Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Pray, visited downtown LA today

Bus passed me by 2 times, then I was able to ride. They schooled and got in trouble. Spanish continue to play dumb, and look the other way and try to school, mind, conspiracy, mob, racketeering, and eventually murder. Some people seem to forget that my 4 yo daughter was tortured and murdered until its there own the mob wants to kill. I visited market, people were messed with, lease avail., rare, subway cleared, schwab lady crazy, co. totally made, taken at some point bad. I have a legal right to any of there estate at this point because of the above. This lady refused to listen to me, started to school BIG TIME, I would say on a scale of 1 to 100, 75. I confronted her, told her to stop, told her what she was doing. She continued, I fired on the spot. What she did would get her several years in jail. 5-4 130 lbs, shoulder length hair, brown, blue light, curved nose, overbite, kinda beatty eyed. I visited Wells museum, other people were hovering bad and wanted to go in at the same time to steal information. Not. It was already done. I left for US Trust. This didn't go very well so I left. I went to same fountain that burned earlier that the Men put out. Skull tried again, hug amnt of kills in it more than last time, and it didn't work, men put it out immediately. Closed on downtown and helped the whole area. Also Grand Wilshire; GM is made and they're made, done. The person claiming to be owner is made because the another got, and the one before that was good. The GM was commanded to give the hotel over to me immediately and have the paperwork ready; owner, CIA, law firm is commanded to follow up and secure the hotel and staff to the good. In the last year the Wilshire hotels have had some people pass bad there. Several others in Wilshires, Beverly Hilton : this hotel is clearer, I like a good citizen would notice the Men told me one got it last summer on the upper right floor, I got that one, also today several more since 8/06, Rick Hilton who is not really Mr. Hilton(he got it) knew some of this and recently according to the paper sold Hilton(think about this, I'm a HRA grad., you just don't go and sell Hilton ok!!!! not normal) Beverly Hills Hotel, Luxe, etc, and many other hotels in the LA area. I can only do so much unless the staff is ready and I have cooperation from people/staff. So I PRAY, and do my best to stop the death/carnage! Since the FBI, CIA, DEA read my blog I'll say that Akashi a K-9 detective helped me locate some cadavers, here specialty; middle of the block between 9th & olympic & Figueroa St, on the West side. The other spot is between pico & venice & flower on West side mid block. I also noticed that Time Mirror Square is downtown and my father owned, I own TimeWarner. Ted Turner will agree. There is a body in the property there, its a whole block so no surprise. Mcdonalds had a whole bunch of people to mess with me in the bathroom, the mgr and people were there to school; they got and they wouldn't give me a small refill on coffee even though I helped them with restaurant, so they stop messing with the food. I walked back, stopped and got some help from the superior court, however no one went outside and gave me my trust/id. My law firm was made there bad apparently. I walked on Sixth instead, made Chapman, church by macarthur park, went thru several things higher, tar pits, museum, boone child museum, pedersen museum auto, ahn & ho usps station, samsung, el rey, many other things as well, japanese rest., wilshire theater is BIG rat pack there from the sands. Porsche dealer didn't help, something huge holding that place back. Also BMW Beverly Hills,got to this guys train quick, helped them, z4, 535, 335. and Jim Falk Lexus, got to race car quick, had trouble helping me even though I played through a new car/or have Capital One financing with cashback to 130% ltv. Both dealers are made, done, they have trouble getting anywhere bad with the car or playing people. Barney's, Sac's 5th ave, Budget, BH HS a few people there, some passed and put on grounds there, and more stuff around UCLA.


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