Wednesday, August 4, 2010


So the joke d (bad pd ad TMCC) tried to role on me inside TMCC, library tried this horrible
school on eyes, nose, and face. I got through it as I did my homework. I just needed my
$7900 fin. aid; I knew it was trouble some because advising didn't want to help me that day and said appointments were a month out! BS! The director was made and I got to here big- real big
down there spiritually-not a good idea now-the women are done-nasty-tails and all. So fin. aid acts like they don't want to help me; registration tried to school as well; much of the same accept I am going online only and planned to finish homework while traveling; reno dmv was too
full; 200 waiting; so I went to the dmv east and had trouble finding it; carson dmv was a mob lady nut and wouldn't accept my SSN printout! So I go up to S. Tahoe, Ca for the ID at the eldorado center-which my dad helped build! That very night at Sawmill pond I was illegally
arrested by Sprague and Grover for nothing; I had already made a kill in the pond another sherrif; then finished 7 skull; didn't realize I needed 100 finished at that point. So skull took these too and they got mad and told me "your under arrest; get out of the car!"
I'm like what; Santa Monica, Ca city ordinance! I'm like what, I haven't been in SM for
2 yrs.; I left in 3/07 for palisades an visited briefly for school and later in fall 3x by bike;
1/07 I was stopped for my grocery cart; and they took the cart! no ticket; no arrest; Man!
so many people had a cart down there; about 50 homeless. Then they said I had something
from LAX; not; I hadn't been to LAX since 6/98, and left immediately for Palm springs then Seattle. I emailed LAX several times for that and noone has given me an email back; they know I was big there and my dad owned many things in Aviation. I was to be out in 2 hrs.; judge was impersonated from LA and didn't call SM to verify as I am Dambrosia, they filed 1yr 3 mths late
and in Mabraeth. She left in jail to see if they would transport. Then illegal transport to Placerville, ca where they let me go; on the way I was assaulted by black guy verbally including death threats and the 2 guards in SUV could here and refused to calm/shut nut up! So I told him off big! Fact is I never received anything and been in jail and homeless and in my car 8 yrs.

10/09 to 5/6/10

I have a lot of catching up todo. I have to proof read some more; my writing style is almost like
notes; I realize it can be difficult to understand what I mean or meant. I have too much to say and no doubt I will forget some of the last 9 months. I will try and do an outline; Worksource kept messing with me back then and even surrounded me a few times and tried to kill me big; it
didn't go they were not even close;

1. New Seasons; kept messing with me and didn't give.
2. St phillips neri; jerry got big time for trying to mess with me again; a huge circle about
1-2 ft thick was cut and he fell into hell! Jerry didn't give and he is a nut; very gay; impersonated priest; the property is made; this may be repeated; 3 undercover officers
tried to kill me one day by donuts; they mess with deaf at center; 3x people went 100% in
spirit as I entered church-used to go with Sylvia as 3yo.
3. Rob tried to kill me big leaving Fred Meyer at se 39th/hawthorne, also another bad pd
about the same time;
4. I remember a guy that looked like pat cash who used to owne philladelphia 76ers,
this guy tries to rush me outside fred's on Hawthorne just West of 39th and got hit big
and stopped by me.
5. Bad pd messing with many people stocked me as I rode past McDonalds by what used
to St. Vincent Depauls-this bldg is done big by me-now church is remodeling it; I visited
this spot-bldg now gone! in '04 and 3 apartments are there now; I am stopped by bad
pd for light on bike; oh! I forgot to turn it on; I told him he was there bad and had not probable because the streets are lit!
6. Friends church; near Reed College; 2-3x students in the middle of the night got commanded to mess with me at night; and woke up with them near my trying to fight me! Also another night some black guy walks up from downtown to try and fight me! He got it too! Then several different Rodedendron Park employees made big-several working there and many visitors and
the opening person; opening before first light. The first guy that tried this was older like 65+
and did this a long time; too high. I stayed at Friends church and visited and they didn't help me they are made big as well; pastor; congregation as a whole tried to kill me a few times; didn't help me; they got some professor from middle east there to school; he's done big as well;
I could have run a nice daycare there for about 12-15 children.
7. Jesus is the Light of the World; faith Apostlestic church; the word apostle should be
by itself without the "lic". I made this place and the pastor tried to get me to run out of
the sunday night service! I stood my ground. The congregation was to remove all pastors
and deacons/elders at that time; I also got through several plays; lots of history there;
many passed who attended there! They had TV; pastor was into polygamy; he got too many
young women in the congregation.
8. So I attended Mt. Hood Comm. College and registered 3/10; It was all played; so many impersonated; DAmato and Nazzaro followed me out there; I got through 1200 kills the first visit; Advising, registration, president, and fin. aid where made big; No aviation program or tennis team. I played through all dead former pro baseball players to $300mil; real coach impersonated himself-impersonated already- and went out of state to steal from dead baseball player; also John president caught several times out of state trying to school and kill someone big in the spirit; Caldwell is made big and the whole class made trying to school me; MHCC closed library due to students not getting to all electric there! Also I got schooled big by computer there and retured laptop; security tried to roll on me for asking for an appt. with
president to get all fin. aid as I had a a loan before 20 yrs ago. In computer lap got slept too big a few times; had trouble thinking clearly; Indian lady and Caldwell hit me in back big back then;
several skull tried for me outside tennis courts; old fountain is not working and is made;
bookstore is made schooling me big many times; Gresham sherrif tried to arrest me and
kill me somewhere just for looking at mitsubishi galant for $800.- old car sold low; this happened similar on Se 82nd and Holgate for an old Honda Accord for $800-cop actually blocked me from getting somewhere on command from Skull from out of state not PD or his boss locally.
On Max Gresham PD tried to roll on me. Gresham FD rolled to state they may try and burn the place later or then. Portland PD tried to arrest me several times for riding Max on student discount pass- sent complaint-because LA, Spokane, and Phoenix have discounts for All students
not just GED losers! Then my food stamps got it; because I did not get a job or work study; they changed the rules bad; I only had loan for fin. aid to go to school; no Income. I argued, played them out and they refused to give me a hearing. Also John said finishing quarter online would be fine; then later Robert Cox withdrew me bad without a hearing or reason or refund;
I had bought a '92 Lincoln with trip permit; should have driven to Elko, Nv or Vegas and got plates, tabs, registration, wavier for smog, Nv DL-sent certified to Olympia, Wa and they didn't send it; Vancouver, Wa said expired as computer does; DoL in Olympia lied and said I was suspended for child support which is crap; many people need car to get to work; or must have a car for the job itself; without DL how could they make any money to pay it! My spouse was impersonated; and my daughter died in '03; and my daughter was genetically Michael W. Dambrosia's daughter from fake impersonated Claudia. Men-women will try most anything they think they can get away with and even if they are made-1st rule- there are no rules- 1st rule- don't trust anyone! So in hindsight I should have gone to Vancouver in '92 Lincoln for
drivers license; so on 5/6/10 I cleaned my things up at Sylvia's and left; bike, clothes, books,
for Reno, Nv, I was accepted to Semester CC TMCC. So I figured out people that people were following me; I decided to get the v6 car which was in good shape; front wheel drive; underpowered because giant next door refused to give me a used battery or new! He was supposed to give me the car free, big! So I made some big shot who fried my car near Timberline Lodge; DAmato sent this guy up there to mess with the Mtn which went good,
I had made-father owned Mt. Hood Meadows! Timberline is made, government camp is made and development! I stopped at Ka nee ta museum and no one was there waiting to help me;
casino was made; I had thought about a Comm. College there; I owned 644k acres plus.
I stopped later at rest stop and made nicer car was to be given to me with some money and they didn't; some other people got commanded to try and mess with me with no success! I drove the east route through the middle of nowhere! Smart-old school route- many people were following me and went thru Klamath Falls; I went thru some old towns Alturas-twilight and Susanville at night; I got thru about 1200 kills in Alturas. I slept by zoo/preserve just inside the state line drove 560 miles approx. and beat the followers by 1 day. I first visited Circus Circus and played them and some other older couple. They sent some chick there big-"Want it". I said No I want my money $100mil that day, then Atlantis-$200mil; turns out I owned both and the land; also later I made Reno Tennis and Golf center; TMCC- got to Molecule for $1mil; played college to $25mil; also got through el dorado play; Carson; several billion then in both cities. I also visited and enjoyed UNR and thought phd in education and law school would be great for me!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Someone stole sleeping bag last night; mgr refused to give me laptop I won, and refused to stephan to sell me $20 saving till was closed; could have wrote receipt by hand. I said please, nut, said I would file a complaint with GM and Corp.. and ask for a refund.

Won $20k and a nice bmw 325 '03 sweet tires; guys a nut-screwed again; sorry I keep trying and win then they shit there pants when they have to give so big. something autowholesale on 82nd by cemetary off
holgate. He tried to kill me so big more than one time; tall black guy tried it that day and nothing. yesterday. I also got messed with royally by some nut in financial aide at SE 82nd pcc campus. Troy Westendorf impersonator email me on facebook; maybe he'll send me a check to help me off the street or get me an attorney like kincade or prinos to
get my legal settlements. Probably not- oh well, nut!
Preston president of PCC is made big with many impersonators, he I think realizes this can't last much longer and that he doesn't have much to do even though he is overseeing thousands of students. I might go A & P aviation. Hillsboro Aviation sent mail today. 28 helicopters, dad owned it; I have some great ideas; too costly. Charging $260/hr for
R22 time; its bullshit; its supposed to be $90-100/hr. They have to give too. I have some great ideas; Timberline tour, Hood River, Portland,
then Astoria and back with stop for lunch. And helicopter skiing, also
film and photo mounted for RE photos, Tourist, Golf.

This lady yesterday started yelling at me and didn't show me the
apartments for rent; impersonated; killed some there as well. She had to give like so many others and didn't. Dolphin Court across from Warner Pacific is bull; she had to give her apartment and job. If I could just get an attorney.

Oh yeah this morning Sylvia didn't give, gave me $45 for a new sleeping bag; the aide/rn needs to give me the checks in her purse and the mail; she plays this dump game where I have to find this shit and get her big just to get my mail! She doesn't cook, garden, clean, go to church, and 2 trees in back are gone, apple in the center, and fig back left of carport.
When she falls asleep the aide just needs to go thru her purse/house and find my mail and checks. I think she wants more; the men say give a small amount for fuel to leave state after I get checks; $450.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Qwest, IRS, Sizer, Mabraeth Trust Fund

Recently David leaky; Portland Tribune front page article is made big; he murdered the pastor and is impersonated many times;he says he is transgender and had surgery and hormones to be a girl; whatever; he lied to get somewhere; he went TV as well, I think its KOIN website (possible katu/kgw).(I believe I have seen pics of 3 Davids) So this is highly illegal. I called police after 10 months on the street, David was painting bad & remodeling bad & schooling bad his congregation, numerous murder attempts; including several neighbors against me, two fake portland pd from out of state showed up and didn't listen; tried to kill me big; and got it; then tried to arrest me for nothing and got it; then I was asked to leave; and forced me to leave the property. At this same church 3300 SE woodard the city in a city vehicle showed 2 other times to mess with me, pretending to visit his remodel. Many people from out of state as well; soupcycle is bad there; several other cops stopped to try and talk to me during that time; also 8 incidents where police tried to roll on me inside the Col. Summers park; Also Douglas and Kroon at the rose garden for bike riding; even though a bike pd rolled by me off the max offramp; (not to ride on ramp) tevo and hoskins at grand central bakery 28th/hawthorne lying and saying I was in 7-11-not-I rode by and played- they have never given me all the money I won; Also several times around worksource; Another time in Powell park recent; Another in Eastmooreland park, then sitting there in parking lot at WestmoorelandGolf course which my dad owned; Another time twice right next to fred meyer at 39th and hawthorne; another near there recent by BofA; at 38th/hawthorne.(bad play regarding a stolen bike- I never saw out of state) I can think of another near cake/wedding shop 47th and hawthorne; Save alot; 67th/foster recently I called for pd to go out and arrest Dambrosia's at Kelly st. and I waved as they started to leave the parking lot; and found out they wanted to arrest me for nothing! I need my US government top secret ID; I traveled worldwide; I have even applied as chief of police in several different cities. I have tried to get an attorney, CPA, FBI, DOJ, Real estate attorney, legal settlements with Qwest and IRS and have had little to none, to very slow response. One time I called about $300 worth mostly clothes stolen from me; one person had several things; some was returned with officers about 10 days ago at Mcdonalds near 27 and powell-at same time I asked this blonde lady officer-not tevo a little stockier to find Sylvia's arrest record and William D'ambrosia's record and she refused. Tony-Michael anthony is his real name; also richard and kathy dambrosia-were arrested; to my knowledge sylvia passed via the Men(angels) in jail; those other 4 are in jail.I asked again today to arrest Sylvia/Willaim and also back when I left United church at Woodard and they all refused. Listening skills are very week here; conspiracy, lying pd, mob activity, and fraud are common place. I know that soon I will be able to sue and win against this city and state; Last April I was in Hood River/Bingen for 6 wks and have about 12 similar pd incidents; this also happened in Tillamook area 3/28 in a rain/wind/snow storm, nearly froze to death and those crazy people try to rollon me for tresspass; unbelievable....!!!! My trust I know includes, zoo, park, pge, water distict, omsi, airport, beavers, oregonian, Pnwca, lloyd center, Portland Tennis center, blazers, rose garden, Wells Fargo, US bank, Wamu, and many more things. I also have not been able to get any cooperation from SSA office;or Transitions for old or new ID-people always tell me there is a play downtown to get my ID from someone-bull----, at thispoint since it was to be given at Monterey Beach Resort which I own-Parents built-3/06 it must be just given to me withmy US Gov. ID and Military Rank.. ....please read my blog at, sincerely, damon The person who planned the murder of my parents john and jennifer anne Mabraeth from LA has people here; DAmato, DeAngelo, Mozano, Nazzaro have been commanding around me as well as many others. So Moved near McDonalds since there is a scandal around my trust fund and I have no where to stay; 3 cops showed to mess with me even though many things were stolen without probable cause; venechio and DAmato are made very big around the Zoo and Wa park; my estate still sits near Goose Hallow and the Zoo. So I moved to covered area at Cleveland high where Dambrosia's attended HS,
1 night cop drove by very bad, activated by person who planned parents murder; then another another night; then that same day another told me if I returned to the school I would be arrested despite z28/camaro silver tcj-451 Ore plate, red pick up, and black motorcycle lic
ore 51525 were made 4x after 11pm doing high level witchcraft on the school and bathroom;
trying to kill someone in school; principal is made as well. I reported this over phone earlier.

I moved again. Sure enough, I had permission to sleep in the back of small market just South
of 35th/Division, chinese guy made big from China has been putting huge kills there each night;
approx. 100 from china, I cleared big, then apartment above is this crazy prostitute; that routinely screwed bad there; she actually the first night said I could be there the next morning; a few nights later a guy, 5-10 32yo, black/brown, hair, hwp, in a gold metallic VW golf shows and tries to school, stayed over, it doesn't go and he fails to give me the car; She fails to give me the apartment; this is clearly a mob front because she doesn't pay rent, and chineseguy doesn't sell enough to pay himself even $10/hr 8-11pm 7 dys, 15hrsX 30 dys/mth=450 hrs/mth, X $10/hr = $4500/mth, even if she did pay rent of $1200/mth he would have to sell $125/day to break even to pay himself $10/hr. Plus Insurance/expenses/mtnce. Since I was there someone
left a cart with a few things that had been there for a week; this and all my things; about $350
worth of 4 pair shoes, several complete sets of clothing, cd, cass, base crdlss telephone, books,
disappeared ala chinese guy and this crazy lady; 1st time at night this guy walks by me description; 5-9, 220lbs, 55yo, crazy, tries to kick me from staying there; mostly bald, hair on side ear to ear only-blonde silver hair; he basicly threatened me; next night on scooter with yellow/black jacket, 1 blck away he threatens me again ; then 2 nights ago 3x, he shows up at 2:15 am and tells me to leave; then wants to fight me; I got him out of there big in spirit
so high and quick he hardly knew what happened; I find out later that he tried to kill me big with most of
whats going on in Missouri and the crazy lady (5-4, 35yo, 145lbs, black-brwn), put a huge kill on him; and of course he thought it was me; then tells me to leave and hand writes a note, well I had just gotten there at 1230am and missed the sign telling me to leave for join; How was I to know it was him that left the note anyway??? So during this kill from her he goes over and tears off my
blankets and tosses them around and starts threatening me. I found out this nut was
lied to and didn't really understand who he was dealing with. The first night he claimed to
own the property which is bullshit; he lied and tried to play me and was played and killed quick!!! He had no reason to talk to me period. All that lady had to do was ask me to
leave; when I arrived that night she new I had arrived! One night she walked right by me.
So did this other guy with the VW. After all this yelling from
him she nor the neighbors called police nor interferred to stop his vigilanty action. As I was leaving at night 10/19 to morning 10/20 I knocked on the door and she didn't answer. This
guy never showed during business hours and I never saw him enter the apartment or talk
to the chinese guy... Odd... So he left, I packed up and left; as I left this crazy lady got it from
me big time; I heard some wimpy loud scream/cry in the spirit for what she did; I was
around the corner on division in front of Pixie and a red jeep cherokee drives up and same
guy is in passenger seat; and he said something like he's sorry and I hope Join works out!
He stayed in the car. I didn't like it; I thought he was a cop as I saw this car roll by the market,
I found out he put 2 large kills on me at that point. I earlier had mentioned my things were stolen and he said he knew "they were thrown in the garbage", and yet one night a pallet was '
put on my things so it wouldn't uncover??? Mixed signals. I believe someone else may have
done this. I told him when he was in the red Jeep that I didn't see the sign it was
dark. Basicly my Pro, US Gov. Top Secret agent talking here is that this guy is nuts; and didn't even know he got it; I didn't know he was using so much from Missouri; He, her, chinese guy, and the police, and probably DAmato are all trying to collect on what I made; several murders
that went good there from my work... Several million, because this mob front didn't make shit anymore and this lady was a long long way from getting anyone with or without me there.
I found out they still have nothing there? I don't know what to say here? I slept a block
away; across from scooter place put, my mat/cardboard/tarp next to asain auto shop that is
also made big; I think vietmese guy(made big '85 nissan maxima, stolen later by someone downtown; was there big; now chinese; he's done too; I go back for
these small things and there stolen too in less than 24 hrs. This Jeep guy figures out that its not just the market that went good; that everthing around me goes good and that I have money everywhere here, and he has $0. So that is 4 moves in the last 30 days bad. As judge which I am qualified as since I was
young; conspiracy, witchcraft, fraud, attempted premeditated murder; murder; and assault.
He didn't approach me with "didn't you see the sign?", This crazy lady actually murdered some
people on the property; to my knowledge not the chinese guy or the other guy. There murder charge would be from China and Missouri. I also found out that the china guy has a lot in china, he's big; and when he
went bad; they took everything they could from him in china. Radio cab was right behind
this Jeep as it left East bound, and I asked him to call that in. I Just have to go back to Missouri
and interview neighbors and check this person out.

damon murphy (
Fri 10/09/09 5:40 PM
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I want to ad that word on the street is that Sylvia is definately impersonated; she has my old ID, which she gave me money to order; I got the cashed receipt and showed it to here! She also has 2 checks for $1mil from 2 other people for me; she tried to forge and cash them! Nut! In '04 I was there in that house for 3 mths; That Sylvia schooled my hip big, tried to poison and kill me; and also played me big even with TV; all the while knowing my little Elisa 4yo was dead, Nick was dead on Christmas, Tony was dead in the Air Force; Andrea was dead and Sante Fe, NM jail; sick, then she accepts a large check and puts it in an account for me at the bank from the 2nd bad Chuck; grapevine says $2mil.. Also William jr. worked in grocery 30 yrs.; where did his pension go? Richard at Benchmade knives for 20 yrs? where did that estate go to? Kathy worked at Reed where? There not young. I'm also trying to get into school and getting the run around with N.Clackamas Comm. College-this one is totally made and screwed me over even though they accepted me-the reason I mention is Truesdell President is made and impersonated and I filed a huge complaint with Clackamas County Sherrif, Mt. Hood, Reed, Western Seminary, Warner-Pacific, PSU, Multnomah, Ecola, WSU, PCC, and Cascadia. Also there is a scandal around Lewis and Clark, U of O, OSU, PNWCA, Ore Col. of Art. I went to elementary school at Humbolt-scandal-made-also NCCS next to N. Clackamas Comm. College-Scandal-many people I knew died bad that went to that school; Recently and before I made DSHS office big; and played to a high amount; since they always try and play me; I just wanted help with basic work clothes, glasses, ID, and food stamps. (This is sad because my dad hired 10k people to find me and I was registered on food stamps at the age of 3.5yo in 1970 about 6 mths after being kidnapped; so on my application I said I have a trust; Sylvia's impersonated; Nick's two kids in LA are pretty much done now-kidnapped though-no help. I would like you to have some people visit undercover and see what they are doing; its bad; they schooled feet big time my last visit; china social worker is made. So many from china and saudia arabia made here. sincerely, Damon

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Update blog. 9/10/2009

I have been messed with 24/7 for the last 9 mths and have not updated my blog. I have tried to get into college at NCCC, PCC, Reed, Concordia, Multnomah, Warner-Pacific, PSU, Western Seminary, and Mt. Hood CC; no luck, no ID help. Sylvia DAmbrosia is impersonated and has
withheld my ID from WA St also mail with money in it and word on the street she has tried to
cash a check that was inside my mail. David pastor where I sleep has claimed being transgender and is lying, and is impersonated. They say I didn't get to it, whatever! this is bullshit, I knew he was impersonated more than one time, and killed the pastor, attempted on my life are many daily. I have received only foodstamps, some clothing and food money and a bike from a lady who helped me. There is too much to tell right now. Police rolled on me today, Officer Miller is fake, from out of state, and so was the other, David's impersonator showed up. They asked me to leave despite my calling twice on David and asking fake police to arrest him for cause; lying in the Portland Tribune read by about 500k people locally; he asked me to leave the property which he doesn't own and the pastor was killed, he didn't really help me each day he tried and or had other people try to kill me including people; Many people in that neighborhood are there big and have tried to kill me. I explained that there I am trying to have FBI, DOJ, Police go out and ID Sylvia, Billy, and Tony, and Richard and Kathy Dambrosia so they squaters can be removed immediately. The city has been trying to steal the
estate from the carnage that happened to the D'Ambrosia family. DAmato, D'Angelo, Nazarro, Muzano, Akron, Scott, Zapato are also names that have been made around the mob activity and my trust fund. I have made numerous calls and email to city, court, and police with no help , cpa's, attorneys and no help. Many people arrive daily by air, car, etc. to try and get somewhere in portland, its sick, there so done, the whole city gets it many times a day for not giving me
my trust, DAmbrosia, estate, and all mades. The person who killed my parents real name is
Pallazzo, nut case, its too far in the mind now. China is trying to take over the whole world, and or kill everyone with the help of the skull.

I am trying to get arrest records, my ID, then arrest sylvia. She was given a large check in fall of '04, also large 401k from billy, this all ads up, my estate is on the hill. I am working on all legal settlements, especially IRS, in Dambrosia name, and also IRS refunds in Mabraeth name.

I have also made people at my old residence in NE portland near PCC, and Salvation Army office is now located where a friends house used to be, and near Clackamas HS.

No more time to post; Douglas and Kroon also rolled on me for nothing are Rose Garden near
max.. Wrote me bad off transit for 30 dys effective in 11 days??? Not there done.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Whole Foods, New Seasons, Safeway, Fred Meyer

Basicly in fall of '04, when I was at a vitamin sales meeting; behind the scenes this lady connected high up to Whole foods thought I was supposed to be with here as my girlfriend. What I didn't know is that at that time Claudia/Chuck/Michael stole $750 million from my trust to expand Whole foods and later go public; sound far fetched; Not! heres why; New seasons property pressured wild oats out of business then opened by St. Phillip Neri; huge kill there related to someone my parents knew; so they say; they always school and try to play me and lose; customers and employees are made trying to mess with me; many are there bad from accross town to mess with me or out of state or country. So incomes the FTC to try and say Whole is a Monopoly to steal big money! And whole try and get info. from New Seasons to show there not. Bottom line; hundreds of people made inside ther store schooling; one employee after I had already left got big trying to walk out the dble doors trying to hit me real. Nut case. Again this person didn't get thru anything or outplay me to try anything; God knows its a sin, and Huge felony to try and kill someone at work as an employee during your shift!!!! They also tried to steal $200k for college money so they could go to school. See how it is. I actually called the police and complained about approx. 4 day old pizza this guy put out again, with daily witchcraft on it at the deli. I almost got sick.

Basicly the same thing has happened in several states, even Win Dixie in Florida. Recently one of the Tom Cruise's had the people in Safeway at 39th and Powell surround me and try to get me in the spirit and smoothly and quickly they all got it. Tom was commanded. I challenge you when in Safeway to pay attention if you have eye strain or pain. They almost always try this one on me. All employees are made, guards made. Recently one guard lied, said he had a complaint that I stole, excuse me!!! I am watched and tracked 24/7 for several years now. Liar!!! He tried to school me big on the heart and a few other areas. Younger guy with tatoo on his neck.

Fred Meyer is similar; they are remodeling bad at Se hawthorne store. There yard;; they used to fight and kill people in the back parking lot.
Its clear a la mabraeth. The deli guy is too high there; the self serve machine play you and so does the attendant. I also have gotten thru the Attorney for the memorial foundation; plays in the window back in June.
Fred Meyer Boys and Girls club. Numerous people from China made there big trying to steal; steal from America that is. People think China leave most money here when they help the mob;...right!!! One day 3 men from China there and 2 women all older. A few days ago another older man. Kung Fu Panda movie helped me get thru some of there stuff. Also the China store on Hawthorne. One night a guy blocked my vision for a second while walking by in the bathroom; that was weird; heard steps; looked; then next thing I know he was in the stall. The recycle machine plays you big.. I fixed this and as I went thru about $10
of left bottles for me I got thru a large number of kills. The machine is supposed to help you.

Oaks Park, McMennimans, Bagdad, Avalon,

Oaks park is made; I got thru the plays. the guys is a murdering nut case that has no business owning the property; he schools little children and kills them later and or on the property; The women rollerskating is bull; thats out; they are schooling and messing with the property bad. Its made it goes to Mabraeth.

McMennimans is totally made in the same way; especially Bagdad, Crystal Ball Room. These properties are marker in the spirit for many murders in the spirit and I like Hound Dog 1 go to it and find out what happened clearly and quickly. I visited Bagdad many times since 11/1.
Election night-Obama/McCain etc. tried to school me big. Both impersonated. Also Free movies Remade Willy Wonka made, and '89 Batman, joker made big. I also saw Dark Knight. HS musical 3. Burn after Reading. One time I was to see a movie and the Mgr lost it and wouldn't let me in to see the movie; said I needed ID; its bull; I'm over 40. Place is made. and I wasn't going to order Alcohol. Ironically the customer under 21 can enter the bar; another made to school young people in the bar, later in night its 21 and over. The illegal withholding of my ID is made; even the library Bleeping wants a picture ID!!!! After the movie this new nut, psycho path killer; approaches me from behind and stands there with his arms crossed. The waiter walks by and says he is crazy. I look back at him as the credits star to roll; and think this guy is nuts; I think he may be trying to hurt me; I find out he only got thru 100-300 things and wanted to kill me inside the movie theatre! He tried to hit me in the spirit and the lead actor hit him in the spirit as I walked by. (he needed several million and even then he would be f-ed for trying. So I am almost out the front and he tries walks up to me to "86" after they took my money and I watched the movie and got thru many things for HS age people. I confronted him with trying to kill me outloud in front of everyone!!! So if your reading this at FBI, CIA, or Portland PD consider this my police report.!!!

So another night I am over on Belmont and 35th Avalon, lights, movies, popcorn, pinball; wow! The guy killed so many fucking people, shit!!! PPD your commanded to arrest this guy immediately and give to Mabraeth. So he plays them big, schools little children... I put a hug amount to protect them there. After I left one day I heard on the street he tried to kill a little kid with his Dad right there; most importantly he didn't school them that much!!!! Someone that big trying to get someone; the person usually falls and can't move! They tell me one time the Mgr doesn't want me to go to the movie; illegal. He killed the guy who owned it before; there are 4 locations. Recently he got some young kid in the mind; too many mind kill techniques. Also he had a hotdog there with fire on it . I saw it in the spirit as well. So FBI, PPD, CIA I need a few agents to take care of this. This person also commanded a chinese person to put a large kill on the sidewalk as I walked up; and I got thru it very quickly and it didn't do anything.

Next door same problem; different some; was very big in the hand; the comedy show was made; they usually het someone in the hand and play and school them on top of getting a admission fee. Property made. Picture of the guy out front; glasses. Many more things made. I have spent some time downtown; mostly on Holgate; Foster; 82nd, Division; Hawthorne, Burnside, Broadway, and Belmont. Some of these people get to big because they are given too much by the skull when I visit; the mob keeps trying to hold its fronts on these streets even though its already done; they have trouble getting anyone. Made, outplayed, and schooled.