Friday, November 30, 2007

Every Thought, Word, Action for God!

I was watching an illegal take off of the space shuttle in the spirit. It was going to deliver something from another realm that was very evil, so evil that people over a large area were going to be killed. I saw in the spirit the shuttle take off a short distance and part of God's presence held it back and set down very gently on the landing pad, summer of '06 while I was in Thousand oaks, Ca.. I also saw another item from another realm on the launch pad in China the same day, at about the same time, this too was not allowed to take off. China tried later with something else that didn't work that actually made it into space. I also made another poorly made Sea Launch from Long Beach(?) in paper. Ca for sure. Near Yuma I made a high level person who went into the spirit when he was made, I actually saw a real person next to one of these satellites that controlled internal medical devices like the one I had. It was under a cover on a flatbed semi trailer. From near Yuma the Police actually arrested the 2nd Arnie (1st got it in Austria) and had him cornered in his mercedes 2 dr. by helicopter and policecruisers, he went into the spirit and disappeared. He later appeared at the LAPD and was questioned by them. They had 20 of the trustees in jail in Jan. '06 and questioned them, I also questioned them in the spirit, mainly my child spirit was allowed to be released to do some work seperately, also my child spirit visited the Glendale, AZ waterplant my father owned and closed shortly before his death. (they reopened, estimated kills in 34 yrs, 100k) I also visited Raytheon as my child spirit, later as adult (I seemed approx. 18yo) and as child spirit. The LAPD had dna on my fathers watch, I said try again there are two sets from Yuma. They also knew about San Simeon and what had happened there as well as personal items stolen from friends and family of my parents John, Jennifer, and judith. The FBI visited San Simeon and had some trouble and were told to leave. Someone was caught stealing and received a huge strike, burn, etc... They filmed the pool being filled by the God and the Men quickly and clearing underneath. It has a special design that is bad, this was done after my fathers death in '73, they used bad salt.

UCLA, Mabraeth family

My father spent time in the University system helping people and so did I. He owned Pepperdine and several other colleges. Many colleges have been made through this. He was a part of sponsoring the UC system. They had a group of people. James Murphy got it Chancellor of UCLA a good friend of my father John Steven Mabraeth and impersonated currently, chairman and CEO of Time Mirror Corp.. Ackerman, Kerckoff, Rolfe, Royce, Schoenberg, Wooden, Dodd, Seeds, Franz, Le sulle (spelling, law person), Perloff, Melvnitz, Billy Wilder, Armand Hammer, James Briggs, Wadsworth, Powell, Geffen, Spielberg, Katzenberg, Stein, Freud, Kaufman, Gayleye, Hilgard, Charles E. Young, Knell, Strauss, Pauley. Too many to list, just check the building and street names at UCLA. I also recently made someone huge at UC San Diego and Scripps Oceanographic.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Joe and Sam D'Ambrosia, Mob out Mob Done!

Isabelle Hewitt, Joe and Sam's mom got early. She cheated around on Nick because he didn't know I guess. Joe's father worked at Boeing in Sea Launch section, engineer. She had a clone for a short time. Nick had an impersonator that took me fly fishing spring of '02. There are a few other fake Nick's(2-3) since then as well as Fake Tony's one in jail(2-3), Chuck's(2-3), Fake dad Michael's(2-3), Fake Gramma Sylvia's(2-3, Jeannie's one fake in jail (1 more), Andrea's (2-3 more). Bill Wallick in jail; no more impersonators known. Fake uncle Billy in Jail (1-2 other impersonators) Nick was poisoned while I was illegally on jail Christmas Day '03 (RJC), then drugged and beaten to death by Fake dad Michael and Chuck in his Wallingford Ave home near Seattle off of Ne 45th. The FBI if you read this investigate and take DNA samples. In the spirit I believe Nick was tied to a chair sitting facing the street to the right of the stairs. ; know Nick my brother, not my biological brother though was kidnapped from Russia. Nick is thin and has a large grinder scar on his left calf, small mole on his left eyelid, and is left handed. Enjoyed Golf, skiing, flyfishing. Was an systems analyst, electrical engineer degree from UW, Honeywell, Sonosite employee. Don and Susan Flauerty.(Flair-ee-tee) They live nearby a few blocks West of Dick's drive in. Rich Schute was a golf buddy and friend of Nick's. These 3 people knew Nick well. In short the city, county, State of California is guilty of Trust fund fraud, Murder, Treason, kidnapping. Also withholding all information about Joe and Sam D'Ambrosia from Andrew Damon Mabraeth. I have sent email to the Mayor of Portland, Ore and the Govenor of Oregon regarding my Sealed records and its been confirmed. Andrea is from England, Nick from Russia, and Tony from Yugoslavia(Russia) I believe Nick and Tony were together. I was added later to these three. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Elisa 4yo was tortured and murdered while I was illegally in jail from 11/27/02 to 3/27/04. She also received a broken femir from Diego Montalvo (cali,colombia)and a friend with a limb that was crushed/cut just above the elbow and he said he owned a restaurant in Cali, Colombia. I believe Diego has a Double because he had big dark circles under his eyes. They used a fake Elisa that I brought to Overlake Hospital and Children's and didn't know it at the time. The nurse at Overlake lied and said it was broken. One of the fake Claudia's admitted that they did this to Elisa to get me back into the home in 8/02 oddly enough while sitting on the kitchen floor crying. I did move back actually 9/1 to help Elisa and slept downstairs, it was fiasco. I moved to my Townhome on 9/13. I complained to CPS regarding her daycare 3/02 after a fall there that was very suspicious and late pick ups by "Claudia". One day I took her to the daycare and something big happened in the back seat; she barfed and burst into tears for know reason; I think someone dropped in on her in the spirit in my car. Also there may have been another incident in the daycare. I know she was kidnapped and brought around to many bad places in LA to make her go bad, it didn't work. One was a small out bldg, barn?, another was a very bad bed. I was also kidnapped from Malibu, Ca and don't know what happened before I got to NE portland, Or near Killingsworth at the age of 3.5 yo. I do know that Cheney, Hastert, and Bush were and are apart of this in a big way. My father owned Halliburton, and after his death Cheney was CEO there and killed many people around the Co. including many in the US Government. Hastert, (my nickname Gargamell, has a tendency to get big in spirit and gobble small ones) new my mom Jennifer Anne Mabraeth pretty well. At one point I got the impression in prayer that Hastert almost dated my mom and that she tried to introduce him someone good, so when this happened it horrible, crazy to realize that they are way up in the US government illegally.

Work, You Want Work, Call the Mob! Not! Mabraeth

Title;"You want the Truth, you can't handle the Truth of what goes on at work!" "Work, You want work, Call the Mob! Not! There Cruel, Sadistic, Haneous, Deceptive, Dasterdly, Schewd, and shake your hand while they try to steal from your back pocket.(ie Shit) During my work history. I never realized the Mob was behind the scenes messing with me BIG TIME all the time. I have found, bad food, poisioned food, bad computers, bad ergonomics, bad healthcare, MOB unions messing with employees, bosses who consistently do mind techniques to hurt employees, invite other employees (ie Qwest when I worked there) to there house to do witchcraft on me. I believe my boss there got it, and that she is impersonated. She said she used to be a PI and got some info. on, now passed, Fake dad Michael and Chuck. Bad air in the ventilation system, bad water, bad building, bad phone, etc... And to top it off bad Life insurance so they can collect when your dead!!! (ie. Seattle Weekly article summer '02) Since illegal jail in Seattle I tried to find work at many places with little luck. I worked at McDonald's in Texas (Go Good Golden Arches) and the Mgr. wanted something BIG! So she schooled me big! The other managers there were played there to mess with me on purpose. One Spanish one wanted me to Get, Bang, Screw here in the cooler, I said no. Well most men understand what happens then, they get mad and mess with you BIG! To get something BIG! They also poisoned my employee meal and yet I did nothing to make the person mad who made it, I got it some. They also poisoned the OJ, (ie. I said it was good to myself) They took out my taxes wrong. Frost Bank tried to mess with me and not let me cash me check; NOT! At the time I had ID, the check was drawn on them. Frost bank is made; its BIG in Tx, Austin. Corp. McDonald's in CA sent an older Male Executive and two women to mess with me there one day. I think Corp. got mad because they got sick bad one day. I wonder who really did that to them.??? Spring of '05 for 6 wks. Part time. They tried to mess with me with bus loads of people, and fire me, didn't work. I quit. Ironically I have helped McDonald's in the Spirit more than almost any Restaurant chain and will continue to do so, as they have approx. 15,000 restaurants, with somewhere between 200-500 meals served each day. I recently helped there happly meal and got through some of the stuff bad people are doing to children. Unfortunately this chain was taken at one point and Ray Kroc Got it and the lady running it isn't Ms. Kroc. Also lets not forget that Organized Crime is not necessarily the mob and is a huge section as well and they do run businesses. Since 4/04 I have only been hired Temp. at Dell in Jan. '06. They messed with me BIG at Dell. Here's how. I was temp. through Sperion at Dell. I am glad I got the job at the time; I really did't think it was going to be so serious at that time of the interview. The person who interviewed me did a few things, however I did receive the job over several other applicants who were not really qualified. Many other managers showed up to take higher positions to mess with me and other people. MADE! The employee orientation person messed with me as well. The employees were made in my group. The Mgr. tried to break my hand the first day REAL! They were playing me on sales calls and messing with all the employees many different ways. I made this and many other things there. Dell is impersonated (#2 got it I heard later after I left Tx, a third in place) and murdered many people in the company and his compound has many dead, & buried on it.(Men told me he did the party thing, ie got one) I Also during that short 8 days of training at Dell I was praying at Mtn. City, Tx and they tried to kill me two different ways clearly. One they tried to sleep me on the way to work and crash me. Worse yet they had high level nuclear activated by a high level devil under the seat of my car on the way to work. I was fine, strong, and rested, got up for work. Drove 40 minutes and was fried on the back of my waist down. The men wanted me to stop early on and get out of the car for a short time to clear the car. CAR CLEAR! is a good command. I missed the message until later. I also finished Dell with the Sword in the Spirit to the Good. At the time he had the Sword and could use it. I felt led to preach, minister God's truth to him, however other executives started to attack him, so I did so from the parking lot and then quit that day. (Sword in the spirit is Good, I have many clearly I have seen the Sword in several occasions; 1. I saw Dell's sword that day, I saw Ted Turner's sword, My sword in Yuma, I saw the whip fromt from the giant devil defeated by the men and I from Universal Studios, also Branson's sword actually attack him point through the top of the head, the 50 ft. sword from the LA court. Here's another I saw part of God's presence smash the bench at the LA court and birth records fell out! in Yuma, my birth record, a gold box with mabraeth name on it) In Thousand Oaks and Palisades I saw light strikes from myself clearly defeat the enemy/person attacking me bad in the spirit, WITH EYES OPEN. In Beverly Hills I saw many things clearly in the spirit with my eyes closed, A Large devil inside The Good Shepard church 25 ft tall with spikes from its head, head bowed in defeat! Amen! Allelua! Praise God! Also by the Beverly Hilton 4 stories tall, by the corner at Cannon near the big tree of approx. 100 ft tall. (He asked me what to do, I explained he was here again to figure out how he was murdered and that if he tried to do anything bad he would be defeated extremely quickly before anything was done bad. They are not allowed to help anymore that time is passed, Amen!) Also over the Beverly Hills Hotel a 20 ft white skull scene from accross the street. I have scene many Skull, just the head, sometimes with cross bones. Sometimes a skeleton without blackrob/cover, recently near UCLA 200 ft tall.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Spiritual Warfare, Command section

The main Commands for most people are Men, Family name, Mabraeth, Monterey, Pepperdine, Ben, Getty, Raytheon, Vanderbilt, Hughes. Andrea, Nick, Tony, Isabelle, Jeannie, John, Elisa, Joe, Sam, George, Ken, Michael. Will, Greg, Jeff, Marty, Bridgette. Cindy, Elena, Lorie, Darcie, Donna, Virginia, Stephanie, Kathy, Jill. Michelle, Celia, Helen, Jan, Rachel.(I have also prayed and Commanded in prayer (w/o doubt), (Carolyn, Jen) Sometimes people at a high level worldwide to the good can help even if they are partly good or are bad. Dolly(German Shepard), Champion(gift from my passed father in the spirit), Bulldog 123, Sweetie, Anne (cat from my passed mom), Ceasar, Dolly 23. Cedar, Sequioa, Oak, Palm, Cherry, Walnut, Maple, Birch, Buerl, Pine. Internal Medical devices, Alien, Predator, CNGT 900Trillion power of 900Trillion. Alter Back-Mind, Speech, Memory. Sick/Injure. Back (simply same thing back to that person, 10,000 Fold). Flower: Rose, Orchid, Daisy, Pansy, Magnolia, Birds of Paradise, all types. Stihl, Halliburton, Makita, Kabota, Honda, Toyota, Hyndai, Kia, Mazda, Nissan, Subaru, Mitsubishi, Isuzu, Suzuki. Car Group. (Ferrari, Bentley, Rolls, Bmw, Porsche, Audi, Volkswagon, Mercedes, Lamborghini, Gm, Ford, Chrysler, Dodge, Saturn, Buick, Chevrolet, Lincoln/Mercury, Cadillac, Maserati, Bugatti, Fiat, Renault, Hummer, Land Rover, Jaguar, (Nash, Tucker, Packard), etc... Food Group: General Mills, Kellogs, Post, Kraft, Nabisco, Oscar Meyer, Treetop, Smuckers, Frito Lay. Sports Group. Watch group. Shoe Group. Pastor Group, Seminary Group, Cartoon Crew, Mission Group. Music instruments. Dance!!! Tripwire 10million, Claymoern 10 million. Helicopter 123, All Made cars, planes, helicopters, jets. Robinson, Northdrup Gruman, Boeing, Sikorsky, Dolphin, Swissbird. Airline/Aviation Group. American Airlines, TWA, Alaska, JetBlue, Virgin. Sanitation Group. Trucking Group. 900 Trillion Swords, GST, TRPS, PGS. Diamond, Lock, Bell, Anvil, Marble, Granite. Antwerp and Brussels. Jewelry Group. 900 trillion Pwr of 900 Trillion through God's House for help/answer. Continent Strike, Moon Strike. BlueStar. Star strike. Let's go Universe-Change. Space Shuttle Strike. City Hall LA, National Parks, National Monuments. Former Presidents, Liberty Bell, Statue of Liberty, US Flag, Us Constituion, Declaration of Independence. The Badge: City, County, Federal. Govenor Seal, Presidential Seal, State Seal.

Spiritual Warfare, How to Win everytime for God.

1.Pray in the spirit, speaking in tongues all the time. Walking, Car, Bathroom, underbreath anywhere, traffic stop, interview, while eating, sleeping. 2. Read the Bible daily, outloud. 3. Rebuke spirits in "Jesus Name Loudly, Strongly, to the Pit of Evil." 4. Memorize Bible versus's and put them in your mind when you tempted to think bad thoughts or memories(define: any negative, sad thought) 5. Pray and close your eyes for long periods, as necessary until clear, and ask God and the Men to help you See the truth of What evil and the enemy (skull, bad person, friend, family, child, animal)is doing to you and Why and How you can defeat it! 6. Question any people around you to make sure they are who they are Especially your parents; many are not your Birth, Genetic parents. 7. Create an Email link daily and emergency response email (one button on your cell) like and EMS/SOS call for security. 8. Create email security with Voice and Fingerprint technology and in the spirit. (my firm believe that in the last 10 yrs. worldwide approx. 3 Billion people have been Murdered!!!) 9. Pray about illegal medical devices, freedom of speech, media, religion, illegal sattellites in space hurting people, medical and dental and any and all illegal business practices. 10. Close your eyes in regards to maps, music, pictures of people, signatures, hotels, city skylines. This will help you know what is going on and you can and will be able to help. 11. Go into the spirit, and do God's work with the Men, with the Sword which is pure light and finish the enemy and pray that you can see your spirit and that God will heal you, forgive you, and teach you to do good. 12. Ask God for help from Animals and plants to the good (many people in witchcraft torture them and try to use them "Bad" and I rebuke it in Jesus Name.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Mob out,done, mail, san antonio, Mabraeth

No mail in Thousand Oaks (at least one chinese person, several others caucasian) was given to me, I had my ID to and they lied. MOB!!! I went approx. 18 different times to get my mail and it is important, I also went to Malibu to get my mail and they too were infiltrated by Chineses fake postal employees, committing a felony by not giving me my mail.(3 different ones) The Men of God made it clear to me that some people were going to die if I did not rec I also have government ID with Top Secret clearance from the US government, I was protecting the president in 1969/70 before I was kidnapped from Malibu, Ca., and spent time at Camp David and the White House. What else did they do. Well the marriage thing to this Colombian Claudia, was marriage deception, fraud, attempted murder, kidnapping, murder of Elisa, wife impersonation, witchcraft, mind techniques, poisoning. Fake Dad Michael and Chuck started cheating on me. Times people tried to Bomb me. San Antonio Airport. Actually handcuffed me illegally and took me up to within 20 feet of the bomb in the back seat, now had this been a car bomb and not a building bomb and they had there bomb gear on it would have been different. They said there was no bomb, even though the bomb German Shepard said "Yes". What I heard was a click at one point and that was when the bomb was to have gone off, my dad was there clearly helping me in the spirit, and as I prayed they said they stopped it. The men told me that it was to be activated by the alarm, these SA people were playing around with the key on the same ring at the same time detonator. I was also able to get through several other bombs in my fathers jets at the airport. They illegally detained me in jail there for 4 hrs. w/o cause, then transferred me to a hospital for a physical; I explained I was praying and had been fasting for almost 40 days. The physical was fine, they refused to release me, MOB! Tried to sleep me and poison me with the food, it was not easy to stay up I had 2 internal medical devices, one in the mind and another in the chest, they had a machine in the back that could track the meltonin levels, I figured out by praying and listening. I stood up. I did what the men said the declined the food and warned the other person, she ate and was ok, drank water and Bam!, stomach Bomb, apparently like sulfuric acid, a few hours later they took her to the hospital. The guy that tried to feed me was big time, because he had a bad knife the Men told me when I prayed, with many kills, if I had slept....(approx. 80 kills with it) I tried to leave a few times and the door was locked, another high level person showed to get me out as I prayed, I got through to someone and he had difficulty getting me out, he was as close as the same floor.(He should have tried returning with FBI or PI's) Then they transferred me to San Antonio Mental Health and said I would be released right away! I didn't sign anything there, and then I tried to go out the window, screwed! shut! It got bad from there, The water was very hot(in spirit), the food was poisoned, the shower had chlorine excessively in it, they were doing sex strikes on me from the back, they were following me thought with the device, and trying to hurt me with it. A black person poison with Palmitite the Milk at a high lethal dose in a sealed container. Then they forced me illegally, held me down, and gave a medication to knock me out, R name, high dosage, that interacts bad with Palmitite and refused to give me the medication printout and interaction list. I knew they were paid to do this to me. One day they were messing around in the back again and I did understand, and Miraculously God removed both internal medical devices at the same time, instantly, with no pain, no injury, no recovery, just gone!!! Amen, Thank you Lord because I was planning and trying to go to Herman Hospital in Houston to have it taken out and they were being manipulated by 3 companies and the need for profit. 3 different nurses each did this illegally and received pay, MOB! The other people there had the internal medical device and were using it against my mind to kill/hurt me. Later while I was asleep they medicated they held me down and medicated me into a coma. I awoke for the first time about 3o days later in Baptiste Hospital. They did many things to me including poisoning me and trying to kill me while in a coma and it didn't work.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Who is Dead that was Around, Making it Real!

Andrea, Nick, Tony, Isabelle, Jeannie, John D'Ambrosia. Of course John Steven Bryant Mabraeth and Jennifer Anne Mabraeth. My father moved from Ireland in 1965 to my knowledge passed very bad at Hearst Castle, San Simeon near Monterey, Ca. on 3/27/1973. The next evening Judith Mabraeth my grandmother passed at San Simeon as well. My mom's best friend passed at the Ritz-Carlton hotel 3/27/06. Buried at another estate near San Simeon nust north which is near Pizmo beach. Dad was was just 30yo, mom 25yo. I was running KTLA/Paramount, Raytheon, Lakers, and Pepperdine with my father among other companies. My trust includes, Halliburton, GE, Phillip Morris (Kraft), Wells Fargo, Washington Mutual, American Airlines, Four Seasons Olympic Hotels, Motel 6, American-Land Company, LA Rams, Honda Corporation, Toyota Corporation, Exxon Corporation, Gulf Corporation, Westways Corporation/AAA Corp.. Kevin Scarcello and his adopted son passed as well, Elisa D'Ambrosia my 4yo was tortured and murdered in Seattle, Wa while I was illegally in jail from 11/27/02 to 3/27/04. Judge Steiner is dead and impersonated in the city of Redmond, Wa.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Search for Mabraeth family and Trust Fund

I then moved my car to HEB parking lot and was praying, walking to Landa park, Prince Solmes park and the library. While I was there I was praying one day and was getting through to Fake uncle Chuck Dambrosia number 2. Apparently through prayer I found out #1 got some one from Colombia and then he got it from Colombia later. How did I know that? Early near the time of Sept./Oct. '02 his spirit visited me and oddly enough this spirit didn't hurt me, it did enter though and I knew it was Chuck. (my armor wasn't complete then, in the spirit) This person also has at least two other impersonators at this time. Commander of RJC and many agents went out and arrested him, I helped find many firearms upstairs to the right, an extremly hot gun in kitchen, RJC Cmdr. got a gun burn off this handgun.(approx. 180 kills bad) They also confiscated several wealth mgmnt. checks of $50k, which have not been given to me. (That Chuck also tried to cash one and failed) This 4 acre has many bodies buried on it.I was praying and I had the internal medical device still inside my mind and chest run by sattellite and Gateway computer. This black guy helped some and I helped the FBI and local police arrest and him and fly him to Supermax. One officer was the commander of RJC in Kent, Wa. Another thing I worked on in the HEB parking lot was visiting in the spirit the Lim, Nakamoto, and Yoshioka family in Hawaii on Oahu. I found out that Jeannie was murdered in Seattle and her double was arrested in Hawaii. Patrick and Coh Lim were/are still involved in the mob in Hawaii. The samarai attacked the Men and I (Men means God's men/Angels)while we were there and I clearly finished several thousand with the sword. I also helped with the arrest of Arthur and Mildred, Peggy and Lawrn Scarcello in Rathdrum from Tx. This person was very high in Idaho and I helped the Sheriff arrest him and find out what happened in that area; IE Kevin's murder and his adopted son; and many people Arthur killed, interrogated, and buried on the property. While I was there in 8/04 Arthur tried to kill me several times and many things played out there. That night I was allowed by God to hit Arthur in the spirit Big and knew my fist in the spirit was basketball size. I also saw this from Tx. I believe that Arthur interrogated and killed one of these Claudia's that was impersonating my wife at the farm. The clue is broken chair in the Gramma Josephine's home where I stayed. She also got by I believe Arthur. I remember 3 very young cattle approaching me one day in regard to 3 people getting it. Also a robin in the cherry tree representing Gramma Josephine, and 2 bull sitings that were Arthur, one in the Coral and another near entrance to Scarcello road. Earlier in my life I had two other Coyote sitings, one on my 50cc motorcycle(10-12yo) that appeared from nearby wooded area, again odd because we were making noise and the coyote appeared in the open in daylight and another mature coyote/wolf was going after chickens and then me directly and I pointed my wristrocket at it and it turned and left.(13yo) One day returning home to Gramma Josephine's home I saw a group of Turkeys, they looked real, I chased them a few feet with the car.(Acura RL Tx place JCF-526, stolen by Ventura county Sherrif and LAPD and another spanish person over a parking ticket, no signature, took all belongings and glasses, wanted me to fight, did not, over a parking ticket, tried to beat me physically with ex cop, made, men said not, went in spirit with the sword and finished whole department, I knew when I spirit left, they tried to play me as well during fake booking, Silva and Moore, been HOMELESS AND NO MONEY SINCE 5/15/06) Arthur didn't have Turkeys at all....???? I believe this was they were saved by me to protect me???

Search for Mabraeth family and Trust Fund

I was basicly out of money at that time and the local bank and churches were not helping me. Which ones, Wesleyian church, Tree of life, Day Spring, and one other near Auto row area by Walmart. I was begging on the side of the road for a food and gas next to I-35 and somedays I did ok. Most of the time I got schooled. (mind attack technique or attacked in the spirit, often from behind)I tried begging later in California with little success. I had applied for several jobs in that area with no job offer. The one job I had was at Mcdonald's, with out further details, it went bad and I quit, they tried to mess with me big. Employment security and all business were messing with me; like burn spell in there office and a Domino's driver giving a drug tainted pizza and another I paid for and tried to return was bad. Salvation army was as well, she helped a little $20 for food and gas, not enough to go anywhere, pizza was bad, she was messing with women in her quilting class and I believe she played me as well. Recruiting office visits, 3x. Landa park, a spider appeared bad, I helped a hummingbird that couldn't fly, company picnics and people were around me all the time. Acid rain was hot one day over a volleyball match I one, I hit a winning shot with my eyes closed. Another day I want to the local golf course near there and some stuff played out, the owner was supposed to have been bought out by the mob and he didn't get anywhere with me. Also the near Landa Park the condominium complex was build during the time I was there and is totally made; issues with overhead electrical wire, high voltage frying people there and flooding near prince Solmes river. Another time the rain and lightning went bad and went in the water and almost got hit by lightning. Another storm I clearly know there was fighting near me and the evil was trying to get lightning to hit my car, I ended up with a cart denting my car. another time they tried electromagnetic pulse to kill in Walmart parking lot through a overhead light in the parking lot. The ice was hot at Taco Bell and I actually saw hot ice delivered as I was in the store (a few minutes) one day at Handy Andy near Landa Park.

Search for Mabraeth Family and Trust Fund

Also in that same parking lot one night I was just sitting in my car not even praying and I had closed my eyes and had a bad feeling and then saw two men, one with a rifle and the other telling him to shoot, I actually heard this part as well. This was new, never happened to me before. I moved and started my car and moved to another part of the parking lot. The shooter new it was made and they left. I didn't see them with my eyes and with my eyes closed it wasn't like a photo or video more like black and white except rust color and dark gray. The guys rifle had a scope and I believe he was trying to shoot over the cement railing which is 50 ft above the parking lot at walnut and I-35 in New Braunfels, Tx. Another guy in a van from Oregon was there one night and he had a bad spirit that appeared to be like a werewolf. This guy said something about a tree farm he had in Oregon; I believe this was a play of some sort for me to receive something from him. Didn't happen. He tried to scare me one night next to my car, I didn't look. I believe he got drunk the night he tried to scare me. I stayed away. Some other people showed up in a pick up truck and appeared to be trying some drug or something and trying witchcraft or mindtechniques on me.

Search of Mabraeth family and Trust Fund.

This is Andrew Damon, I started praying in my car last Aug. 2005 in New Braunfels, Tx and some great things started to happen to me. Like what? Well I started to feel stronger in the spirit, also I found out later that fake dad michael dambrosia got it spiritually. I also was reading Romans outloud. (note praying in the spirit is mentioned clearly in the Bible, speaking in Tongues the Holy Spirit will reveal signs, wonders, and mysteries)(contact Broken Arrow ministries, Broken arrow, Ok for help & literature on receiving the Holy Spirit)Later Fake dad michael was on his way to kill me via Seatac to Mtn City, Tx and was arrested at the airport, went to maximum, videotaped his face changing to different people he got.("got" and "got it" mean, dead) Again this is simple all my opinion. At the time I was having problems tasting, smelling, back, stomach, seeing in the spirit, hearing, chest/heart, lungs, back, mind, private area, plus internal medical devices. As I prayed many hours (8-16)a day speaking in tongues these things were removed/healed. I still had some spirits from when I was kidnapped from Malibu, CA in 1970. I was kidnapped to Portland, Ore to the name of Damon Andrew D'Ambrosia. These spirits were removed, and then more would show up quickly to block me from learning the truth. Sometimes I would yell out commanding out those evil spirits in Jesus Name. What I found out in Mtn city, Tx is that many people were getting it in the spirit around the area. At one point I yelled very loudly this same way concerning my murdered daughter 4 yo Elisa Lynn Dambrosia, 9-22-99 to approx. 11-03 and people in Colombia got one big in the spirit to the good. Another person was near me in the spirit in Mtn. City, Tx and I actually saw this spirit go to the pit, I also heard him scream going down in a black hole..