Thursday, September 10, 2009

Update blog. 9/10/2009

I have been messed with 24/7 for the last 9 mths and have not updated my blog. I have tried to get into college at NCCC, PCC, Reed, Concordia, Multnomah, Warner-Pacific, PSU, Western Seminary, and Mt. Hood CC; no luck, no ID help. Sylvia DAmbrosia is impersonated and has
withheld my ID from WA St also mail with money in it and word on the street she has tried to
cash a check that was inside my mail. David pastor where I sleep has claimed being transgender and is lying, and is impersonated. They say I didn't get to it, whatever! this is bullshit, I knew he was impersonated more than one time, and killed the pastor, attempted on my life are many daily. I have received only foodstamps, some clothing and food money and a bike from a lady who helped me. There is too much to tell right now. Police rolled on me today, Officer Miller is fake, from out of state, and so was the other, David's impersonator showed up. They asked me to leave despite my calling twice on David and asking fake police to arrest him for cause; lying in the Portland Tribune read by about 500k people locally; he asked me to leave the property which he doesn't own and the pastor was killed, he didn't really help me each day he tried and or had other people try to kill me including people; Many people in that neighborhood are there big and have tried to kill me. I explained that there I am trying to have FBI, DOJ, Police go out and ID Sylvia, Billy, and Tony, and Richard and Kathy Dambrosia so they squaters can be removed immediately. The city has been trying to steal the
estate from the carnage that happened to the D'Ambrosia family. DAmato, D'Angelo, Nazarro, Muzano, Akron, Scott, Zapato are also names that have been made around the mob activity and my trust fund. I have made numerous calls and email to city, court, and police with no help , cpa's, attorneys and no help. Many people arrive daily by air, car, etc. to try and get somewhere in portland, its sick, there so done, the whole city gets it many times a day for not giving me
my trust, DAmbrosia, estate, and all mades. The person who killed my parents real name is
Pallazzo, nut case, its too far in the mind now. China is trying to take over the whole world, and or kill everyone with the help of the skull.

I am trying to get arrest records, my ID, then arrest sylvia. She was given a large check in fall of '04, also large 401k from billy, this all ads up, my estate is on the hill. I am working on all legal settlements, especially IRS, in Dambrosia name, and also IRS refunds in Mabraeth name.

I have also made people at my old residence in NE portland near PCC, and Salvation Army office is now located where a friends house used to be, and near Clackamas HS.

No more time to post; Douglas and Kroon also rolled on me for nothing are Rose Garden near
max.. Wrote me bad off transit for 30 dys effective in 11 days??? Not there done.