Saturday, December 8, 2007


I spent time at the Getty a few times in the last week or so and made many things. Many people were there to play or school and some were very high up. Getty was very good and many of the people if not all that he knew got it. The museum is good, many things were put there in the spirit when it was built bad after John P. Getty's murder. LA times talked about the Endrangatta kidnapping his grandson back during that time period. So the Villa and Getty museum are made. I major point is that the Luxe at sunset/405 were to give me everything and the hotel/Rolls phamtom today and did not. People say, it can't be this way, I have yrs. of work to do in a day, and good people get somewhere very, quickly, no problem, and bad are shit, and even still get no where. They have very little they can try now. i went thru the art, St. mary's, statues, etc. One outside I touched with my hand, not only didn't I get anything bad off it, it went good in a basketball size circle, and sure enough a black man there was messing with the statues bad. Again the the staff is made as part of this. They do help some. This is made so completely and publicly, they must give quickly to Me, Andrew Damon Mabraeth. I also was in the garage and the guy tried to tell me to get out of here; what happened is the skull took him over some, messes with his mind, tempted him, and he said it on his own, lost it temporarily. Several other staff tried to school me big. I pray for higher security in the spirit to keep bad spirits out and bad people. The tram went good, many underneath in the spirit, very possible real. 1st recent visit, some lady that got it bad, bottom(sex), high up had several platinum colored pebbles that she was going to use against me and it didn't work, they cleared and I saw this in he spirit. The same thing happened with 4 other people in another visit. At this level these people want to help so they can find out what is going on; the mob is out of touch a whole bunch. the highest people have big trouble getting through a large play, even part of it. At this level, Dr. No, Double "O" level they should be able to. What they did back then was try and covering people big time in shit in the spirit and then try to mess with them, not working with me. I also made a couple with a blonde child today, man what a nut, her family was a big one and she added something huge from that today. Another blonde lady 6oyo, black outfit, hair longer up. Another heavier set woman as well. Another person walking out of the Getty was mesing with me. Several people as I walked into the Getty from Asia. I need people from Broken Arrow, Ok, Mtn. city, Tx , Portland, and Seattle to email and help me. Also today I called the FBI and reported in some of the stuff made around me and asked for help. They are sending me everything I have with them certified with Agent, Top Secret ID.


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