Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Someone stole sleeping bag last night; mgr refused to give me laptop I won, and refused to stephan to sell me $20 saving till was closed; could have wrote receipt by hand. I said please, nut, said I would file a complaint with GM and Corp.. and ask for a refund.

Won $20k and a nice bmw 325 '03 sweet tires; guys a nut-screwed again; sorry I keep trying and win then they shit there pants when they have to give so big. something autowholesale on 82nd by cemetary off
holgate. He tried to kill me so big more than one time; tall black guy tried it that day and nothing. yesterday. I also got messed with royally by some nut in financial aide at SE 82nd pcc campus. Troy Westendorf impersonator email me on facebook; maybe he'll send me a check to help me off the street or get me an attorney like kincade or prinos to
get my legal settlements. Probably not- oh well, nut!
Preston president of PCC is made big with many impersonators, he I think realizes this can't last much longer and that he doesn't have much to do even though he is overseeing thousands of students. I might go A & P aviation. Hillsboro Aviation sent mail today. 28 helicopters, dad owned it; I have some great ideas; too costly. Charging $260/hr for
R22 time; its bullshit; its supposed to be $90-100/hr. They have to give too. I have some great ideas; Timberline tour, Hood River, Portland,
then Astoria and back with stop for lunch. And helicopter skiing, also
film and photo mounted for RE photos, Tourist, Golf.

This lady yesterday started yelling at me and didn't show me the
apartments for rent; impersonated; killed some there as well. She had to give like so many others and didn't. Dolphin Court across from Warner Pacific is bull; she had to give her apartment and job. If I could just get an attorney.

Oh yeah this morning Sylvia didn't give, gave me $45 for a new sleeping bag; the aide/rn needs to give me the checks in her purse and the mail; she plays this dump game where I have to find this shit and get her big just to get my mail! She doesn't cook, garden, clean, go to church, and 2 trees in back are gone, apple in the center, and fig back left of carport.
When she falls asleep the aide just needs to go thru her purse/house and find my mail and checks. I think she wants more; the men say give a small amount for fuel to leave state after I get checks; $450.