Thursday, January 3, 2008

damon andrew D'Ambrosia is AndrewDMabraeth

Wow, where to continue? What a Christmas! I'd like to say I went to Whistler, Bachelor, Aspen, Sun Valley, and Hawaii all in the Name of Fun(God of Course!) However the Mob, city, county, state, CIA, DEA, FBI, Law firm, friends, everyone had another idea; its bullshit, I was broke, on the side of the road like the good samaritan after he got beat up; unfortunately no good samaratin showed to help me! Man this is Screwed! I was really hoping, praying, emailing, calling, asking, for Tim, Ken, Mark, Adam, Will, Jeff, Marty, Cindy, Elena, Darci, Virginia, Meeks, Zuic, Zering, or one of my corporations to send one to help me and no, no, noone showed. So this has continued; I'll start with getting through what was going on with Stein institute, mob security showed to illegally kick me out of the building, ad follow me to the street by the busstop by Geffen playhouse; they then illegally forced me to cross the street and thought it was some joke; I killed them in the spirit later with the sword; I was commanded, by God. (CIA. (many times they leave you out there undercover for a long time; you understand)after I found out they were inpersonated, Wasserman, Judge Byrne, etc. they all got it. This helped me greatly in the eye area. I also worked on the hospital area greatly. What I have scene is more people with a higher level of kills available to them to get some where bad. The skull person is a nut, he uses so many on me is crazy; anything over a million to kill someone is bullshit; not happening. They have tried some things over 100 million on me and still got no where, how? The men are higher and its quicker. I have scene people further gone in the mind; its bad, I try to help, however if they get clear then accept a huge amount again to do something in the mind; there mind has trouble not blowing, frying, I have been commanding cat scan, mri, physical in the spirit many times. I have also found some higher people with 30-50 yrs of mob experience that have a huge amount in the mind that is bad, and taken from high up people who were killed, some in the university system.


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