Rome). So 20 Trillion. One of the best days of my life was donating 10 Trillion that day to charity worldwide. Later raised to 100 Trillion. Then all to charity. It's God's money, I'm just the steward. Its too much for me to watch. I wouldn't be here if it were not for God anyway. Amen! Can I here the people say AMEN! Many people were tested to manage money well/responsibly and failed. This sentence is what I was forgetting "Its all to the GOOD WORLDWIDE." SF police illegall stopped me on the N. side of golden gate park, I have speed, (drive fast as I want)tried many bad techniques, and now are serving hard time. They couldn't do anything to me. I went to Mt. Montalpais park, found my fathers estate, 2 lots that were to be a gift to me, Susan B. Cushing and John Muir area and that they were murdered and there family. All the land is owned by Mabraeth. There are bodies buried bad there. All the houses there are built illegally. All of those people are under arrest and I command the FBI and SF police arrest them and clear the property and my Publisher in SF to assist with doing this. I was given the Boar, Men, command. I also saw this dark bird that my father said was good; in fact it was not. Several cars went by me that night near there estate, one tried to stop and the men took it. I heard the tires crunching. I also helped NY with a floor bomb. I also helped NY, Chicago, Atlanta, & SF with a 3 bldg floor bomb in each city to make them fall over, not straight down as Osama ala mob did in NY with 9/11. I was driving in my car when I helped that morning. The mob was made and commanded to risk there life to defuse them and chickened out, so part of God's presence saved everyone involved. as many as 1-2 million could have gotten it in SF alone in the spirit. Many people died of other reasons as a result of that problem at 9/11 in NY. I was driving early in the morning in SF stopped at a light and a car was to my left and right, R was too close, Bam! A loud sound to my right like a gunshot. I looked and as I was praying and said to the driver thru the glass did you hear that? The Mob was trying to kill that guy in the silver Audi, he pulled over after that in shock. He was in trouble with the Mob. I know I got big save that day. The skull is trying to say it was on purpose, NOT! If this was not saved by the Men he would have got it and my car would have got it, flipped and shrap metal to more than likely got me. The idea was to get him and I was there for the save and the right place and time. Another time I stopped on a Hwy near SF, didn't know where to go, and pulled over for a moment to decide. All of sudden a cop just appeared behind me bad and rapped on the window. I had only been sitting there for only 2 minutes approx.. I believe he was teleported bad that day. His not was bad in the spirit. He said I couldn't stop here. I stopped there to decide whether to go right to another Hwy.. I left and went straight. Another illegal cop messing with me.


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