Wednesday, August 4, 2010


So the joke d (bad pd ad TMCC) tried to role on me inside TMCC, library tried this horrible
school on eyes, nose, and face. I got through it as I did my homework. I just needed my
$7900 fin. aid; I knew it was trouble some because advising didn't want to help me that day and said appointments were a month out! BS! The director was made and I got to here big- real big
down there spiritually-not a good idea now-the women are done-nasty-tails and all. So fin. aid acts like they don't want to help me; registration tried to school as well; much of the same accept I am going online only and planned to finish homework while traveling; reno dmv was too
full; 200 waiting; so I went to the dmv east and had trouble finding it; carson dmv was a mob lady nut and wouldn't accept my SSN printout! So I go up to S. Tahoe, Ca for the ID at the eldorado center-which my dad helped build! That very night at Sawmill pond I was illegally
arrested by Sprague and Grover for nothing; I had already made a kill in the pond another sherrif; then finished 7 skull; didn't realize I needed 100 finished at that point. So skull took these too and they got mad and told me "your under arrest; get out of the car!"
I'm like what; Santa Monica, Ca city ordinance! I'm like what, I haven't been in SM for
2 yrs.; I left in 3/07 for palisades an visited briefly for school and later in fall 3x by bike;
1/07 I was stopped for my grocery cart; and they took the cart! no ticket; no arrest; Man!
so many people had a cart down there; about 50 homeless. Then they said I had something
from LAX; not; I hadn't been to LAX since 6/98, and left immediately for Palm springs then Seattle. I emailed LAX several times for that and noone has given me an email back; they know I was big there and my dad owned many things in Aviation. I was to be out in 2 hrs.; judge was impersonated from LA and didn't call SM to verify as I am Dambrosia, they filed 1yr 3 mths late
and in Mabraeth. She left in jail to see if they would transport. Then illegal transport to Placerville, ca where they let me go; on the way I was assaulted by black guy verbally including death threats and the 2 guards in SUV could here and refused to calm/shut nut up! So I told him off big! Fact is I never received anything and been in jail and homeless and in my car 8 yrs.

10/09 to 5/6/10

I have a lot of catching up todo. I have to proof read some more; my writing style is almost like
notes; I realize it can be difficult to understand what I mean or meant. I have too much to say and no doubt I will forget some of the last 9 months. I will try and do an outline; Worksource kept messing with me back then and even surrounded me a few times and tried to kill me big; it
didn't go they were not even close;

1. New Seasons; kept messing with me and didn't give.
2. St phillips neri; jerry got big time for trying to mess with me again; a huge circle about
1-2 ft thick was cut and he fell into hell! Jerry didn't give and he is a nut; very gay; impersonated priest; the property is made; this may be repeated; 3 undercover officers
tried to kill me one day by donuts; they mess with deaf at center; 3x people went 100% in
spirit as I entered church-used to go with Sylvia as 3yo.
3. Rob tried to kill me big leaving Fred Meyer at se 39th/hawthorne, also another bad pd
about the same time;
4. I remember a guy that looked like pat cash who used to owne philladelphia 76ers,
this guy tries to rush me outside fred's on Hawthorne just West of 39th and got hit big
and stopped by me.
5. Bad pd messing with many people stocked me as I rode past McDonalds by what used
to St. Vincent Depauls-this bldg is done big by me-now church is remodeling it; I visited
this spot-bldg now gone! in '04 and 3 apartments are there now; I am stopped by bad
pd for light on bike; oh! I forgot to turn it on; I told him he was there bad and had not probable because the streets are lit!
6. Friends church; near Reed College; 2-3x students in the middle of the night got commanded to mess with me at night; and woke up with them near my trying to fight me! Also another night some black guy walks up from downtown to try and fight me! He got it too! Then several different Rodedendron Park employees made big-several working there and many visitors and
the opening person; opening before first light. The first guy that tried this was older like 65+
and did this a long time; too high. I stayed at Friends church and visited and they didn't help me they are made big as well; pastor; congregation as a whole tried to kill me a few times; didn't help me; they got some professor from middle east there to school; he's done big as well;
I could have run a nice daycare there for about 12-15 children.
7. Jesus is the Light of the World; faith Apostlestic church; the word apostle should be
by itself without the "lic". I made this place and the pastor tried to get me to run out of
the sunday night service! I stood my ground. The congregation was to remove all pastors
and deacons/elders at that time; I also got through several plays; lots of history there;
many passed who attended there! They had TV; pastor was into polygamy; he got too many
young women in the congregation.
8. So I attended Mt. Hood Comm. College and registered 3/10; It was all played; so many impersonated; DAmato and Nazzaro followed me out there; I got through 1200 kills the first visit; Advising, registration, president, and fin. aid where made big; No aviation program or tennis team. I played through all dead former pro baseball players to $300mil; real coach impersonated himself-impersonated already- and went out of state to steal from dead baseball player; also John president caught several times out of state trying to school and kill someone big in the spirit; Caldwell is made big and the whole class made trying to school me; MHCC closed library due to students not getting to all electric there! Also I got schooled big by computer there and retured laptop; security tried to roll on me for asking for an appt. with
president to get all fin. aid as I had a a loan before 20 yrs ago. In computer lap got slept too big a few times; had trouble thinking clearly; Indian lady and Caldwell hit me in back big back then;
several skull tried for me outside tennis courts; old fountain is not working and is made;
bookstore is made schooling me big many times; Gresham sherrif tried to arrest me and
kill me somewhere just for looking at mitsubishi galant for $800.- old car sold low; this happened similar on Se 82nd and Holgate for an old Honda Accord for $800-cop actually blocked me from getting somewhere on command from Skull from out of state not PD or his boss locally.
On Max Gresham PD tried to roll on me. Gresham FD rolled to state they may try and burn the place later or then. Portland PD tried to arrest me several times for riding Max on student discount pass- sent complaint-because LA, Spokane, and Phoenix have discounts for All students
not just GED losers! Then my food stamps got it; because I did not get a job or work study; they changed the rules bad; I only had loan for fin. aid to go to school; no Income. I argued, played them out and they refused to give me a hearing. Also John said finishing quarter online would be fine; then later Robert Cox withdrew me bad without a hearing or reason or refund;
I had bought a '92 Lincoln with trip permit; should have driven to Elko, Nv or Vegas and got plates, tabs, registration, wavier for smog, Nv DL-sent certified to Olympia, Wa and they didn't send it; Vancouver, Wa said expired as computer does; DoL in Olympia lied and said I was suspended for child support which is crap; many people need car to get to work; or must have a car for the job itself; without DL how could they make any money to pay it! My spouse was impersonated; and my daughter died in '03; and my daughter was genetically Michael W. Dambrosia's daughter from fake impersonated Claudia. Men-women will try most anything they think they can get away with and even if they are made-1st rule- there are no rules- 1st rule- don't trust anyone! So in hindsight I should have gone to Vancouver in '92 Lincoln for
drivers license; so on 5/6/10 I cleaned my things up at Sylvia's and left; bike, clothes, books,
for Reno, Nv, I was accepted to Semester CC TMCC. So I figured out people that people were following me; I decided to get the v6 car which was in good shape; front wheel drive; underpowered because giant next door refused to give me a used battery or new! He was supposed to give me the car free, big! So I made some big shot who fried my car near Timberline Lodge; DAmato sent this guy up there to mess with the Mtn which went good,
I had made-father owned Mt. Hood Meadows! Timberline is made, government camp is made and development! I stopped at Ka nee ta museum and no one was there waiting to help me;
casino was made; I had thought about a Comm. College there; I owned 644k acres plus.
I stopped later at rest stop and made nicer car was to be given to me with some money and they didn't; some other people got commanded to try and mess with me with no success! I drove the east route through the middle of nowhere! Smart-old school route- many people were following me and went thru Klamath Falls; I went thru some old towns Alturas-twilight and Susanville at night; I got thru about 1200 kills in Alturas. I slept by zoo/preserve just inside the state line drove 560 miles approx. and beat the followers by 1 day. I first visited Circus Circus and played them and some other older couple. They sent some chick there big-"Want it". I said No I want my money $100mil that day, then Atlantis-$200mil; turns out I owned both and the land; also later I made Reno Tennis and Golf center; TMCC- got to Molecule for $1mil; played college to $25mil; also got through el dorado play; Carson; several billion then in both cities. I also visited and enjoyed UNR and thought phd in education and law school would be great for me!