Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Illegal police action

From Mt. Maltapais park, I went to Tiburion. The coolest thing happened near the grocery store. My dad was there I knew near the fire station. It went mob and he owned the 76 union gas station and most of the land there. I can distinctly remember him turning around in a circle and couldn't believe how many hills were totally built that he owned. I then went to Napa/Sonoma for several days and found out that they were messing with electric at the elementary school whee the Eagle is there mascot. Many Mabraeth family were murdered there. I found the Roche winery, Made. I almost went out there and tried to receive it, however someone else bad was already there. Another big spot int he spirit market by bad birds across the road up 50 yrds, in from the road 50 yrds or so. The birds circled there not unlike a few days ago The Skull got Big 200 ft tall just North of Fox theater in Westwood. The firemen need to check that school with an expert in electrician. I also made the Trader Joe's, someone my father knew tried to make me go pee Big. She did it to him back then. I found that he owned Dole, he golfed at the golf course there, I made a PG & E guy messing with electric, I also found out the electrical pole was not done right, the men showed me. My father owned the largest winery (over 1,000 acres, one area where the bodies are won't grow grapevine!!!)in the area there, it has approximately 4,000 bodies on it, Brentwood the same, my father's ranch in Thousand Oaks near the Reagan's place too, which is totally made as well. My father owned a bank there, and the US Government sent 4-5k names through the bank of NY to this bank in Napa, it was sent back, it was tried again and it was too much money for them to handle, I learned about the bank and trust fund tricks they play. The names and everything went back. I also made a livestock place between Sonoma & Napa. Some big stuff played out there previously. Sonoma had an old twin engine there. The recorders office is big there, the Men pointed it out as having falsified many things. I also drove by an older gentlemen with a leather briefcase, I thought this person could have helped and knew of Mabraeth. I was trying to find the bank actually, didn't find it. Helicopter flew over in Napa one day. Made. Also someone walked behind my Acura in the spirit and his feet crunched with each step. Sometimes tires would do that as well in Monterey. Recently I was on the street and it was raining again, so I went to a covered area since my trust, car, mail are illegally withweld. I was in the open 1st level and a high level Mob Cop rolled up on me, big. I got through it a whole, bunch, problem is he was around back then when Murphy and Mabraeth got it, so that is many hundred kills if not more, so he asked me to leave, I hadn't done anything wrong, did he offer me phone/car for shelter, social services, food stamp online application, NOT! Since then my small belongings have been stolen 2 different times: ie. towels, blanket, paper, suitcase, magazine, fruit, food, basket(not the store kind), football, softball, tennis balls, book about Reagan I wanted to read, stuff all found in the garbage to get by. Another time I was down on the 5th floor below, behind a garbage can, and this Mob Cop flies down there exactly to where I was, tries a whole bunch of techniques on me, mind, chest, stuff on. So he says to leave, I do. He too got in trouble, had messed with a whole bunch of people here. He flew out of there and told me to stay. Problem is the Skull got something from somewhere else and tried to roll him back to mess with me. I was just about to cross the street away from UCLA and he showed up again to mess with me, so I said I leave, I left. Literally I was within 1 min. of leaving. No Probable Cause!!! Always remember a real police officer needs probable cause. I told him my real name, my blog, in the spirit, and that I have a Top Secret ID. Enough said. Just today, on tv 2 officers were made trying to get someone into jail to get them further, ie. kill them. Made by the Men BIG! The article today in the Bruin about the FBI agent at UCSD is made, he was there to mess with someone, it worked some, but not like he planned. I wonder if Darryl is a real FBI agent, He was there Big, so I'll assume he doesn't know who he is. My guess is NO, Not a real agent. That school and Scripps Oceangraphic/near UCSD went good recently, my father owned part of it and was helping them. The Skull just helped move Darryl here and gave him something to do and he said no. Today I went to Brentwood to visit this morning and it went good!, very. They had several people there to try stuff on me and it didn't work, several young women, private school I (they smell if you know what I mean, bad; at this level its common) Skull gave them something else to do. Didn't work. Many times I have seen HS students commanded by Skull and parents to try one big in the spirit. Brentwood is commanded to give me my estate there, since many things are made, all of it actually, 10k sq. ft. on 4 Acres, they put many bodies on this property, it is a rectangle shape with 2 stories, my father owned Founder's title, and a Malibu Title company. Butsch RE in Malibu is made big a few days ago. There were 3 high level people there to try and play me and steal. Sotheby's agents. Valerie Fitzgerald was to help me with it and did try. Often agents say they help and hide the truth and try to steal. Kate Bransfield. Basicly all the agents and RE offices in the area are made. Coldwell, Windemere, Troop, Sotheby's, many more. A quick not, my Trust owned half the land in this state, the rest is made.


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