Thursday, December 13, 2007

I Pray, Its good, God bless America

I made a Idaho nuclear plant that was trying to fry the whole USA and got through a the plant, which helped everyone. Also they fired some nucs live and the men stopped them big, US and Korea. They were messing with gene therapy, and stem cell therapy again to make it go real bad and I caught them, article on internet and LA Times. They were putting a whole bunch in that to hurt people. I also saw what Dr. Jarvik was doing recently to hurt peoples heart big, in the spirit. Institute on Wilshire has a law section and 1 yr. ago they were to have helped me and didn't; they still had trouble. Many many car things are made now, so many things can be found out in the spirit about the car, who drove, where, when, what they did, who they got, what person or manufacture or dealer did to the car to make it go good or bad; etc...Some things made in the past are premature wear on parts, bad interior, headrest, strikes from motor, airbag that can kill, car that exploads in the spirit.(this happened in Monterey, one of my Angels protected me well that day, car was driven cross country, guy got fried, it was brought up from below to kill me, in car near hotel, knew Angel was there and saw him for a moment, 25 ft tall stocky, I was covered up coats, then white explosion, no sound, I went nova/white/high up to the Good to block this and protect myself. Another time a guy walked by with a bad flashlight and I actually thougt he was a devil from below by the hotel, he kinda floated by and pointed this bad light at me and even though I was in my car under wool coat(E. H. Carter, 2nd hand store, big in LA, apparently hand tailored by Chinese person, know this person got it) I go it in the heart. These things don't work anymore. Oh yeah, another day I was walking on the beach North toward Marina, and Parasail/chute/hangliders were trying to shoot me with a handheld device from above. I got it one time, and started yelling.(I think I threw a rock, short by 50 yrds, not close to person a few people doing that that day) I made a guy trying to dig up something just north of the hotel, he was trying to put something bad in the ground. In Thousand I made a small company that was making Automobile devices to fry people. Also made some people being paid to have a bad sound, stereo in there car, crazy. Another in Newbury park, I made, done, someone higher up that was making paperclips and other office products and paying people to put strikes on them. Costco was doing some different stuff inside there bldg, like some a device or laser or something that fried people. The guy there wouldn't give me an application for employment, the taste testers were nuts, and were schooling big young and old. In Newbury park I was supposed to receive a horse ranch that was made so I would have a place for a time, the horses were telling me I helped them the night before and that the people there tried to hurt them by feeding them bad food. It didn't work out. Also an owl from RCI helped me some. Fox in the spirit was there, jet black, I hit this with my sword and it went dark some so at the time I had to spin my sword to clear it. Some guy near there got it, I found what was left of the house. I also had a visit from 4 bad police one night illegally, I wasn't in the city limits of Newbury and they tried the ice technique again. They were made because the whole housing development and area was made, land is owned by Mabraeth. The whole area was made. 4/12 I saw the men and I in the sky circling the earth, and another group like white light helpin people, many people saw this. The other group was another person who received something that wasn't right and got in trouble. One day I drove toward Westlake Village and on the way back a white xc 90 was following me and the men moved them to NY in a moment. Later they got in trouble and disappeared good by the Men. I visited WM in Monterey and fake gramma Sylvia was there to mess with me and started to lie and disappeared... she visited from below her last time, then off to pit of evil. I moved to Cabrillo and some big stuff played out at the old church, priest was made the people tried to mess with me and got it. Found out somemore about the history there, its bad, the people were very good there that were apart of the church. I then visited the school there and my parents(water reclamation project is made, its bull, messes with the water, etc)CSU channel islands. Mob took this place over; they were schooling people, food, medical, etc and getting some. I tried to apply for pin, financial aid and they were messing with me, many other people were there. My parents knew about this college, and helped them, I believe my parents were connected to the owners as friends or they owned it. It was a good place I know. They were building bad there. I was visiting and praying in my car when one later went up for about 10 minutes, another for about 20 minutes. They had gotten too many so it was there time for a big visit upstairs. Another time just before my car was stolen by Silva and Moore, this lady was going to do something crazy near me and she got it, went to the pit on my land
Via Colinas. One day I saw a spider with a rear bulb of 1 in diameter, that guy is bad. Another time recently at UCLA I saw a jet black spider on Janss steps, doesn't seem to out of the ordinary until it starts talking then tries to attack in the spirit. Pasley, Cruise had a big bug. While I was up in thousand one morning I saw tall cross matted over like cows or cattle were there that night, in fact the Men said its true they were Buffalo there to protect me. I had a few snake visits as well, one got it in the spirit quick, another let knew I was good, another was took over I pelted it with rocks, it tried to get my bag, another 3 black and white ringed snake sightings were also made.


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