Wednesday, January 9, 2008

DamonAD'Ambrosia is AndrewDMabraeth

Things are going quicker in the spirit. the earth is at a higher place. Many people have a chance to be good and I pray that they will pray and be more aware of what is happening to them spiritually. What I have found is UCLA greek section and students are here bad again enforce, a large amnt of people who are not admitted and probably have not paid or have paid bad or been admitted bad. I spoke big to many people about the legal system; my wealth management checks, reviewed what happened in the Redmond Court that was illegal. Example; switched people that looked the same in court to testify against me; talked about 12 or more mob firms that were closed by myself, Men, and authorities. The court still needs help so I have gone through may courts in the land, judges, supreme court is made, court daily paper helped find out what is going on in the court regarding my trust fund and mades nation wide; the court is done!!! the suggestions that I have thought of won't really help now; mass conspiracy is the norm. I also went back up to W. LA Mabraeth campus (not VA as they say), and found many more things in the spirit, people there bad, police dept. with more kills there, bad police officer there that attacks me in the spirits several different times, Jeffrey Hall is made, done, Dashad, and Katz, as well as the Malibu , was Jeff Jennings, now another woman is made. I found steam near the Wadsworth theatre, they actually tried to reopen this place bad, Mason, guy from seinfeld, "your not dead", "not yet, raised back by God", found another guy there messing with the theatre who got it in the spirit. Also containers were cleared by me. Old car there not in working condition made, new plate, I think it was 3vpm634. Steam was coming from the ground there, they say the pipe broke; also the cement is obviously been redone to put kills underneath it, small 2 feet/4 feet sections within the sidewalk with tar sealant; very odd, not done the same thru out the complex. This section of steam was very hot, high level, water was boiling, why didn't they turn it off and fix the pipe??? These people are commanded off my property, FBI, CIA, DEA are commanded there to remove them immediately. I have spent some time at barrington mall and again Wells is made, went into Santa monica Wells and Scott Sivley is made and done. I also went by buerge ford jeep and got through a whole bunch there, Nissan had one car that was high enough for me to buy; I played through a 100 million quick and they didn't give me the car, out of the country person was there, wanted to show me another bad car and other people in the dealership tried something big that didn't work. I walked; they didn't even finance me with my approval code through CapOne; he didn't ask me for a test drive, look inside the car, if I was approved to buy, he knew he was made. Another dealership with a whitewall sign was made and played thru as well. Also a small 7 car classic car location was made, schooled, done, and I got thru the cars straight of why they were there, and who died around them. I commanded that person there in person to hand it over to the good; he never showed, then just as I left someone tried something there to try and take it from me, crazy since it had not gone to me yet. I have seen this happen many times; Mob Rotation when they lose. I reviewed the jeeps; my father John Steven Mabraeth was helping and owned Jeep. I also got thru Chrysler and Lee Iacocca stuff; he is made and done.(he is impersonated as well) The computer is in the spirit more than people think; this has helped; I sometimes see things on the computer where it was changed some in the spirit and real; such as a 1 million, someone being tempted to school for, lied to. I have also wanted to call the police, FBI, CIA, DEA, to take the Barrington post office which is on stolen land and receive my mail!!!!! I made land across the street that has a stone fence, regular, barbwire; made. What I know is that the Mob is done, dead if they can not play, school, and most importantly kill. I have tried to have a real estate agent, attorney help me receive my Brentwood estate and I keep finding people who are made and not willing to help as well. I went very high up with a couple at Sotheby's and finished with the men over 100 million in real estate one day. I also made 2 sets of employees at Bank of America, and Long's drugs on San Vincente. The whole country lit up in the last few days when I closed on the DC map. God bless everyone. I pray that I will have a clear way to my trust and helping my brother and sister in laws two children.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Brentwood, Wilshire, San Vincente, Because I Pray!

The W. LA Hospital, fake VA, UCLA stuff there is made, old homes are made as well, this is an an area that my father and many others know I own and that started to go good, Diablo contracting is made, any building projects are made there, they actually tried to start a manufacturing plant there again, not, made as I walked from Arlington West Cemetary. He was trying to do some crazy stuff there that didn't work. Many of my fathers friends and collegues are buried bad at the W. LA cemetary. Made. Done. It's good now, these spirits help me all the time. They know what to do. I will say the fire dept. told one; Brentwood place mall is land owned by me, my father John Steven back then; only problem is they didn't get an attorney to give me this land and businesses. My father also owned the land where is Chevron is on Wilshire. The Army reserve center/National guard is made as well. I also made Hamlet, Palerimo, the whole stree basicly. Last time I went to Wells Fargo at Barrington and Six big were there to mess with me just as I was walking up to the bank and the staff and security(this guy tried one, Wells does not have security people, Made big he schooled back then in a similar way, none in Santa Monica, Malibu.), the the last one actually went in even though made and schooled, and got no where. I should have just drove away in the car he left running; commandeer! Do I sound over confident? I am because several thousand people have tried to kill me and failed!!! More importantly I did review this morning with the top levels of the government the internal medical devices (Cheney and Hastert were big in this, my parents knew them both, Cheney has internal medical devices one on the chest and another on the right ear above toward the back of the ear, he tried a few things with it today and nothing, after someone is killed like my father, often this person will be CEO in the Co. like Cheney, Halliburton)I had that God removed and healed me instantly; and God, the Men and I finished millions of high level devils that are no more. I understand they are either gone entirely or in the pit of evil permanently. i have reservation there for the skull. I also went in the made Post Office at Barrington; The people are Mob; the high level person there trying to school me on the way in gave, another lady with a black fur coat as well, old white beard witch across the street with camera in the spirit is made, several other people as well. The land itself the post office is built on is made. I also saw, played for, and one one of the Pontiac Solstice cars that they are giving away. This car is mine. Later an African lady there tried a whole bunch of stuff on me an refused to give me my mail. I explained it was a felony. I am now blocking about her bullshit; and that they must leave and put good people there and stop withholding mail from the Mob, I mean me, well I mean, both actually. They have to deliver it until there in trouble, what part of the post office have I not finished nationwide, UPS, DHL, Fedex, Cal Ovrngt. I also made a few bicycles and got through the play, so I received the bike. This has happened many times to real estate I have worked on. All I need is a real estate attorney to sue and secure the properties my father owned which is half the state, and all the others that are made. Beal bank. Every store there. I also want to remind people of the coma God helped me through; my estate has many memories and information about my family in Brentwood estate of 10k, 4 acres. The men say if I school these ones at UCLA I get 1 million each, plus; is that it? Carol Buckner helped me verify that I have sealed records in Salem, Ore, and that the letter was forgery. This person has tried to help and had trouble; mob sent her massive amounts of business and didn't get anywhere. This person could still help me by testifying and working with the fbi, cia. The fake govenor of Oregon sent me an email saying its true. What I need it a good attorney to finish this quickly. Many of the Mayors in the country are in the same boat. Tom Brady. Greg Nickels and Christine Gregoire.

Belair, Chevron, 76 union station

Cadillac, huge high up person, sl 500, one bmw motorcycle person, another lady with flilly shahl, another older lady with a younger one Slk, bmw 750, nissan sentra older lady with a whole bunch in nose to change-not working. this is important because that area is made and was taken, the person who ran the place was special; he would put out a special car for children, a play car to race down the street that the child could sit in; if the child saw this and said something they would get the car free; he was also helping many people in the area like Mike J. Day was in San Diego. AAA which is my company, is really Westways was also there to try and school something to watch for if your ever towed; I wonder if simply calling a car rental place for a car deliver would be better or a friend as they school big some if your in the cab while the car is being towed. Also I have scene tow trucks with more than 10k kills in them possibly to 1 million; although I am sure no self respecting, good tow truck driver would use that to harm anyone. Another thing I will encourage; if your able to get a skull some on the ground and see it like I do and have others to command to get him where he is at physically; I highly encourage a try doing this command and of course asking God and the Men or help. What is happening now is Good people are so big that the bad are getting it BIG as they say and can end up injured. I also wonder about Ding Dong and Downtown at the Hyatt in Century City 3rd floor and others; When I have them how there physical body is doing; I here they have a diaper problem. Even at this level they have still tried to mess with me in the bathroom as recent as yesterday; and no effect. These guys actually eat the, ya know... What I find is the Skull often gets mad and tries something way out ahead that is not supposed to be tried on me and gets in trouble for it. At this point I have commanded to receive everthing in the mabraeth trust and no one is try anything on me. I also made the gas company near Getty trying to kill the people there before they got there!!! I also made another high people at Barrington, So many, many police, In N Out burger that lady is so mob, so done, she should give now, I am sure I can sue and win in court for the whole chain, because she killed my mom's friend who owned it and I got thru many plays there, security, drivers, all the cars, motorcycles, ice cream, retail clothing store, etc. She helped only as much as her food went good everytime I helped.

damon andrew D'Ambrosia is AndrewDMabraeth

Wow, where to continue? What a Christmas! I'd like to say I went to Whistler, Bachelor, Aspen, Sun Valley, and Hawaii all in the Name of Fun(God of Course!) However the Mob, city, county, state, CIA, DEA, FBI, Law firm, friends, everyone had another idea; its bullshit, I was broke, on the side of the road like the good samaritan after he got beat up; unfortunately no good samaratin showed to help me! Man this is Screwed! I was really hoping, praying, emailing, calling, asking, for Tim, Ken, Mark, Adam, Will, Jeff, Marty, Cindy, Elena, Darci, Virginia, Meeks, Zuic, Zering, or one of my corporations to send one to help me and no, no, noone showed. So this has continued; I'll start with getting through what was going on with Stein institute, mob security showed to illegally kick me out of the building, ad follow me to the street by the busstop by Geffen playhouse; they then illegally forced me to cross the street and thought it was some joke; I killed them in the spirit later with the sword; I was commanded, by God. (CIA. (many times they leave you out there undercover for a long time; you understand)after I found out they were inpersonated, Wasserman, Judge Byrne, etc. they all got it. This helped me greatly in the eye area. I also worked on the hospital area greatly. What I have scene is more people with a higher level of kills available to them to get some where bad. The skull person is a nut, he uses so many on me is crazy; anything over a million to kill someone is bullshit; not happening. They have tried some things over 100 million on me and still got no where, how? The men are higher and its quicker. I have scene people further gone in the mind; its bad, I try to help, however if they get clear then accept a huge amount again to do something in the mind; there mind has trouble not blowing, frying, I have been commanding cat scan, mri, physical in the spirit many times. I have also found some higher people with 30-50 yrs of mob experience that have a huge amount in the mind that is bad, and taken from high up people who were killed, some in the university system.